Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Jan 2009, p. 7

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Proposed condo development -11 i& leMn The Canadian Champion, Frday, January 30, 2009-A7 Man struck by train while walking DEA~R EDITOR: al<licci -îcuîî.i< iii o< i attutiduc my first pubtlic mentionîcc f iii gli (ciii-ts ai,\s nîeeting ai Ha n1ll Januars iiig, 19) ii regard ici a fuitu lîîgl - l ii son ii a ih lî<sii cati duo-tii lîcîîîîîg compte-,,x tuai ililurlit ctdiit lii icat higli lias liccti rcpccîcc for the d -l i 5litî lci ilc SO-.nt iic rner oi \laii ýt ct 10i --as\ iic is lic pai cul 01cl ic1 andicl cair Boculevard, sin' cii)Icoicît ccinclciiniIiiiii --. a rusiclutt oilI arripîiirc I bociolii Iii inc- ssîl dic 1 asIlasvc soc sut mci-. coii i lidcist.aniiciug thlai ilicrc tiglit curi l- rc-arclttig ibis clsc -wl aI i - <<li ci< 1111 litw in th îîîcuîu lîc muainîn cciiilcîg îîcc lîi bc usa cil iclil WticI iuicrcasucl fîrafîc cii ccci alitcacis, ci tlllc<Ciîîli ii5 circciclrcîacs. ih lic - r ch lii uckas 'it ti s Iigli (ccui- ilux ai the Maplu Avenuet cutI-.- i\ reidctitl tics cloiiciiii 1i11(1 uîg tînt us-ci ccînîpluc sutl and di-n a big cîiill tai k, cci uic alruacis the tînu r ofi c arst tus of[ieI ii îng oici uîaku cihur lit licudi fiuictrucbl(lb turos tir - un uns caîn - rigîitil b\ a lîunîî-cci ut-of îtg hand tcris cîttîlMaui Sîrucut- lis at iîii ci <i icc nidiculncîs. And tut-. s au i a.i cuulu i au tali ndi ctlp ýIn I hurus a conîstanti siccatît ofî -.1iak itîcu lii\ cccr ni- sc iraffil on Maut in Stree cîs-rlcisi- lircuglît iii rulîn autcclslis ci\ fii i uuîg onnc Jaimes Sncîw Pai kw as peolel andî ticl cci rchindtica as tu standcs ncîw. Thli prîîpiîicd ic/ îîrung flîcîtu iii îai <ii \\ dci ili i s i x il <<ia ic 12 - alicissatî)cu loii 54(- schicIs lus ci cdicu'-ttssio t-.s cciu c i rciads simîply si îîît lc ablel 10 cîcucilîusIalacIîtcc 1< cîpu ssth thit- adcliicncul îiflux. cuis tic ilatu t aticu icui cil cars..ist [hus hîuîgs nic t ici\t nc\î I sv-. apilalicci to ica titi<c J cocncurn. cîurîc lîtr -.as tuai -dc is ccl iii a ih li cthur wcî liarculs cof lanîc rural auca andi cîtlcuc cnVIIUIItta cn the east anîd wst sucu ofi uîts uic lic îrafiic andi lîiîs badili proposed situ arc stli deemîed as mîîust bu. VuIL îlîauk s c iic future îleselnpment land. 1he sur int h ,a ni ag- cîlfucial plan suis thai îlîus Iand men ti it cint lias thie pouentual i'or isu ioun- mnt c nne Snowplow causing majc DEAR EDITOR. bti(i oI Tbus s nii rusîîuusc iii lait rilas s îcic i lis I lt i c aiulîet Cîtu unîulud 'Don'ît putiso, iuiw ss c it dcc- oîtic tic -turcu nit belong.' Iîsi nsý piublil- 1 lias-e to sas' thai Cîtu isuî't alouîutu nic ierus ruîuîiugr- tration. Oui ms' streci uhus ru dcuuug the saine îhung Ytth ai n(u every turne theres a sniiwsicirni.criicîni One ime whîen I came home froît wocrk, îssc su thîîuuk sic days after a stnrm., 1 had to ruintvu logu blockcls ofi 'ia lue frîîm mv dnivuwasr i m rîcuc \Vnrse than ihat, , the Toîwni sentu sciniccieutu Vci inewalk dc wîth a lutîlu iractor ioc ean ithe silcwalki - idcwI iauiiciu whîch wuru airuadi cleaiî - anîl agaui moîre ic h an hn was dumped on my duîvuwaî. Ila i Frst its the phcîw, thent he lutteu tracîîr. sictiuzuil. I i i bave un say tus funuis bucausu ihe bladu s wîder ihan the sîdewalk. su t îlauîagud utîu lawuî i cil i lt, 40 ici lic /îssil , & dc utticcl i/ !rlic it <<s ciai -'s i iitcil 55, ,i ilctt îi ci \ in s.