Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Feb 2009, p. 29

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The Canadian ChamPion, Friday, February 6, 2009 - Bi ART CaliIng Spîlbrg Does movie Iegend's offer st«ifl stand?) By Stephanie Hounsel CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF What weuld yen de if yen feuud yeursell face te face wi tb legendary muoviemraker Steven Spielberg? Ask fer bis auîegrapb? Pi tub an idea? Pay hi m a compliment? Claudi o DiFede knews how hed reaci, because thats ibe very situation theeflm producer found bîruseif in - twice - 15 years ago, once at an L.A. awards show wheru bue beldly told Spielberg they were destined tu werk tegeiber, ancd ibui ai au Oscars after-party Te gt te that peint is a stery onit s ewu ,fter ail, titut dent iet fusi auybedy îîtte those rcd carpet scnruus. Ai, well, tbey didu't exaetly let DiFede in, the seuîiuîtgls îîîsîîî- cible 23-year eid snuck .in. lu ans evunt, ibu> wure twe meincrable citueunters [sevit ictuiec c îi u ss h uti l ý isc i gise c1tlte i i 'jiIcg 11ý But fer some reascîn Dil-ude dîdu t. lie luititee ppili tin ty pass bt as the tusponsîbîlîties of fle - itantels, utarritge and family - teek tîvur. His desire iii make a ircîls, great movte got sbcîved îîtîîîthe backgreund. New, as a busband antd father et a îwe-vuar tlcl caugîter, hes readv teo take baek bis cîrearus and fîîd tout if uts possi- hie te make gecîciocm îbum alter succ a long passage et trite Hes going ici attcmpite piek up wheru be leiticil1antdiake thai caîl te Spelberg. Ready te revisit movie-makiug passion f su buili a souId fetncaticîn cfîflaiils aitut itwiîw nu i acîs te take eot shat 1Icfut beltîîtcf the utîts Miltînie sicit t îld theChuamnpioun. Alonug the v ay, bis attinupis seul bucs icetapecf i thu jeurney capîsîred ti a decu crama iptît niaittd ( .illing Spiellîcug. The film wif explcure thet cg If tsar bitlenitfis cratuts and everyday file, uxplainued DîFedec, a gradîîaîu tif ihe Amenican Film Instîtute. If hes able te arrange a meeting wiîlt Spelberg, tha'li dut- înitely be the clmax of tbe movie. But it'il aisît track the joumney and what it was ibat prevented bîru freru making the caîl in thbe hrst place. Hes already managed to negotiate a short interview wiîh Spieîbergas mother in retum for a review of ber restaurant. So just how dîd DiFede come tace to face wiîb ibe movie giant anyways? Suene One, 1994, Los Angeles. A young DiFede becomes freneb with a guy uamed Robert Medema, wbos also in the business and regulariy sncaks into awards shows. When the Peoples Choice Awards rolîs around, DiFede is bis sidekick and the paît makes it in, no questions asked. DîFede stands itear tbe baek oethie stage wbile Spielberg accepîs tbe tFaverite Motioîn Picture award fcor lurassie Park. lie appreaubes Spielberg as bu siups oftf tbe stage, sbakes lis baud antdnire- cluces binuseif, addîng, Yen eau take fi te thebauk, yeun ad 1 are gong te werk icgeiber eue day. Spielberg truiles and replies; Sure, kid, wby net' [bree meutbs laier, ibis mime wîîb Mecleina, Miss USA 1994 and aneiber werniu, Diledel manages t te gui nieie Oscars' Govurners h all, a sss ankt p)arts f elless'ig thue A'cadenit Atsaicîs spîbc i g uacd vvaîts is ittn tut spuak vtfîhui (I1 iitgls Sp)ielburg tsbun inciiI s al if udt asks, ifg busgtin t remember i\utn Ioculd I falere yeu?' Difed ank iles batincldg en isd n pcîgu uatne tiet enibr ingetet beaatn re.Oe e e tuxd ndpta e bbî nîî(e ADcwaees Sebpdy sasbeeteye DiFe 't viwccs ie dreitrscrl W Iwm.bttiehfldstolkflg.CQor «cii 9 5m8161947 I 1 bats xhat l'ni tus îng iii figure out,' Dii cdc said. 'And viliiiSpielberg ic ieiii bi na decade-and-a-lhait later? Aneiber geed questioîn, aliheugli a positive tîn tie ii t ncessars foi- the suci.uss of the filim, lil'ecde saici Its nfusi ernch Villibe runicether nie,'is the ornes' Is fate fate. or did 1 just rmiss the buoat? l'n t hnking the hoati might corneu arîîund agaiit, but nas bu net- Shootiîg here and in LA. Filntiing wfl hbc(dotie in Milton and iLA.,with Medemna a ce- preducer. li's being directcd b% R\,t an Green. -fbucprolcci lias a slîint budget uof S5 0, 0 00. t', etfoi Iets fie, tact tuinUIts te fie scnbut D Pi c saîd tIiiIl bc ne sitls ci ' oîenitnt t lits atteiist' Spcaking fri eu f _\_(teen 'aid lbe Wtt,s ciassitte Ible i ictfra futsv a- ' nd (lauche an lietdut t a ies s d." a iiisseiieh îtuc iesc idain gainsi patcalitis and repotsibilitices, an îitrstîng topie te xhicb ruant peeple cati relate. GRAHeAM IPAIN[F ANADIsu ut-AMPICIi Tbese isse are ede is eaqer te revsait a dream oppurtunity aitsar (witbin DiFcdc)," Green saîd, addîug, "Tbis ta bis major efferite reelaîru soeethiug that was lest.- DiFe-du bepes the filin will bc t îuisbed bN sumruurs end. " ar nont sure what te expeet but I knew l'in ready . Sacphanic HetînscIl can butrchedi ai sthiessenCn6niilieu- caîiadiancharrip«îîî.coini

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