<NTIT1~TTIN1~T ~ Harper delivers big shot in arm for economy Tuesdax 's federa i budget coirtatiies lttie iii tire \vay ef surprises since nieirbers ol Prinme \riiiisîer Sicirircîri 1-apeu's governinenl bat] becîr tirspping bidL(ge i detaixý nîr receeît weeks as requetkerî as tise Nationral i tookex Lcagites Teronto Mairie Leafs. Tire tact tirai iarirer was fittes] b swaioxx liais] andt recelit the latt i is grrx crtrumretrt iv l oitakt sent a iridgct dciicii (o ti rongiri S 34 billîion) tins r car. (,ri\ irsoittirS alter 1rotliîrr ug sueir a troxe xxouitirt t c xi \a iraitils rxx- itg r "2iA .i 10h-Nlîrsit rdur'tii t beitire tire Liicri-\ )> s Qýttect cis r "aIititisL ici trities il irere \vas etrîtigirir titiix abouIC 11(t t1t IîtU- mrenrt tir air ciri 1< t irseat tir li O ricts Harpet sais] tir Mniîtax' s 1-lîrtten rîctt ilirsgr cîrîrrnent wouiti sîrcîd xx'at xas ici essarx, orrn attî lus package tirai xxoî ls] pirrcct tire e("tll\ 'tlsîrx t rî un inediate t irrea" andt tîr ctrsu.îtistr eîrg s i 'yviat lire tidn't say xxas, tirai thi-s xas a irttiget( lie x\ a-r itruces] - poltîihaix' - inr«) delîxetc erg. (Casb, arrd loais ri ilt ýxas ircetit Io irs r irs irrr' r ilire eces trsirrx ke1r iressîie xx r rkitt g anrti r otet t 111c)xx lis) have ltrst jobrs. Liirerai leader M iciraci Igiatici i-twcxaicti stireia be suppewîed lire budget as airiouirces]. xxîtr condrit tiens. The NDP ans] Bloc Queireteis tiît not. Fortunateiy ftrr Caradians, tire pîtentiai poriîîîeal ramificatitons that iay ieneatb thîs brudget didn' in crs]nî takîng precedent.e ever xviat, on the surface, appeaux tir be a gtîcd shet iir tire artr foru the ceuntry Htrpetuiiy, it wiII remiran that way le-e MAKING TRACKS: A rc( 'i Ar r .r):rr O Readers'- Letter about notices flot appreciated DEAR EDITOR: 1', anlyont el-ru r arboutirrrthe icrt wi t I letc etirtii i lxI 1ii lix' ( hlai/5555itliaiwrridt'icti about tlihu 1Iotitex t n ir îicieni irtac'tirai appcaî'cd in tie papci i .'tri 1 ierovv 1 ani hýttixc the onix thiirg tirai i iook rirurrthai iteit\,as tisai peorpleCtanliitietcr'r In Inglisi b ut It "54C'II) lii<t' ,r'irit'rrILIIIt11ail" irar [lt, toriage tio " li iiiiditin"'tirai cd inr a iîcali 'anrd gioxx ing utrriirtrruiri MISHAL NASEER MILTON MiltorntOnt. L9T 5F1 905-878-2341 Fa.rrtsb ý ~905 876 22364 týr(;iiatrûn 905 878 5947 V.P. - Group Publisher ilr- i()(-r General Manager Editor in Chief Managinig Editor Production Manager Circulatioi Manager office Manager Tire Canadrair Champron, publrîtred everjr Wfrdnesday and Friday, is a divrsion ot Metroland Medra Gror.p Ltd CCAB Audited pxcniar Aroundtown I know now that ASL is a language ail on its own They say ne queston ts a sînpid questien. i beg te differ, becanse last week i asked many questions tirat weue fau fucîm intelli- gent. The oniy edeeming factor is i asked theni wiîh a desire te lean ans] I refuses] te preteird i nndersîeed nntii i ucaliy dis]. Last Fns]ay 1 steppes] tbrengirthe doers of tire Ernrest C. DruuxrSebîol for the Deai, whibcb Ive drîxen by ibonsaîrds eoftîîncs wiîh barciy a giance. i bas] an interview wiîb i]catircr Gibstri, an cdnucaîer ibere, whe iast we'ck was appeintedt thie Ouder etfCOntarto. itson bas] s]e'coîrd air "2,1 (Aniriian Sigir lAnguage) language art-,,curicuum, ans] 1îirougbî i was ibere te icaîn motre about the curriculur its:eif. But as I speke witir Gîbsen tbreugb air interpreter, i quiekly realîzes] 1 bas] tetake a step baek ans] hust icarn the basies ef ASL. i uses] te thiirk, very wrengiy, that ASL teck Engish werds aird assigned couespeiîding sigîrs te îhem. But thats trot the case at ail. Asi is a language tri its ewn, airs]wben ani îîrcrîer tanslates whaî an ASL s1rcakin1, peusoîr is sayiirg ie E nglistr hesW îrereiy gixing the ciesesi versio n shcaîbrepaieitataik shecaîhr. epandthtaJk tl intîASI, cottis vry' xxiii eis ftrinirss wheî r tansitet1 into 1ngisb - bccaîise ihere' irîr0 xxors] bOruword n irsiatoir tir iacî, tirc arc sîrirr ASt, signs tirai iraxe ne English word eqîrîvalenîs. Fer seme reassîn, il toek nre a wirile grasp tire concept of a ireirspokeir, nîri-wril- ten language. Airs my ignorance was nmore tiran obviens te Heather when i askeci sncb questions as. Why icarn ASL if von can hip- read? And how can yîru have a pocir il îherc are ne ASt, books? Tbe an-wrcis to ibose questions ans]mnretcare niinmy sioux' about li catfirinti today s C( aIîupi<n. Witi'iMition'Sburgconing populaition, tirere arceimorc and moeu turcs tirati iakc rp tihc t xx ir i ow t'rtizc irai tic,\'ri tctlture t' as ucai airs] saittiact ii turc ktian\' Otirci 'xioxttg xignrraralite tri 'drox wa-r xxci woiiitire citibai rassinetcitbccausc îî gavc tire inxîgir t tita language aboeut xvirîti1i sidii t ktrow iruti Witir this past Tucss]ay îrrarking îrry '\tir year here at tire (Ghaitpiorî.ilwas at gical lnec te be rernindes] tuatiicarnitrg shtrlniex ci stop. Net fer me, ans] net fer yen. rrrr<ii ~ 4 )rr H.r) MIL.TON S AN TA C LAU S PARADE IL3 gpBelFul UNITD WAV 0F MLTON YYNMCA (ru i ~irrrrrrt' mil