The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 30, 2009 - B19 Dateline - from DATELINE on page B4 Calling New Parents, a fre drop-in prograni lor parents and babics aged six months anti youngcr, mnecîs with a public healtb nurse to discuss parcnting and infant carc. Thc group mecci at thc Ontanio Farly Yars Ccntrc ai 410 Brontc St. frorn 1:30 tut330 Ftor more informationî, eaul (905) 825-6000, ext. 7299. The Womnens Ccntre, in Hopedale Mail, 1515 Rcbctta St. suite 229 in Oakxille, ol[crs peer counseling froin 10 ar..ici 3 p-ni. for women going through a dlfi cuit turne. No appointinent ix net- essary. ht also holds a meditation workshop roni 9 to 10 arn AAnd ils free Employment Network also takes place. Cail (905) 847-5520. Wednesday Feb. 4 The Salvatton Army, 100 Nipissing Rd., unit 3, holds its vol- unteer drop-in lrom 10 ar..ici 1 p.m. to help sort and pack footd ai Olit moou bior icip icptal lo other tttnnîunty prttgîaîtts ýiii more information, eaul (905) 875- 1022 or e-nmail rub@khcommuni- tyctm. it also starts ils free 'The Five Love Languages Relaionship Course,' based on the book by Dr. Gary Chapman, from 7 îo 8:30 p.m. For location information, cali (905) 875-1022 or e-mail jenh@khicommunitycom. The Deck drop-in centre, 200 \Main -',i.L. i cat i lti ianc) tilt lies students ront Grades 6 iii I2 iii stuop by bcîwecn 2:45 anti 6 pitn. iii play a game of pool or jusi bang oui. For more informnatitiu, vîsit www itlcckmiitli.tiîtn. Mitton Dtrcti1 lospital lîtîlts a unie-on-uîtc breastfeeding dlinic with a tertilieti lactaitin consutant froitînon tii 4 p. ni For itîtut infotmtittor te i alcc ait aplîtîttîiiîciîtcal liii Hiciks ai (905) 878 2385, cxiý 7610. Thc Ovarian Cancer Support Group, xpîînsuuî cytlhe icC aniaaî Cancer Soicetytîtecîx rtînt1I30 iii 3:50 pini. at the Cbtîutlî tii St. Maîthcw lin-thc-Platni126 Plains Rd. F., ni iBurlingiontilicriîg inftornmation atnd suppotrt for ncwly-dtagtîtixd clients, ihose nii ireattîteni and survixors. Fotr nmire infornmation, eau (905) 332-0060. T he W\Vitins Cectrc, ii litpedale Mail, 15i5 Rcbctca St. suite 229 nii akx'ile, hbîtitus Irue Abuse Support Group tîonti -)0 i iii1,1) lut'1lCON 1,11lîîl iý rcquîtcd. Cail (90) 847-5520 Thursday Feb. 5 Miltonu lDistritispital hiilts a one-un-one breastfeeding clinic xxib a crîîhîed lactattin contsutiant frtintri6 ii9 p ii .For tnorc infoit nmation ortir untake an appit- ment, eau jîli Hicks ai (905) 878- 2383, ext. 7610. Moms Supporting Moms ini Niston siliiaii l gîup o l mothers xxiii)arc xiiugglirng with poxîpartuni depressioni anti/or aux- icty - mccts ai 1 laiton Kids \Wcst Miltoni Huh at OSur Lady oi Vict 101 Stchool, 540 C îuiîtcitial'Si., foin 7 to K30 p1)10 I o reîoîcinhitrhi hou, c ai1 Jai tSixcrnis ai (905) 825-6000, cxi. 2927. The Decktlriîp-n tentre,200 MvainS"t F. (i tai criîrartc> ,initics sitîcouts iioîn(,,tls6 tb q9 bstop lix h)ci ccii 350 ant imu, tni 0 llax a gamîc oflpool (or 051 iaug ouni i iigh stîtiiol si iticitis aret',xcltitut' bciwccn 7 anti 10 lp iiilii ititc tnliîrnîatitot x iix xx'iîtc iiiltoli.toii T he Nlltoitt thapicr ioi the Canadian Federation of University Women mccix ai lHugli losici Hll wiiî a biisincss rmcci- mng ai 730 p.m iii Iilic gtîcxi spetaker't ai8 50 p u., iih Cmîîîd Stuc 'xl(irruatk Icatl llatîtîcu of Aboirigital I loiiîclessîtcss l'ttndiugý 1 liitilitiisitii i, i l urait alto 1 i itîtît' tîttui îîatin taSiI s tntai (905x) 878-0740. -'ihc \\r(cii s C circ in liopclalc MaIl lI iI'i Rýcb)cta 'SI. suteic229 tin Gakvîllc, oiicrs peer counselling 1iront 10 a.iii to for xxonîcti gîtîng thtougb a tîifi- t tlle.ticNi) alpotltiiciit Is rnct cssat'x'fi also holtîs ts Caring and Sharing Cîrde hotu i 1iii3 p iii (aIl (905) 847-5520. 1l 17: Haltons UNEnvironmental Trailhead & BCP - Leadership 401 -W ora Wed. I'eb. 18th. 2009 DerryRd 6:30 to 8:30 pua [ I\Gary Allan Sdrabene Site <.Z4High School 5l100AppIeby Uine Hw~y 5 (Dundas) abortion. Hav Dedicated to the almost 2 million lives lost to abortion since January 28, 1988 when the Supreme Court of Canada stuck down the abortion law. www.haltonprolîfe.con 1