K'8 - T-hè Canadiah Champion, Frlday, February 6, 2009 lv 1l/fl 0tw CHURCH 0Flmý CHRISTa 1412 Brtannia Rd. West, Milton, On L9T 2X8 unay Services 10 a 905-875-2939n e MIton District Hi gh School Sunday Sohool Classes n a 396 Williams Ave 1000 arn Fult Children's P rogram, Worship & CommunionO rt De Birth -Grade 6 il:00am e 1 www.truenorthchurch.ca Thursday Bible Study i SSt George's Anglican R ~ SAnglican Church of CanadaG St George's 7(l5 Glueph lIlle,\B tI FRo c X lt11jf n .rf C ur We invite you To worsflîp wTOius, 317 Main St. E 905-878-2411 Tli/F . or t îi 'S da February 8.Sevcs O:Or Sunday February 8th w w w g r a c e c h u r c h nii t 0orn c o m Retor: Re. Rai laid Glenn Traditional & Con.e pr s1 3airy Holy Communion Sunday 8amrnnvites ou tg) rhp ti is his Sundài a( Annual Meeting & Lunch atter Services 8 i E ch rii 1wCresroa(ls Centrentin "ngic Preservice Hymn Sing at 10:15 amn "edpong d ay 2:30 uiet, Sai Eucalrite usnai 2Nnd Sh rviedSupervised Nursery Care frorn 10: 15 arn + q ie, raitonl it ariai Rhîdîi'l iltriIPiîîJîi/ Sunday School kids 3 to 10 at 10:45 arn Chdre alayswelomeSunday 10 arn Fr service times visil îîur uebsile ai Soul Food on Tuesdays - supper/wors h/p 6 pin Sung Euçharist )1sgeorges1ovuuille.onIt The Rev Susan Wells (905)878-1112 + children's programs r Calli -866-351-2642 ext. 40501 an Çeec RACEWAYBAPTIST CHURCH MILTON GOSPEL HALL ~Lvl/ ep KO Unifed byChrist's lov6e, w 103 Martin Street 306 Ontario St. N.* 878-3873\X(tlEiI .iI1c share Hm wth the worid " 905-878-1 629 10:00 a.rm. - The Lords Supper Snasa 0 anSre SPastor Walter H. lsaak 11:45 ar.- Sunday Sehool Snasa 0 anSre loi Fu s USun a 9:50 a.m. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service New Meeting Times 10..:30 arn -mWorshîp Service, 11:00 arn. Morning Worship Wednesday 7:30p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study Sufldays at 9:00 arn & 11:00 arn Sunday Schoot & Nursery 6:0pm- vngSeic The ahrsnteSo Cottee & Conversations at 10:30 arn Blendng traditional & çontemporary styl6 0pm lSthudy &Pryr to be the Sviour or the uorld. Ail are Welcome! 90.7-06 iDStE M/To 'ouli tas ind a friand at Gaea"lat John 4.14 905-876-3586 170 87Ma 66in1 raSata. raEa.,- MiwlMtonilehUchC knoxmilton@ibeinet.ca Mr tel www.gracewaybaptist.org wwMloBbehrhc inviesyuto Urwe TYObasNiîsi HL E YO E EHT NDAY 1 HEMSICE N IF WiNEWDEFEICHTHE '-E UTHOPR, THT DAY NALL E N I R HEL Y LL ASNT17 EVE[fc.K kG GHAFiikLXFT E Vrv r TSTJ AND ENDNESDAYS F 'i Nehlde' &TYout Centr To AdvertiseEWnthe SancTuar Sat. 11:0 a.rFr-mDvinrseeraceGrade Y D ic v rt e a i g Bi l n w r.t ie s e p e i gVus i n ,I slý ,,m ( it s O s / e w w N w i e lt f . adtesc ret a n@ itochd acappyn co Fi B cii PaKýRAN, HAFS1 R PogI, il )(i clm MS19