22 -,TheCanadian Champion, Frida4' Februarye 06, 2009 Camer 1 Caeers areer 1 Caeers eîalHe jel Help M ineaIHoIp 8GeilHeIP ~ F'eléo"me to Our o - The driver makes scheduled deliveries and handles merchandise for the Ontario city regions based out of our Milton facility - you're hom Required Qualifications: " Must have an 'AZ'/'DZ' licence and a clean abstract " Must be conscientious of offering quality service to clients " Must be in good physical condition and enjoy manual work 7F(ýULL-,TMME: Sunday to Thursday, 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 am (nlght shlft) ' Other for" e tr i m hfte et Iide lefo lur tOL ri tf Iftlt- h i r)W '1ýf1 'R esponsible forpreparing customer orders with hgh detail and works ar a quick Pace *Competitive hourly rates plus incredible incentive earning potential of $2 35 per h our ta $10,00 per hour followng three month probation *Comýpreh ensive company-paid Benefit Plan, Pension Plan and grop RRSP, profit-sharîng Part-time: Friday - 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Saturday - 8:00 a.m. to 4:.00 p.m. Sunday - 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (additional shlfts are available) - Competîtive part time hoarly rate + shift premium Requlred Qualifications: " Good physcal condition and like 10 morte manualîf " No diffculty wonling on the night shift " Opportunties for advancernent Into the transportation departrnent which Includes pald traning on 'AZ licence aftec 21 year of service - GPS Wîith over 35 years ef experience, Jartette Health Services cares for more than 1600 resdents art13 retrement and long terre care fatîlities in Ontario Alexander Place is an 128-bed, long termn cary foclty nestled on a pictaresque 10 acre propelIf located in central Waterdown, RNs - Part-rne RPNs - FUII & Part-time WVe are seeleîng moivated indivîduals te prevîde qualîty cote te eut resdents, Candlidates met pansent a current certfîcataeof competence Ne casuol posîitins acailable RN Unit Coordinator - B-weekend Leokîng fer an etremely part lime lob? An RfN s reqairent fer eeery ether meekenri management and vvlI be traînvd te merte en fleer if requirent Manaqlement ane L tgi Term are experience au asset These raIes offer the exciting opportunity of potectial growth and development witlin our organization. Te cm e ut dyrîamîc team, nterested candidates sheîa 6 fermard a cempiete resuame ey Frday, February l8th, 2009 te, Alexander Place, A Division of Waterdown Long Term Care Centre lnc., Attn: Cathie Robitail le, Administrator, 329 ParVkside Drive, PPO. Box 50, Waterdown, ON LOR 2H0 Fax: 905-689-2625 1897 -2008 -e every nîght M. Be a part aj our IN-PA FER JOBi FAIR suppleanenl cnddlt us put pour ecpoymeol opporunities ino thIe haods fhouselaoldc in Burlmoolao, Oukville, Milon and Floumborough. Whv'y oal gbve us yor rmpooy a profite al1ng weuh the addreaa., fax ioformation, phooe oomber and a liai atjo8 opportunities eau have te offer. loabOr mie Ieploeed inoaur pecual w1itoO eUlh edisriat content toa amist people sUithisanacd articlea on haw ta getl he jota tuit ia righifor hern! Company PROFILE: (INCLIN& Conpory Ptod^cb Sanîicen fepars ir he omvnnîl C onpany enofis tc. ýycuc Company %rfile Herel emjoqmnfOPOTUIT Saur Company Opportunittts erel COMPANY 5558055 PHONE NUMBER E-MAiL - FA5 CONTACT RAME LoydI Ells@TgerDirect.ca, j ta mite pluaecanactv at; Far more informatioa about Miltn:at905)39-Ooao3 TgerDrect.ca please viit Our OaXvotttu r9sat 338-2a9m wehaîte at w ,TigerDirectca Buuaitîon: (oaci 637-988 1________Hel ___________________ Peli fpcrs 1 kath rriesWa IiiJobFair M INC monSal Feb. 7 - 1-2pm Sun Feb. 8- 10-2pm AND Sut Feb. 14 - 10-2pm Sun Feb. 15- 10-2pm BULDNG e,,OIA Seehng athtal-tîm an pat-l me rîîol for a moti residential apartment complex locat- adin Georgefton Applîcanfa mut haoe a soîrd undersfandîng of building systema, cdean- ing and maintnance routines, and passesa gaud communication skilla, tact and diplomacy. Preterence ail> ha gîven ta individuals with re- lated work axperrance and training. Resumes should be torwarded by amai ta: lac@ife-eane.co-m Or by fax lu 416-367-9705 On or before Fabruary 1lOth, 2009. PDS H-aiton as a rawing custamer service orîented campany. We are currenfly lookîng for energefic hard warkitg individuels thaf are teem players yod have a positive aftitade for oar emergency services department as ire and water techrrîcians . Traning provided for the right individuas. Advancement possibilities available. Drivers licence with e dlean abstract and a sulce clearance MI be teuirel, Retail Opportunity We are the wrlds fasteot grawiog reseller et computersancd computer related praducta Oser the pet yearo, eve enoyed spectacelar succesa, andI Ihat means aaparalleled apportunitieo for yoes What rgerDirect.ca will do for you: TigerDrect.ca heu a streng cammtment te previdîng a tan and supportive warkplace that enseres succeso for everyoe -yaa andI aur castamersOu0r teamn belteves tn a positve workîng eoviranment that testera grewth, leamwerk andI dieersity. Our dynamic team wîll invest ie yoar grewth thraugft eegaîng caachtsg and career develepment. We are iooklng for a Store manager for our Burllngton store. We are loekag fer a strang charîsmatîc team leader with hîgh integrty ahe han a lair tor sales and custamer service and is readf ta take on the seat challenge ln retara yeu will enîay the rewards that came tram heîng part ot a stable, profitable and grawîng cempsny. What yau brnng ta TIgerOirect.ca:. *A djrive Ihî.h ccd 2- fa;airtnagemienit rel -it tC( Exhcellent communicatieoCklîs *Abltyt taperate and manage te a tat paced envrsameat cdaptîvg ta chanee wth a sense of urgency *Open availabtîtta andI leathtltty ta werh s uartaty ef shifts, înclcdîng nîghts andI meekendo accardîng ta the needso f the business Store Manager (FulIl ime s$15.50-$177.50 per hour( Partieipate lentunie e temîewt Tran new ana euîstîng saff spiay profesîninai/briesnt Ce attitude ceaa by exompte Geterate revenue threuvit sales Fiexrbîlîty wth heurs enmps engerng iearnîng Bell World 377 Main Street East - Milton Please applv hy emaîl Resumne & Caser Letteaf ensiecmeet@wci.Cac3 (Please qeote tIhe Job Pule in subject lice> Are you interested in earning extra monev and winninq cool prizes?! JOIN OUR CARRIER FORGE TODAY!! Contact Asfiley Youî-tq anewman@mIItoncanadIalchampIGfl.Cm 905-878-5947 ext. 244 calivvor 1905.1378.2341 à ir i at Sheridan 905-878-4956 (Oak) 905-8459430 Ext 8160 Busy retaîl store loukîrg tfa tli variaitO positions wîfhîn. Full & Part-limel Varlous Shifts Available Compelilive ages. PIease ematl esumes ta Steve @ rnspets.com r-Construction Company n the Mlton ares laakîng for a Heavy Equipment Mechanic Par inquires cal 905-876-4855 1