A20 - The Canadian Champion, Wednesday February 25, 2009 Spartans roli into Halton final e'~"~' !~" t' 'i By Herb Garbutt METROLAND MEDIA GROUP 1 ie Ci' D[i xix~~i axItitpcIletiti îg IoIi ci r l laiitn Ilitglit xi itîtîti xi ixiti x titit lictistxbut tuil'itutlucilax i cli îîîîîîîîîî t bit Nitx itîx i' luit i xxi] xt p iaIc theititirnt a t taititu i itititîtiîîixiand i tuipiiig î Illîe pn iri a i "Ibi'chi 'it i I tui titi ii'îtx c 'uiopiii 'bii' \lititi i i tttIllte xii îtk tii 14 utat(i1 lt xiiimole tp xtxt takîug 28 iili t îîxx ,ie ,iii îîîitii xii ia 2t25-1 i i titi xxIICL atIo t h titi tilaux i'atttiltîxi priigni'xxi'i \\hilc ixa in i îîîi lolIlltt'e tt'it xii, Drtii'x xalx c ix i iii titit nit I'xie îî 1îi liii Inlî !)t \ li ltx i tuti bit xxlit lix I b"111 h oi h i tti iI (ý" 'i i "A1It l Iv, i tri iIoi ltîtîttalit tidk btt xi'xîlî tinte alletlnet t leNutt'h ii iikîiii \tî'ge Rectotit Mvicanxx it' uTn hxtî(ti ii itan BittiB Reittir hai'iiri'ii hc blaroou riiî or îx"n ini î plx righî itrîîîîgh itie MI)hini kits Il li 11g Ihit tý\ IîîîtcIx i ili t it1 lIt r ti oii.t tuI x ii i l 1 l LI ick i i'oh tti't1 nii t ii tt ix \ttîi i l b\ liiiii' itti1i1 i iii il liil 1 î îiiîii 1I('(Il\ tilt t it' illaîîix i ail 22g 8 i u lo t1 I lxtî iig iiti, i a i lxici t ix i U 22-8,t cIltl xi I tt1,01 il'l ilduil i ' li i 1\ ( \itC ilbtil itli i llxx iii t', i îîîin itp it ixtixlx ii c titi t l i lii i l ic xi 11xia i iit ' Zi ti hxx iî x ii lixt ( iiiii iititi ix ti(' il x ix x iii ctî t ixot ii liii , lidi tti i laxii iiiit i lli i ittIll Iiixplii tt iti ttlit' it Ig h i il itiLitîit i i litii iti iti lit(.t l it Ii ilIc i i i 1(l ttii ilitg iti ic o itg ui 1i11ti0 Iliii Ilit up titîl i i itax ti a i ( c i iii tî Imý ai ix i tii xi itt i it i \\î cI ,iI lx itlxiiiil Ii ix ti iii ix xi it itililo lii iiii iii iiiliii iu tilt k iiit lcI -1ii tii xliia 'itui iih lt tii titon Ïi i i iiilic Real Canadian Su2erstore - Mlton 820 Main Street, Milton_ WVednesday - March 4, 6:Opm - 9 OOpm Thursday - April 30, 6:OOpm - 9'OOpm Rgse ype or nine ww ,B.0.0 amco tiix tii ai i ~t iii ai xiii i itiait t itilîgi iii thîk tilt' GRAHAM PAINE/ CAIxADIAN CHAMPION SPIKING SPARTAN: E.C. Drury's Bni Rector spîkes the bail past Milton District Mustang defenders Tort Pickering lieftt and Lyndsey Innes in Monday's Haton senior girls semitinai, The Spartans posted their 141h conseculîve victory. 25-15, 25-g to advance 10 the Haton champi onshîp game Thursday at Sheridan College in Oakviie. Drury wil lface Oakvllie's St. Thomas Aquinas Raiders. Deluxe 12 V Heated Seat Cushion, manufactured by Elegant Canadian Tire is recalling the Deluxe 12 V Heated Seat Cushion (Canadian Tire product number 32-1427-4) manufactured by Elegant. It has been determnined that due to a manufactuning defect, the insulation that surraunds the heating elements could shift, and in some cases cause the fabnic ta heat and smolder. There have been some reported cases of smoldening and as a result we are asking customers ta discontinue the use of the Elegant product immediately and ta return it ta their local Canadian Tire for a refund ar exchange. Please note that this oecall applies ONLY to those units manufactured by Elegant from January 2007 to February 2008. This product was manufactured by 2 diffeoent vendars. OnIy the units previously manufactured by Elegant are being recalled. The units which are currently manufactured by SonJoy are stili suitable for use. How the unit manufactured by Elegant can be identif ied: UPC CODE: 0 27323 60248 3 Instal Snioke Alarnis Ifs The Law. The Ontario Ftre Code requires that every home have working smoke alarms. Instailithem in your home or cottage today! 'AIF KEVIN BILACICL