B18 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 30, 2009 We believe... in hellping.1 Snowshoeing fun 0 ý PLEASE*GIVE0587-122 Lýràto inderoarden Programs JOIIYPý.nIcs. Sdc * & ma* Nutritious Mea <I, S nacks 8611 Escarpment Way, Milton 9054-75-225 1120 Maple Ave, Milton 905-693-4873 Drop in for atour.o No appointment necessary. Visit: www*eekabookdcOm Calil: 1 1f*n K(ms) Hap oidast vro Saiurday Feb 7, 2009 Milton Malilai nmon __________ Net proceeds wiII be accepted in support of f l , the Salvation Army N DiE PEN DE NT LIVING -HALTON ÇbciAt 7-ýs>tkr h.- e Pick fL4e, WutfL>~ www.wushuin DESERVING NOMMNEi ,ý,, -_ ý'-1 ree forrrhe 2008 ritr-r r rr'Ir errAsa,ra q.t ca (j trririrç/aaaint i civreer t(1i-c s-na ieirrs Jarrt s, ritr beeri a Scout for rîrcpabi10 /eirars tam nrvrtHnrsivR orynPari u th e pa : seva As -r n yeir',secretary a: :the / 1w r Mayar , 'autr Aav asry Cit ,Jarre 'Spýays ai nrpoaiit role in relpiuriin arr!aO s ccrrrai y everIs VIU1ia i erwr) lthia'-Twa r a1( thdrap-ir centc, sarrrer camas ana tak- îrîq varius leaersnip ci-arses are'oti er wav0 ir -edsptad' aime He's aisn a sac- rer referee The arr-alivvwaras are preserîted hi-ythe Ontarao Cammur ty Newvspapers Associationi iowhcithe Chlampnp arr mremer. M nITONMERCHAN: TSi~ w U Weight Lois CliniC~ of Milton Marisa Adamo as the proud francnise owner for U VWeîght Los Chit of Mlton. When Maia was searchîni- for a weighi los program, sne dîdo't wanit te faret i wth another tirer' plan. She had to fînd a program to fit HER lifestyle, one whuch was realistic and easy to follow, so thuit she could truIy commit to t. rt was wrth thîs goal ini ind thdt she found U WVeight Loss'. Marisa was so împreîsed wîth the program and the rompany that shne ended ap huying a franchise! She is aery eocited about gettînig the Milton community involoet in îreatrng a liiestyle thai promotes long ierm tealth anti melinesi. U WVeîght Los follows the 3 "Simple Secrets" to a healthy lifestyle- Detoo t Cleanse, Hormonal Balance anti Increaseti Metabolîsm. The clin tc is open Montiay- Friay dam ici 7pm anti Saturtiay t0am 2pm. You cao book yoar FREE Healthy WVeight Analysit by calil ng 905.636.0888 or hy email an am iton «tawigthloss.com anti yoa wîli rereive a FREE Detox t Cleanse just for coming in. For more detait vîsît as ai www.uweightloss.com. 470 Bronte St., South Milton 905-636-0888 email um iIton Cauweightoss.com C~J alialau Qijamlpion Wos ti LI Oro rAos A r)!ANCA ']r0 N ir The Ontario Fire Code requires that every home have working smoke alarms. Instail them in your homneor cottage today! uri.i5 lriti IAic (onllsci t iiîîi rc ,\i v siii Irîrit i, anntial sîrnti tsoiitlilandi s ii it rrîrrrr it "riit oVii t"hicl nisaic \ I ti l ln olu 'rtI(loi iis'rindlt i tsiiii a IllacitsP rs lfi iiig lcssîrirand lhilsu Lo)rilicilmort' spor ing srr h islut' sIrîsIov,ikt a iraitiinIîiii iîqtiiin rîsi irrit 1 liîst ilIclýIitiditiii i ilîrri' ýit-iig s i-il I (rOr it l c cu'Itdl iim a astgrili i ic lrrrrrghl th nrihnrl isss ti iiitiiiiiiai tnitiiiig. sitis t ni lktpart Iniit îi n airgndtidirirîr or ati 4150" i n o smiwrs lotd"-4 10 Aii lriai lis ' c I t s4ris iiA at i ira rtir m ndtntiiginii C rats hrti i Àst'uislotra nt ii:ht iînti ii o t iis t rut' antidrtas aboltt iutri 2Hi0ri iiirtiiioft lit' QI-M au' id -ti 1r 11ir Iisr lI l I i lit- -i-H l'iiiii i n iîlil iiiîiir ii 'i- d-i tir 1,11m