-li, ai \ ii si~ ~ ~~u ii <1aiau i lccIusiioag i lic, -groii iii iio h s ic li,%a. i u oi 1ld iasoutî(ic ic cr il c li,11 i c i il 11-ls -îtikuIoîir iii i lc icc Piii. -lich(c1 ci(îi IlîOtiis lsoi i clic ki ý1iii ci c1c1ti.loi il w tc01h\ci-1<,ii1 il fi iiii i \ ii- ,îcl,I /ia.lliliî< llc lîlll 9<5i til liiîîIci -ticicii an h3tic doclci oi Iii lipat Ii l îi1( l <l g IIall 1111tcc( c.is ilan(io 1.11îili i Il il i ici iim \ oui l ýIit id p1 li i il'c l \%îî-s -la---. s i lo ii <si o \il i l i i i ili i -i<<s <lic iiii. ilo i (cl i il 1 lii I ss iic itii c î 111k11îîîCfo ic i liti tl hCýd TANYA PETRENKO MILTON xrheadaches slud fortini îîcc i iiiis ic .ii<sli ta\iccaus I1i,îllîss tic- lsi oui ui bhcd s 'vari îîg. iniilith /îîîîîîptîîî idcii.t ntticIcli ilai. lie lîi iallîiws hic11imîci tuck cliii- now liack <itito ltscl\ x siaslon t clîîîcilas-c a lslaslrîîiihiitig ici iîlliîss theruides antîc ikcc1i iii in hutithîiîîk thec lîwntiist i cuig g foi the rusîcluîcii \ Mltonîî agrc sîitli uc tîtat \vu cru ail hiîg or bur coiiiiîrt --lc nît loit LUIS SILVA MILTON ih hi1îtc( o t//lV<if l1é//L0ý /i/ml't/,i theI 1//fif l?ti am1i o/iv ut i itiot1t/ in t//O/i 1 ptI//oful a/I < m0fl/i inftO/i/itdî/fo /?1/c c th nota- fli iOIi onif Augusi 1912 AV. Alexander lindcu as goîîîil lic Miliîciî liglîit,,,\o i A icnas îîîhî ai aboutîî1I I <iclîck Ilic i-.rlkls a c lkR icîgli iai I h- i gli cg sia- manglcd and llicessas iii ici-ws u ladI is îriili c î îassicloffiithe tilac k aniicas husidu i cîîîîîl ic Si îîîîîî iing ishîco licessas oicîîîclhs irnus llilsîiii whîc wc-iit foiassis- tanîceclbcti iîcirc lic goi hac k the îîîîurccl miii ssas hicCcci ip bhs a train aiid îakeîî icithicstation.î lic w-as brocîglit îhecc ciithe Wuîci îî- i lîspiial, loroniicî\ si lci-ulitsiilg ssas anîputaicci ahos c tic(,kiîcu lîcîtlic lied irîîîîîslîc k andiu\iioclaici iii tic cas iflad licelui lcun a n aiiîccl illicanc1 i ýcii oî p inls i. xi li\îs c isccl lonîg. lic sa Sîclîîîîaîî 30i sCars iii agu aiid[liac liccriîan Ciîîiliis cuofnirei lîii îiiiî lrusscciLIiîck & ferra C(<(ira (C î. or abutuneîîîîc ai s. lic luit a ss icinsi and cîglîl ciidi cii1 lic sas surs pop-î nIai withl litsiiicllnw w orlýiniuiaînd was a inunîher ofi ihe Miltcon i lcighis Miniiature Rifle C -lib A Couîcrt ni the Canaliaii Order iof lorusicrs vNas instiiiciid ai Campbiiviilucioi Mîiidas îîghî - lîc coiiiiuiiui .i ii bu 1330) and îî starts wîili about 30 îîîeîî Ollicci s ceid Airthur Adaniîiîn, Johnî -ibjils.