Mustangs reach Bur-Bear finals DEEPLY1 The Canadian Champion, Friday February 6, 2009- A17 BeyoND tOuR FIfRE Afii Golden Parnassus And a- The Mustangs' bench nmay bave if was pretty shockfflg fhaf WC Wefii becn short, but fheîr rtin ai the as fai as we did,- said MD coach annuai But Bear Tournarnient cer- Mike O'irenwihose squ iffthat tanivsn' fsft. exafctI1- Ulli iffîC oithe chamip IDcspfte a depiefed licutp- onshi p) tife toinjuriest '5anti per- ivrif\tng ani IfpIf stonai comniintififs - ,ifIcfI Wa perlot ianuc Milftoni Distritfs botkev ant i îshîfg îî Oh 'sf. ttam miateit al fhe ,\as I 4 3 offs,îtal fn i f0 miais ioifthe Burligfon inenft NN ' sotf shoN\ tases sîife i- f incficu d IlCA s b -01)COfiprifstii ol feainfs \ufsafîgs 1511) a goali consfieredt fbcheiia f cbifltifig cail\ if uic ft lui i oti phlase clîscîtRil)iisofii) t spoitlet iatigufe andt a ionuidtai)ie effortf v, ifli a shoi fiandcict taIl\ sîltci liv iuriingtoiî s M.NM Robinson 1teo qfal4tuaslifamt oincliai k Ramrs prtuxedt f0bhean urtniotiif opes able toibiiation veih the tittie up Saici O'Brenfi iliaft ools the for grahs ai AppiehyI' ie Centre wfidt otifotii i ilalis Sunday afterntion, asflic Mutsangs lxleBcctkei ciasedtheilfe Rffff were vanquishieti5-2. initial leatl îî ilec lie anti Kai 1 "Nc'edtiî ihavi moi e thanî izionii the itufigef lîroihii l seven iorwartis ant ivlicedelciete lori ci Qeet Nalof i-îiii meti ai ans point over fhe xx ek, si) eîlrtiif siiC 7ol - )t jillCt lzegj)iitiig fImua Iiîîsi-rîîtîîîd liiss t fil li gfoiiiî sssfîfllfiîln (4- i ), il ic Mustangs 15 fi tutuicie-if fxsî gaules fIloMisaifue liasîuîpool llv i fni ilierC e li lihlfghfeti f i t t xile w k a ý 2 il cfili- fi i- tlilii ilic qilIcl fl iiii1' \iaa 4 iflihifl ito lillfIÏlil i el, i -4( ,ini hlialfd(1-fi Ilfîi lii g îfslo ii li llfî ii I lllipli C illeg was jjse1 ýI I oui liii- Bti itai lliiialisfs sa flift ini I alfiiius ici 2 filsa' /Ih-t psnîffîi l u icy lîf lîiirliinions, Nllis iIii iiisliî ai jîil if fifitli Pairadisus Rîviera (ünunf 1 niif-fll îduie- tiîiif i7O ftT Mii fi.- sq/lg 17 465 o moon Palace 7 rits -AI1 indu5ive stuc mur 05 $1777+266 50 'lux rirrave[7c-o-rýn Wi whatis VOUr Child's nathwav ih ti AA peewees clear initial playoff hurdiýe htîeied b s stietb IN Iieet NIilton î AA NI t l -0I n h 4iiaiii l'f 'lii 1t i Iii i III . i ig x\1ilc stîricietedti s ilfif gal i fhcif Lsf i gafiies titiff)glii îffici asi lit\aiis\l uý It ILI iuoîiîentiini in uoi s\e \ bi Theli utsfreteifii fst camie stffitav c\i ii ig I NfMltn -t I'dIwtoilî li 111 îltl g' 'li ýcI' i Iuic Guceph, xx iere the\, rallîed lfîffi an) carly dlîif i' op Ii' ciaI pie the Jr.t. sini 4-i and ctenfi dieui atvaininl t eifi I iiii i-r îîilx îîf I Iasî'f inaIisiif i-ilai. flic ()MII\ quatteifinal pla \ff-lay. NstiinaffIiaiti lasifit ' lfnisli Mvanyliîad lîgureel it wîuid toiifc do\,\i fl iitf li tfffipf îg flic Si. aibal im- ii s i at ifs last nghits Milton-Oakviile cash tii tetet janutai s'2) at i Nltofîlfiiti s ( ifi fi mine who wouid rnovise , un itfthe ( iffifiliIiallyhutrift aliiii iiict bat k Winterhawks headed mbint he showdiuwii the lesx tiffalifs sihots lic Ituti lxfIith is unheafen nintheurfiîve ptelininary confests deience - viittit liîig ss oodtiîtlîg. whiie the Rangets - seetnd-plac.e finishets ii Rohsiin atid Piipp i ities Isesit f utIles andt the regular seasoti- were a sntpisfing 3-1 aitet ai) Matthew i etiahan - ihiiuglitixstilîfît afig flich iivertf me loss to Guelph. oippoitio n. Anthony Henein was bis typî)cal tiîcksolid self Not onthf iat, Mitn,îuîîsilaiîîîr reatcd tîînîitss, between the pipes Sunday4 and had bis wîîrkioad easeti oppiftfunitfes wifh soife excepifiiial fransitfiniplay. wîth stîme big bioeked shots by Mathew Cufiiding. Bergmîan efjîlsedth ie iggesi siîciii the sîorinîg litc Mitchell Popp and Sam Robson wete stutdy in theit with thtee gofais aîîd an assi 51 swith Peisiiet. Qtîînî own end. and Millet ail recording with a gol andt xo heipetsý * Up front, eaptain Ben Preîsner erased Guelph-, Iead apiece. with an unassisted shorthanded taily and helped sel Undeieated in iheir lasi seveii gantes as iof iasî up goals by Jacob Quinn and Andrew Dodson, who night, the peewees wil take on eîther (hathani ori assisted on eaeh othets goals. Wndsoîr fi)ihe hesi ol-five qtiartetinais. - '-i îitif f >1-cn ifi%1 îîîît,î2-'rua- iii" leîfîi-îulfif'î-i 6 fi' ifiuain nr 2 ItifPI,î1';îPil, .- tf-at ýudf-cl-s liu fi f altîn iîîr eslci ettlial fearniuif wm %%.ueboolttocaritr. Ca e Discover Downtown Milton for that specicil gift for your Valentine! - KÉEmàlt Q n ç k' Fil f'l f îie-if~us i ~.itî-tu~iuî 7l 1fîtf.î Il'îSu ci i aif ' F MES11 I p Couie a iiu fut îîl ile afout'iiflic iiuii2lpii prîlgri nisifie i ) f0 2 andf iîi f' iplatifofiii 1 1 don nul w