A10 The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 6, 2009 HALON ILLS 1ILDCATS I GEORGETOWNN CRIMSON 110E 2009 REOISTRATION- For your convenience, please downioadf and comptee al required forma and brtng 10 OUI registratiton table. www.haltonhillsfootbali.corn PH0TOC0PY OF BIRTH CERTIFICATE REQUIRED! ln Tîmbîts Hockey, havîng fun is aiways part of the gama pan - aiong wth makîng new frîends. iearnîng a tew lita lssons and dscovertng a love for- dia game. Tîm Hortona ta proud to support the 225 boys and girls who pay Tîmbîts H-ockey in Miton. The irst goal ta hoing fun. Need pressing for housing f rom WHAT'S on page A3 for foxx ,-inroine seniors and lor the disabled. Adelina Urbaniski, uomm'isioun- er tif social scrx'ir e' foi- laltoui Region, aid ius positive the fr'der,îi gox'erniiiinti', aking an iniercsi in social bioîsing, aibeit temnporariiv, but she wouid lhave picferrr'd the derisioni on ilir i fîs I ousing iiio lie buih xxisIci the bciiir icipali- tic', f 1lic pioblhies switcii l s(c ciai govuiiioiii> fiilr'ixIUIt loca aici oes arc,- rita sai,î Ilit f altil st'iliîiis xx ,îîîrtg i; sîîra ai îîrsiog geiilt lil ticia- iixi'x 1tirri' iia fiir' ovur a \xcaiý U rbaiis'risaid icbumore îiessing nlecr I, foili hîîiiig for in~igie diis oi famillecs ,tîtiiÏus xaiiiig foi a.1 iîonsîogI unîitîi xaua longlong iiiir shu said. Ii fi t liex tsoalis gix ic rip Ilif h' itit iorre cIo ptl Ilotbndl iisi oa fomili aidtt'ti "r atiN t lits'il rilscl tuial i Ir t itli i r sit talle" iii'ic rciîîi I liit fiiislittid iiiiii pielaitlif in" Alii tic ,ic l iu111fr1 li t rn i ittt he frttii \i'iri it il r li iI n itri isi îfic l\ it n L i itiîi'si said 1 f liis'ialf rClIii muleîr'Ioi sîrîix' pissibiliii""fîloi t' Aleni-alu luc andr a ieprit i e\pecierf ibis spi ing. h refiiiecNli asntti alIi' ibrogl ther'cracks,- slic sain. Action lu builrl infrastructure lîci lths thltr lil ,ty'pr'd aspLîrr tif uIle stIiîiiiUs itîr irage iininderl iii Ille budrget, new nittîte fli- ifasiriri tilals "1,12 iîllionî ils ciItle nexitIwot scars, itili ti f wlinbxvii becefî îîuîîîripaiiiies, lThe frîîds arc on top ofrtf ibeled- ci-ai gîîx'ei itînueiits trearix exist.iili loilrliiig (caraa îrs rrit pitgî ain lporitilts of xxitr wl,s lîrencit rrlt vertfloi nul iig otit îîîtîr" s xixand ril\îtix ift i li 1~~ltirdigit I lr'itiri i î h\ tl tflr rll u îfrir îrîîr tîir "i O c atir LI (i' s1 iis îllilr hc apturfi tsLimon iticsed uritrt Iiilfceixx tfiis (cl! o c Ie t 1, i t 't' i i' o io cr Li titi c P ~ i lt t- iti i I " i i ii it ilt l ii 11 ( ' ifi p ii!thl ui d, t t i o andii i i iti 1ltontiii jtii t t titi t turf titi i t ,i i, "itt fo t tiit lis xxiii l t i lr at 1iii hi tut - itil UI "f' i1i titillai flic \%ll' "C ai dI alcitii\Pii. ai ssirr blIr'l tix -iKîîti i lî hîiîî v ... for your flyer IN TODAY'S "ipiti t"ceintrr' îîîray I iiiîrini' ,iiî aI)sit of tt te iifrasutirctriic tri- graini '-'$500 miioin tîxci. 1\,%il y'carsifor terconstrutin 01iii ftw anîd ihebfiiitaiion oîf reising rerre- atîttîsai fariliiic". Actin ofllsupport businesses, consumers "b is ccirIilîlniudcx nîy'riad speinltans for cxci' liing friîr ticeItîresirvs slrntiîI li bic(aiadian 'xxs"icril i trfoilo iltr)l itîtir rf giltlc flti lithe n it( c h rt i a la t airtif 1 i L e n ciitii ý500IGO GG Ilîtîtliîrpî-cx'iitis itîttîl tif rt400,I000 adttri eîîîîrarx i00- ici cnt r ( îîiial r)ttiaiioxsan r iaie, io i r ttriîci ît\ " r te 1)(,\t iit 1 iu ltr ttitî lî îîlîlrs" O îîîiîîîa îi tîli andGirlil sî da Il li i :st 1t'5,îîtii iiatitt\ r' t it' Iii 1't 'd Il\ il lt Itl i Ilt 'heirti"' rîcti t tlt dtruc\o Ileici ti irr i 1onf ,i Itî lttr r ttt'nut lud Ii axitltici t Itl itle ii ment iî lrt' u "exIiibout "biiognlIlir rlrIa lis IIleicmlv \as 1fhtil i ii til ilt ltli 'tii d ili~i i îîtîîtîî ithe 1CILI I,'\ l icîli lîîîît t ( i ii' frgreat Valentine's savings in Flyer delivered to your door LODAY! 1-