\\ satcuBîNissnian. Rus WVin. Burt. I 1ud ( rassicrd, V O. Mahuîn, John it aînîîîînd. Rîîli Mut-urran, los. WC 11-, Hugli C amipbellf. H lav-cîpciru Tlic lunural nifilie latu Dr. David Robertson, ex M.PP. îook place on I lursdax- afiet noon froin lits rusi- duîcu to Esergrcen Cumeterix The [Fown C ounici and the subool boîard w-cru in the procession.Tlie local lodge of AO.U.W paraded weaning badges and 160 enîpinyces of tlie Milton Pressed Brick Coi. marclicd Milton 5 Time fP Capsules tngc iher îhcad ni tIRhe iarsue. hurc s cru so tilnans loirai pîcc us hai an c,\itratccn vusanc c 55a. sied i carrs tlm ni i lic fialliticaicrs v ucail mncmi hurs of ii thcssof niioxcmii 1 tis ic\ El ilinoK.C( Rolîc-ri sIcsart J A1-rzr.Saini Alcxander. j ohiî\iccîzcJoin Ignusi.Iblin- Mý,cil addcnancdVinj-ardîncý R.1, ( aipbll l. .' disp<iscd oi ilirecucascs on Mvondav rnnring.CG. Ii. and A.S. had a iight on Main Strcct Monda\ in which thus rolicd Iin the 1ILCIland g<îti hcmsclNcs wcll îiaiidwitlî i C hîci consiahic C hapinan liroscc uîcd. hcs si-cru incd S5 cach ,vith cosis. R. C.vas lic pci lionic 1lci lii- svolcessa-. liiard caling For protcuioin lest lic \vul onickli hur.( hici C onstable C halirnan sia- .cininioncd. \Vhii lic uni cci utclbose lie ii)nnd C.ni ed sîiîhis -.clnilc- and mcîdcls boocts on Mns. t -i begged tire constable ici Ici him atonc amidcindcriook ii kecp hini indnor-. anci ohthe sireut. Thli consiahie cîrd noi arrusi ihe man, but laier had hîm cip for heing, drunk and incapabile,.on MNill Street. C. cxplamned in ihe magistratc thai he had net blicn drunk. that hc had haci a uramp in his stcimach and had takun a single glass of brandy medic- inals ic had sniîpls licornu wuak in lits legs, svinch icithai liec cculdn i walk. [lis \Vorship took tbis with a big graini ni sai and luvied a fine ni $5 anci cosîs i lic magîstratu warncd thc ilîrcc mcie ln w cwre îp icor the firsi ime, that the figure for a second appuarancu would lie $15 and cxists, ihai hc sias dctcimincd 10 pudowii clsorder iii Milton if sniff penalni wccitld dn t. yj théicNil/inn Hsti ai Sl ocieIf> hi Jfn Diii.., îvlîatan be ruachled t/itou gîtt/he soniiett uat 905) 875AI156 -: DII ON E CUI-E Mutual Funds making you nervous? GIC rates too ow? O ~ r 0/0* after tax, interest equivalent O f J return, for the first 5 years. ALL is-ued bv thte Royal, TD, National, CIBC or Bank of Montreal. This inîetnenit also has buit-in iniflation protection affer 5 -ers Cati our Milton office for deîails (905) 875-4871 Visit our website to read our article on "Der ression Investing" Also, sign up for our free monthly Investment Newsletter. www. robrubino.com 'ic ýII -ý" t hý lxe w leI i c-I c ip , a, rc , heP, l!l <lcI fýuie nýi1Q ý!P C SP c c1lu (ýt r1or id c ' ci1 mu CON('RNUtIJArIONS'MO JOAN ilctiei et I NaaleHope Mtfiil M<t 13, épLi IPIBOPILIES ~~-ma RBC Dominion Professional Wéalth Management Since 1901 %Pc Securities le -'o illtel Ui- j'le ýrw re'l'pen P( -k 0 'ofdý c, Aef cece RK Dornno Secý,,t,,s f redsiefd 1WMA RI", BàIý Of ù1eda used rde, new Alf "qnt ese"m ïmmmi

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