Ai12- The Canadian Champion, Friday, February2 e Rotary presents 27, 2009 Uniform issue to be addressed Ivoui îbhe arnt of Boarlsvlt i-cun Io il in a iiilro e lgtions hIl d lc i ll i( o 11, ýd hi acw u.i22ies &, Lruu Dinner, comedy and live auction in support of the Halton Down Syndrome Association, breast and prostate cancer. Supported by i liti ii i (n Atil oi ,s O' îit ii uim bctai ý iii tani' iabitî utitlcitigi t i st"iig ibuni lîs 'l iiiilic i ttpîîwai utoutlLt i bing ma r ti's tii nI 55,îi i itii aibi Ilas i \it Iis i ,,, it l ,ti iS 1 t llit t i. i tl it l it- i i t Itîtît 'ýiiîiti igtIl and ( ,urillt it a ilot 5 -tltttl uii \ipatls îai ilidIiai ,that\c \lligtîlis lt-iii.l ii (iîc \\hic lt if ii s I tîntilcn t ij ls il i ili ii Iî iflilvdt itl itc pîli îproititl ai t' t ilii\ k îng distib- loii a istiiiudioîon iiix ilit boardiitl ',îtld pio- tL ted hi b b iý,stu , ,idt .\ huariiii jliii ti iî ut iittit i liit gbt inadît your library EL Beaty 1Branch Steel lias arrived and construction is underway i Drive by the site on Fourth Line, South of Derry or Vsît our website and see photos ý of Beaty Branch - FEBRUARY'S CHIEF LIBRARIAN'S REMARKS Came On @ Vour Library Could there be any more important news iis monîb iban 10 tell you that tbe Structural Steel for Beaîy Brancb is here ai lasi? Aong witb everj, one else on the poeci, 'm de igbicd 10 report ibatibe steel is on site. You caxi sec pictures of the brancb on our websiîe (check under Beaîy Branch news) and even nmore pictures on FtîckR, as we îrack tbe pro-,gress from week to week witb photographs. It was paricutarly exciting in earty February, wben the site seemied to transform bourty. Now that înucb of tbe steel is in p lace, the changes are more subi le, but no less reat for ail tisai. It is ton early 10 confirm an opening ate , bwver earty fli is certainly a reasonabte goal. If you arent quite sure where the brancb is, wben you are travelling casi on Derrs) îîîrn soutb on Fourîb Line. The branch is just souîb of Clark Boulevard, on tbe lefi side tif the street Vitien yoîî las-e a chante,.dtive hy and scec.\hai you îlîînk su far Martit Break is rîght artttiid the torner, and ftir ibusttiI s tt wlîo will enjov the Breakls a htomîe, check otuîstimufth~fie programs, for cildreiî and teens, ihai wîtl bc held ai itîe Library. Yot'll scemrriîr information about thicvt'iis etsewhere on the page. J Usi a reîîîndcr, to. thai the fine and fee changes ihai 1 taked aboîutin lasi intts cotunîn wiiî go ilti effeci ion Martb 1, 2009. Chetk tîtr websîîe for more deîaîls abîtut the chanîges. 'm keeping ihe toltîmî as shorti as possible ibis mnîh, i order ihai ibere wilt bc lots ni room for pictures, prograîn information, reconîmended reading (and watcbing) lists, and t1bok forward 10 îatking witb you next montb, wbere t tbink spring witt be ver mucb on aIt our minds. Leslie Fitelt CEO Drep in preîii Ages Il and i ip _____________________________________________________________________________ i Can't get south for March Break? Join us for one of our Fun in the Sun programs For ages 6 -101 $3.100 per prograrn ___ 2 p.m. March 17 - Mexico March 18 - Carlbbean March 19 - Hawaii f liii regstet al CIiîdistî Informatît i tns etot te 0uaw«t es pücolPr<îgr*îîis M~ inP i l-Iilrir,%r 'raiesl'o r Tîts - Prescliool 1i îiil \ .'t ' Press Play @ Vour Library Experience Teen Tech Week Enter to win an MP3 player March 17 - 20 - 3 - 5 p.m. For Students in Grades 7 - 12 Test Drive the Librarys Audiobooks Play Rockband / Guitar Hero Check Dut Dur Anime and Books on CD Noc registration ceqaîeed Two New Databases www.mpl Auto Repair Reterence Cenier This dalabase includes attomnolive repair inormation on most mafluhaclurerS of domnestic and îînporled velicles. Canadian Points of View Reference Centre This tuf -text dalabase is desigiîed to provide slodetîts with a sertes otf essaysta la preseili multiple ides of a surent rssie Aniendnhents to I il>r a r Fines and Fees Effectiv e Mlarcli 1, 2009 ,Aduit niaterial fines I<o increase to 20 cents per daN to a nmaximlunmut' $S7.00> pet- itelli Shidren's material finles Io inerease 1(1 20 cenits per d(aIs tu .1 mnaximjumil u 0.<0 per- itenm Seniors tob te-4iIpay ing fines (sainle as Aduits) I.ibrar% fines ean he avoi(Ie(I bN relleNii I bure arc illi-ee casv .\s ays II rCflCv' sour îlinls: p h one 905-875-2665 NN ebsite v55 nfie t ii) .% in pcirsori si cil up liii illai i itttt i i t titi10 lî-tîltîs ,îîl iii ictuisc uttsv ricii tîtîlcii d'uiittc dteis 905- 5 1