The Canadian Champion, Friday February 08, 2009'-'21 * * A * * s : :Index: Real Estate 100-135* Business 140-169 - e Rentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-299 Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: classitied@miltoncanadianchampioncom e Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-57~ Mon. f0 Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail cassified ads also appear on * Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cail: 905-878-5947 Ad submission by mail or in person The Canadian Champion, 555 Irdustrial rve, Side Cour, 2nd Floor, Milon, ON L9T 5E1 Deadines: Tues.,10a m. for WoI publication, TOrs, 10 a.m, for Frilpoblicarinn Special Fafure & Holiday doadlineo may vary Paymet We accept caoh, cheque, lnterac, Vira, Moterard, Amenîcan Exprers. Ail ads placed are aaa-reiundable and no credit wilha sed. Business accourIr car re oponed irO an opprooed credif application aoaîlilolfrorn yoor Sales Conultiant CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS ta enrore the informationo r correct. Contact yor Saler Conrultant wthîn 24-Hour if ar error appears Anriru in a Fn .publicationomort tbc reported noralofer rhan Mon.,fIlarn. Aaartments& & * ent IM Tawehauses DyCre Pets, Supple Ho'I'IFor Huses FurSale s I I I I ýfj4jCameera amraCareers FasFrRn FaiFo eni For Rent Antat & Baarding DISTRESS Sale -Bn oelsrsMaanmy vilage lionne end aval abin ai hen, & flins dor î nînen BnpooisrsMLO EA3oonnHM A'At IC r CLIE puaia Financial Service Off icer Free liai of Bank rwned properties. *cru nit fnol 5 ao!iîann Way Long & nofessiondr Oînnable, nul Po1 p Prosperity co/eogtw Receine a Free Crmpuferized prnnfut. e 112 ahn C a a PR irtA l g t.eJ ai-lld awrir ONEGeretw Pre-recrrded message a'F PRI >; U, rin ýik, n. peton i li p îanoîa t a nun ,,i 1-888 412-9651 ext 1042. 905 7,)rY5a15 ai '311r e.i un h Prorperîfy ONE fao been seri the Halton communify ince f957. OR 41 ?')76Oh, -ir , Wîfhnreorly f1f,000 membero and locationsno n 0dm Burlinglon, Mlon wwGAitesaestcmMILTON NEW on' nn' nand Georgetown, ProoperifyONE hon more 1000 $300 million in fînonçial www.GADiotesoSlelir.crmGLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS pnioanan n n Drii.tPEeSONALIZED, SMART Spoor ne dmnorrn W r eîcfd1 rndn a omeifeReiann eayic. O Ookeage ndeenenriy 12Brne1t sMiho n ar le, ,l ni OPt n ' , d nnann 3r, Ior mnrod îf ne adminisratng ar e n înn i c aIe odddprod uro oee r nrir905 299 1001 verticaca a1n8 nCarsa.foilSale delivernd t 130 700 olnproonalric e fe rt ny have two ABEeFOOLE. INVENTOO jý par' Sacius ior2 beroo sutesloc'edin n hoe, Planmrig Eec-i~, Apariments & -, 1991 HONII ir 'r an'.'u nue~~~~ Fuun nnft iais risfe reine . . . .. ighnbn nua n n 1Flats FouRi-time4rinanciaiKVILerv38DR >BîJr, MSP II -EDROOM APART- MENT, Geogeton onu mur ,$050 '/ nulf, flîfins inlued. on pefs No sming Sng enerer e. Avalah enow m nedafely, firsOf1astf 90u729288. 