a Cle n of tehelowes, by Regional Chair Gary Carr Over the past three butdget years, Halton Region has consistently had one ut the lowest tax increases for Regional programns and services in the province. Fromi 2007-2009, the tax increases have heen a combineti average uf (). 0 pti 'î t.i On Wednesday, December 17, 2008, Regional Council unanimnously approved the 2009 Budget anti Business Plan raising property taxes by 1.7" per cent for Regional Services (excludung Police Services). This increase is une of the lowest among ail regions in Ontaruo. The increase torut,ion Reional Police Services this vear is 3.4 per cent. i hat makes the combined property tax impact to I-laton residents 2.2 per cent, or $28.01 pur typica-l houselolil having a ciii ieut valtie assessinent ot $300,000. Needless tt);,av, given the cteurlt econlomîtl clîniate, the budgiet pi epai ation oucss this veat \vas more tielicate (1ha111 isual. Regionai Coui ls telibertmi ,îfield throughotit December wei e iigorotis as Council andt staff worked to etîme up with practical soltitions in response ttî oui ke btudget drivers. The key drivers loi this years tudget includefi maintaining service levels, responding tu the commtinity anti investîng ini capital infrastrticture. 10 meet these goals, the btudget allows for some needc d new programming, such as the creation of a youth psychiatric service, 150 new suhsidized child care spaces and enhanced The budçge waste diversion programs. It also takes the c reatuc into consideration miaintaining andi repiacing existing infrasti oure and delivering new fnrstructure tu support economnie tevelpiett Regionai Council was pleased Wxvithes eai sbudget taviez, process andi fuels titat thic 2009 budget, vith a L.7 per cent icase in Regîunal propert taxes, is a g)ood exainpie ut tieliver ing on ubjectives, whiluet ogiiiig gluhai et iii tilt chai enges. For more tîctails about t he budiget o n îv oft [liton Regions progranis anti services, visit www.halton.ca. *$888,900 in additional funding to reflect the Region's responsîbility for potential Ontario Works caseload increases and pressures on employment progqram s $ 980,000 increase to Waste Management to address growth and enhanced programming S 440000 to provide Youth Psychiatric S ervices $1S million to provide an additional i150 subsidized child care spaces $ 735,000 to expand the RegionsWaste Management Program to add an electronic wvaste cali-in service and a multi-residential high rise diversion coordinator in addition to staff support for community *events Water rates and billing Water rates have increased for 2009, year-over-year, by 6.7 per cent from 2008. A new structure has been introduced that combines both water and wastewater charges into one rate on your bill. This new structure, and the rate increase, will take effect on ail charges incurred on and after January 1, 2009. The revised rates reflect new environmental legislation, community growth requirements, increased pricing of materials (e.g., treatment chemicals) and increased costs for repairing and replacing infrastructure. The rate increase also helps cover the costs of enhanced Regional water efficiency programs such as the Low Flow Toilet Rebate program. Local distribution companies bill water/wastewater charges on behalf of Halton Region. For customers, the basis for billing is as follows: " Monthly service charge, based on meter size " A water charge based on 100 per cent of water consumption For further information concerning the rate structure and policy, contact Halton Region at 311 or 905-825-6000, 1 -866-4HALTON (1 -866-442-5866), TTY 905-827-9833 or www.hatton.ca. For information concerning water readings, billings and payments, please contact your local hydro billing office. Feb. 3, 9:30 ar. Health & Social Services Cte Feb. 4, 9:30 a.m. Planning & Public Works Cte Feb. 4. 1:30 p.m. Administration & Finance Cie Feb. 11, 9:30 arn. Regional Council Feb. 16 Offices closed for Family Day Feb. 24, 9:30 a.rn. Health & Social Services Cie Feb. 25, 9:30 a.rn. Planning & Public Works Cie Feb. 25, 1:30 p.m. Administration & Finance Cie This page has been donated by this newspaper to communicate important information to Halton residents at no cost to taxpayers. We wekome your, feedback, CotitaËtýAccess ýHaltcn at accesshalton@hàbn.ca Dial 311 or 905-825-ËOOO -* Toli frée 1-866-442 5866 e TTY- 905-827-9833 e wmhalton.ca The Regional Mu'nicipalîty of Haiton a 1151 Bronte Rd., Oakville, Ontario M 3Ll