c iIth~ ( nx~r~rn (flrinrninn Mlton's Community Newspaper Sînce 1860 W 4' ~. 41 4 ~ ,I~oi'~N E W 4S s P 0)1P TAS New Town Hall E.C. Drury nets Show promises opening delayed volleyball titie choice of art * ,PAHAt 1 .4- j A A Arj4.x1 ,i 404 '41 I .444 4 IVAD HATTERS: 'Mr Lairds Crazy Hat Exravaçarza' ai Caseys RestaK.îanl wVaS 444141.4Of il -E V1 WF',4 144 .444 y i I j hu144y 444 ,4 01 ,1. 04. cil nvnry Tuesday îigE i ýFcbruary The Pcacil brouglîl out studenis and their parents wvea.rng fi41.h,îis whiIee 044c.yi444)d1,44441.as45i fuirii fr,41. 1-0 <4ie 4440441 HK 4, fr011 lefi, Caitlyn Davidsur , 7, Megan Hayns, 10, and Heaiher Davidson, 9, Srufw ther h4,a Beloved daughter Ieft to die in ditch: trial By Stephanie Hounsel CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF l'rK11t141.1141o4,1 F441Ircd Li1 rcn ( 11o.1.144418 ,11. kî t4x1 1 aR..1K r 114 14K.id iK 14I rural,îillidi441 in1111 11\.4.14.4 4. 111-i i,4144 îî jl 1 ').lt 2000,4 .11.l i K'K 141441 1î(o Io) Iiist 4î .14 111144 ui in iii a da\,11.41..1.1. . a 41,14 l 4,144 41.1114 andK IiKc1no. 4111.1114 4111.1.4 41 11 warn , ttiiiiiici-1 ai asi 1. ~ îi w I414KKî iî1.4îîîI114 141.1.41. î,il. 1.tiIl1Ih\14 K 1.14141K41 41141 1.1 k aI ccl 4 ,11Ioui itI(, 1 Il 1KI1114.4 iliilAtabo it 0 ,Il 1.îlîilck onî Il I,1 m41 h1cKîlîîanîll irciai ahl oiîK .1. 441.1.11 che, M114K~ lî 1\\il C1441114 mo (A al holl K'4 \\11)111.hi,, 1 1,. .. 4 1,141.111 44 d \I ll Il4 4411 ,1I1t I , 11 111.44 \\1I lc.114' î. andîlîî ilin \K 41141114)441.44,1 KI 111114 h od iin If 13 1 111 1 Iii-. cd Ii 1 I4K 1441.1 1111.1 îlî .of I 4 . 1 . iKIK'1 4,1 -- 11 ,labout111(J 2) 1<11 541- 1 11111K1.icu I ,iitIcIKI44RilIciKI ladKIand I4K1 11114N11.4s11Ï4 but Iîî 1111 4 11 alld 1 ,1 111141 \(.14KIll I I' i l 4 41411.144414 Iî4 1.4 Kl i 441.1. '1LUI \ 041.4 114 14 1 \\1111 Ili, a1.1.14 see NEIGHBOURS on page A2 ZAKIS PHARMACY Milans ndependent Phurmacy 10SeniDnu n t NiAu Die PlnAe K1ed *Wnfil,,Diu nf ila aein "At Zaku W. Cure About Vour Healuh" 70 Main St.E. 875-2424 Design sped up: art centre By Tim Foran 045NADI1N CHAMPIOSN STAFF IIll, 1( l I '. 11.-1444) .lc.1d ii 1_11 \K I i 1 K i4441Km i u 1l( 14 li ii l 41 Ilic I.i Ii , I c( cl\ c III, tlllýli 0IiL44441.414\ Ill( Ii PI j4 1 4. I4,1 41 .4 S\ý II m 44 1444144 of K lIjI KII IL 4, l 1.K1 I 444î441. t 1.1 4144 iCENTRE41. In1.page K.Ai K9 Toclay's Champion OPINION A6 DATELINE A14 CLASSIFIED A31 REAL ESTATE A35 - 4'414,,l1..'44 - PARTIAL omsTRuiueINie. www.miltontoyota.coml A SK EMIL Y My humane are sayinq tht they are longinq for. Sprir.g. W/ho isot.! They are aiso talking about msquitoes, Heartworm Diseuse and ME! Worse, tbey are planning a date to take me te the Vterinarian for my lleartworm Test, and my Annual Physical. How 1 hte Vetsl! 1 amrn et qoing. 1 refuse. 1 might lob big and brave, but in reality 1 arn just a baby!! igned O arGo tk'. Oh poor dearl Be brave young man. The P/ts are just there te elp ou... They are ic peuple. lrn sure tht dee? duwn Yeu new that. 1 bt pour Veterineriao thiobe tht pou are jut levely. Take care, signed £ 4"ew u vPTeinii PFI 550 Ontario St. S., (Iocated ln Pizza Hue Plazat HawkIflS Animal Hospital 905-875-6888 E38ERGS MAIS WHERE SERVICE NEVER GE U FSYE Hurs: Mon Wed an-6pii h sF7m8m Sat 9am-5:3O 1 SLiday-Cloe Complete interior design services including... Lîghtîîîg. îîallpapet & f,11)r44 wuîîidow tîn.tmeîntSslîîîittter.s & colour conîsultationîs BOOK TOUR CONSULTATION TODA>'! 7 THANK YOU FOR VOT/NII - US FAIIOUITE PINTWALLPAPER, ITERIOR DECORATING, FURNITURI L1 ~tann4/'Hem~MS. Mfa~, kina' eunla/uAuuP'uan aflDV5~lO4/* aS î1t~. 1 1