2-BEDROOM LARGE dounfowf Geogeown Specraculan O AMust See". No smnoking/pars, crao $1.300 monfh pis utiîfes. 905702 3301 2ND FLOOR naceor doontuan Georgefon Quef hunnnng. Nu srnuI ngpefrý Lease renairran $090/mofh plus, Mach for ý905702 3301 b ACTON 2 aparmeof s. R baoîoorn wnrn nr vaf e yard, $925/morfh pis oîiî ies. 9 Dupe$1,150 monfO pis - îuffs Pali OizaetfrG hui, Sais ey, Johnson 1 Osociafes Haifon Lfd, n 905-77 5165. e ACTOR 2-BEDROOM apaîtrment, valahie imme tr dafely. $9800 ronfn ufntieîs ncided. Quef Bu idng. No-pers. 192M Churchil ioaouth. COalS 5198531281. b ACTON 2-BEDROOM F tinnnry aparment. ManrA finir, lage lo. Aduif haild- ire. No dugs, $1200/mntîfO Mkem 416-88-9164 b AVAILABLE 2-BEDROO ti aparimenf r in Geurgetown. Aaie o MainoSfreet and GO I Transir. OnIvercianin 0w i yers. 9050873800.0 ____ reairfai a A Cr AMPBELLVOILLE- Fuiiy9 fmin hed/ equnyped execu- fie 3-edioorn aparmeof, $18000 n.Pahî nt nenet access. Pfeps ru ica! eaf mr/otorer annenifîns. eer9 ry day. onni r ontnh. Onaiahie Irnrediafeiy Pol 905854-6175 h GEORGETOWN -BED-r BOOM asemenîfapaîf ment Parking, seuarafe rnfrance, aannry, aicn I dnfonng, Satelitfe TV, ocr srnoknngipers. Frsf asf $750/monî incusive, Ovaiahle mrnednafely Poli 9058776483. GEORGETOWN. 2-BED- ROOM hasemnnnfauarn ret nr Seuvy envafn7 -C 011 aitcf unr ani gai, d ntners, rghiving -on en$311nfo etn ldn enini ýnfa ual nadirnI ne backyard. Nonsmukr, On' l sf 416-418422 9 OEORGETOWN BRIGHT 2-fadrunrr na ýn, enl auarnenf Pas inen acn .r - liangno POP $ 950 ronth nnuî'nnga, it andi 00dm o alahle mm'e - daeîNfo OnenrfCalNon In, mme Kigoun af nu 180008345516 un EXECUTIVE HOME fi Lease iiMltni4 H nlot lapofu n ninm e aain u Handi onmaior r unr, Central OurDubleoGa,a age, 9 Fn PCenîngs. Orna teny Sfunning Oaa ahe in.rediami0 $ 1993 uer m 0nfh n nifînîfes C ail Or dieu (anale . 905-691 7051 GEORGETOWN, 3-BEt- ROOM urgaînea $snif famIlI orrsigiePose f0 Ouan anno innmeOafeny. $1'700 mime- plun 416-626-8171 GEORGETOWN SHABE sînialil0000e onfO une gen 1fern r Pvafe e Ornor, bah en ruitae. Wnded popert ifp0river, tsnng ard sonrnrnng Pool $6000m roinn al 9050873-72770 GUELPH LINE/ North 401 203,11 hoînon 2bahî rons, ivngnorn, dappiý ances. $970ninfh/ dicnt ornmaint naenance, 416-781 9410 MILTroN, AVAILABLE May 1 sf James Prou Parkway & 401, 4 ddrn Sem, 5Sappi.,,- hfs,2 caîd pai11 r gPeten nu srnok a gZ 1500 mmnith fîitlîfîru 9050878,6737 MILTON, HEATHWOOD- Brandni nu nie uive 3 onurnorn fownonue $1273 nus fiaai fies Cani 90508762535 NEW HOME JJsoft, Oaabie nnndiamii 4 + hedînnîn, 3.5 hantisou hie arage Mai s Bionfe S21 O mo 905 693606( ACTOR 3-BDRM, I1 112 harOs 4 upu inisi-en nasernenr, Oanale pin sf $1280/mu fI + ufilier t 51980710i leDORSET PARE MnInn il3 ,k bennoarnu garage, rnal V fuiet cornu ex' ehnn t/ oainfiei ieu Jrai.lonr s 5aplance., AOh $1450/monunIs L.f liein - rete nuriosong/ fers fS Marn 1sf.Pal arer 647-444-9849 G EORGETOWN 3-BED- eOOM, 2-ahroonnnfaon houne ton reni OWalu oGR 15 a Pppi1an $f,100/monfh plus -,ufilfîs Ca 905-877972 2rek y , '-annu11 Prander., .1 'vn a uftr' ngrn, 1)IndPO anni Orh 2h 2 n Il E M--a' 324101 r,,,rt Mine 6 " 4iý5 MILTONRIN 1enu n eM 1011 n t enitnaeoairn stnok am i n es , f ,lasf $50nmo nn Ilues utinnîn. n uarking ,rn'onafn 9 9 1 7 1 1 9053399413 MILTOR. LARGE main flinonr einurrr, harei laR nîfots Qmain e nîden cýntt n nire, Maie une- ferred 401 Puenun n o a $475/m- 95540359 s MILTON- ONE rno'rn bernoom t'un e, henn Ontario aiea '500 mn an incusive. 64022014609 MILTOR ROOM ion lel $425/ imli ncunr atln fOu (al belote 3un 9058783632 ask forÇ MILTOR, ROOM loi 100ft $600. Snanno yusr $8000 Ronnrn nui, c(In, aunry. $10001 90507'1,0h00 SHARED HOUSE, nubl. sin ge occuant, senor ae nured Onario/ Laur en, $noi min I f asfý 905807083900 Accmmdation MILTON PRIVATE uni onrn,nrhred accommoda bons inDorson Fank, arn y 10o fooi, $001 rînt, tinfîns & inenetref ilin cluimO Fuitn asi nifer ne s e Call ion 289878 7911 ROOM FOR 10,fnti lIon S600 e' mntrfr unsnil tome rns Ornotesf il na-n e, Cinenferref & yarking i i mcl i Fnlase ai 905y876 9466 BEAUTIFULLP FUI ISHED cindu ni 0P00 ROIS, ianaica lafa $ hOO unk eSur inule Il Ma i seravnce Cnose ni Air 9050877476 niej LIVE-IR CAREGIVER e nur onrlinunsy nonsehoid. 1-xunî once rfuIrai Ion Il raie nI 2 schnol ago ahil 1 ren. euuuewnnk, laundre, freai rnu and caneofnipets rs aso rnnnned. Ornailne )Imsmes f0 vevef feflOahbo, a rn 7ITutorî'ng 21 EXPERîERCED HîGH in pepil --uf w1., 41 8ï Pan41 MATH TUTORIRO G,3 es2 pi2 -i en'on' ri -e en oaer Paepk n mono np4162384462 nî 9 07350 RETIRED ASSISTANT Re quie orien n ede nuoas - abuusnsnauu ng et' cr11',- un4enoaii Puelun (i ne 4 ri Ouf aval ifInOniOn P non soi "0, n a etfs 9050854 3 705 Masi EM FrSale I ALL RER Onîs' Flnus;bls ounous, f115' 0,cr. 'ina on plasfic, ouablen$250, Qaeer $275.. King $500 inn Meniryfareia meaf nonss uil ver, 0.000 a)70 King $950 Pana De- ver, 9059612073 HOT TUB/SPa Onanni nu 2000 moden o îin n, and n aven Pliin r uauuen Paon $0995 Pactice S4750, hall 905971 1777 KITCHER CORNER Nuin 3 7cr dl,, 110se0f onny um onrneor sp oarnage anea nîndei soaf bennO & fabln Oskonra $S4 00Pali 905693 1215 POOL TABLE, BraînidNuw ISlale, AlAi O essune, Co. S6,700. Pel$1 SIO5 905 3049994 SROWBLOWRBMASTER- CRAIT 10.5 HF 29: Pelf înnncnning 5110f am go box, On .1 lnfs n paiof snýs 651 905435517 TREADMîLLS (2)1 i nreaîîn I askr $ý29" re lniOS8$00 2ni fîn u, 1, as"in g 6,5 lofaIlni $15P00 O"iifnnasîing S250 nefa Ina 3 950 905814 1415 ëM Atces Wanted ALL BEST LaPin a In Pins, ane ery o, iln ver O Danind Cinia, (nysfai Suler, ign ns Roya l a, fan, annînI 011 antiqufarnrongs AOu Cillecfîies, 0fr Osfafe John/ Pal 905 331 2477 PUREBBED SHIH fi un pies lu saleSou initel and îeady lu go Cali bI(9853 t256 , t --.e lan - 4er 13A t'ie S- nr r i M ln nlui , -n'58 ,1 a ller' a iDl ,- Anil'44a 58 2002 CHDE frn-l-c 1, eondPitio n 1 - Monaf 400 cool E aon MîfA/ nndr873 15021 r on 2007 Ford Fious GF ,nur, O/CPower vir rseammioraîunse cor iiil 15' Ollue ahois. S287,08 petn homO 30 mnnhs mO t45,000cr ae nain. W i ay lrase irons mnr rosIs. (905) 075-0395 EXPERIENCED EUROPE- ANRceaninglady wnn len you 'maso Oeny ina oa rat ue, Pieuse Cru Diarra 905 505 7406 ~EM oseieaning ALA CLEARERS onueni nîncni & alirdan e, rosi denfiaiclenmnnnserie. Pall 647092477 ~arer ining CCeaire Educati 2. Pari-lime Financiai Service Off icor - Goorgotown Branch (20 hourslwook incfuding osiended houru) Pou i aocrîueîy rmarketfthe organîzafion O produidîs aud services; you aili prornofe and cross oeil the fulronge of endîng a0nd nerfrenf producto. ou wili acf ar a liaison refaeen the membero and 0150f relafed deparrrnenrs. Pou ail proacfîoeiysorlîcîf ail rnernerohip growth rpporfunîfîeh and panfîdîpafe in 'fIronch promnotions and marketing campaîgns Pou ai maînraîn a nîgh profile and image ailS yoar members and ony oufoîde contacts or weii as play an active foie in fne communîfies we serve. Onaliîted applcations regnîre 3 yearr ut peroonal hanker esperierice, a rolid underofandîng of retaîl credif and ineesîrnent producta îacludîng a Mufuai Fond licence. Wo thank ail candidates; howovor, oniy thoae ta be lnterviewed willi ho coatactod. No Phono Cails. Please apply in confidence, tfa search @rosperî AUDIO! VIDEO rani, » J ,0 mn f0 Mini0 unire :nean u n door nrtdoon FULL TIM speaker' , nhomn orafen. nIesaineomes& mrn e SALESI 905-691-4000 Oounuogoouavs.cor You must enjc CONDA CONSTRLiC- satisfying custoil TION, Ail onur Home Cor ethic, values and sfrncnon L.anuscapjng, E 'cavalnng Needs. Oear be confident ir Ory Estmnoe De 59, L N E 416-009-4007 L N E Base Saiary, ______________ Bonusea, Exte (manufacti SPECIALIZIRD IN tram program & tir nfg, Dnyunll & Oapong No jb n s i t yern ManageME epBaunienns, Additnons, Burloak Hrtadunod Finnn Hefin o 'rgý Finish Canne lry.Cal! 3715 Wyecrofl 416 566,0492 Shaun - Phont îýùwiQampFax@(90 9.8.24 hrdept@2001 a Cae ra inig 1 Crerîn ig ion Trars o nideW Peirg H anounnod, 9Fr Ceiing, Grante, as F e place, Customn Ktcren, SfailesOrelOnliances, MucO More! OAesomne prce w/Bonus si 18077-216-2223 SAVE $20K on a raru new HeaOwood execuive 3 eroom Woodnark Townhone. f00 Jor 1777sq.fh.utfliving oace. $fOe in ugrader plus al raw aplancer. nosfrucfed ercarprmeof viea and waik f0 Poantoar $325,000 Cal 905-878-8060. PRNVATE SALE- 100 Miii ode, Mlton- Hi g oiederîred 2 redrrrum & 2 harO corner cundo New paint & floring, 5 appilances Orkng $240,900. Cal! 905-699-1730. COMM.Specil 700 SQ tofn grourd flor ofice\waîehuuse space avai rn Brote Sf. n Mil fo. 905 875 7062 REASONABLE INDuSTeI- AL nîfs for reoft 16000 d200rgff anfh iad ne docks & drive in. 9052779347 un 905-275-6834. SMALL PRIVATE oces heautfîulo appited. Owy 25 & 401. f-905277-9307 un 90527500834. Bsinies lm pruhiies rAtt ract mores customers toir primary business. No capital învestment, Make more money www.uh au . Ca doaler 416-573-5302 $SMONEOSS Consoiane Pehfs Morgageu ru 90% Ni ncone, Bau credif OnI Morfgage Pentre #10969 1 -80 0 2082 1 106 wwntgcertre.con I 1 kasrFoIeaf& 2BDRM APT n Mlon for & lat5075/mm O iciu DOWNT0NMILTOR Milisida Towers 82 Miliside Drive. Attracflaneonuituîilding. Snacious hîîg0i cinan 1&2 bedrornaits arn iaundry lacîiîfy and sociai noom on s0fr Open 7 days & evanives Cali 905-876-1249 _ GEOReGETOWN LARGE 2- badîoorn aparnerf wîfh naicony No snnokng/nefs interences, fi nsfnfasf. Pani 905>-077 2993 GEORGETOWN. MARCH Ist 7 uedionn aparfrîienl i ounse compiefely ,ydar e. $1,000/fmonfO ufîlîfien ncloden Launnuy, yard, 2-paîkîrg, separafe en trarnca Veîy Prgor Poali 289-344-0700, MILTON BACHELOR aOOO rfh, kîfrren, fui. bath, afilifies, cahia & auri dry No pets/smokinrg -emale pîeterred Oua il Aprîl for 9058763487 416 576-9294. MILTON 5-BDRM lorge, hriin hPasernolapi Nea oy rerovafrd, ofiard en fiance, singe Pansu, pretned ch $O00/nnfo ail incusve icabie, hîgh spnn4 afeinef iaunidry efc.i frtflasf relnnences reo Ovaîlarin Marc, 1sf 905087800410 ileave a messag out f utfownfili Fer, r13to) MILTNo, BASEMENT apf. fon rnrf Pal Oaul 905-20307 74. MILTON LARGE 3 Ono romapaîirnanr 89OOra riu Streef. $1300 rnfO noono Onaiahne Fr0 OfO. Ponfact 416-9187693, MILTON, SeITuALE fn rerpnrsîr e nenson woff neteene n, no nefs, goon ocaf uni, 1Odîl ianf Onalahin Ma, h 1sf. $800mmiruf0lafin es inni 9050878 2737. RURAL MILTOR Wesf. piel. 4 inlene bath, arellnfe f0 u n slaindry,OPrk ;'g, Pnefer n'on srîoing/ oef 367 rfO P nIe 9050876 1686 à tls fvef ail 100- rnploîoh e sli a Deveiîy a Opljmî h01 aînlî a 001f fi monlel ntpnel! lu ernplyîrs ~~(IndEswd nd deloilooy interview rOls e ONTARIO 4E RETAIL PEOPLE îy serving and mers, oxhibif workç integrity, and also in your abilities. M CAREER Commissions, enaive Benefits, urer's pointa tips), SPIFFS, int Training. ;and QEW f Road,Oakville ie<905) 469-2210 35)-469-0661 audiovideo.coas -Aenovatec innessi-room, sociai room & iouuï Steps away from beautiful downtown Milton Easy access to major highways. GO Transit. shopping and more * Suites based on availability FREE job Search workshop for Experienced Workers flie ay A - i nî q Penre 2nd flion 860 Hurrntnorti Buailqonn ON OU 3N4 1 Ï4