The Canadian Champion, Friday January 30, 2009 -A5 Local deaf educator recognized for excellence 1 i ti iO 1 sie'ct ii i vîj'i1 (-lm i1 t a1i L(L v -hal ý 1L ivýj .'. ,14 HONOURED FOR HER EFFORTS: Heathe proudly ispIdys her Oraer ofiricric{Cit Multiple Scierosis Society of Canada MS SOCIETY HALTON REGIONAL CHAPTER Presents Milton Leisure Centre Classes starting soon Register by contacting the office Are you a parent affected by a physical, mental or chronic illness? Do you have children between the age of 4 - 13 years of age who may benefit from a Young Carers Camp? Funding may be available for your child to participate, Seats are imited. Cali Robin for more information. MS SOCIETY M( P1 HALTON REGIONAL ,"I CHAPTER ____ 2016 Victoria Ave, turIipti, ON, [UR M4 rax: 905-681-116 905681-8770 tollfree. 1800211-8322 Supported by ,\ilio Cvmmunity By Stephanie Hounseli CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF A wlilt lîvvv, Miltvnitidstltt andv Detaltvluvatet latlitt (Gibso etidtvvlvla changt was nttdeid nii teway Otîarieo Dtaf stuvionts wtrct aughit il lits fia~d a rtgiîî, sht toit iassitvîutoi to e htîavght vtu tiuttr nattivt latigvt.go Anurtat i SgnL angutagt iSSI-)îvjut aas munvi as E t.iglislia slialvîig atnd Vietîv l spiekng stuvtîs. S-iis a languageof<cIits st altor al Mcvie Night Frî. Jan 3Oth @ 7pm. FREE! See web for detaîls. vnî Iniv uitstlil vid lii vvpnvti(un Lingii'slu In Livtt littv art -xc tiai sigivs iii XSiý t lai ltavt coi I itsh qi pi\aiv i I lias its ovi ru nituitand lItîratîi t as vs tii asits isvi ,vodsts tivtv turc ittvatnd trtttaphtvrs. It sas cuîîv lair ta itt intis iliai sv hvîvîs ltavs't tht ppiut vttiti t i nt 0et1\s hc tavtghîitinAI,,ilbut ici tse sîeds the- iatîgvîagt îtstl t\xliititl F bseutr:i t-î ly thrvuvgh antti irtttr ati liv ILt l)îr vtr ivhiuvl Ivor thtei)valý se with a tattuîvstr thtvirst eof IYLAWIA( \- IS Ad!a i i oo1 lotii 1111 il lu 1' t(li - i )i ti -- (c\ u tie l aS-il.nguao t - Curiculum vvthe ivlirs, i i us knvi iinutv Aintcrica. -fii cvir iulum iivnivwas tnîplcînviitvil lirsi aui L.C. Dvir:S avhooiuifor tht Dl Ii i titltttsv o heuu buvt lis-t stars îage and t-c nhuss ai-vu liing petttin plact ai thtc presiuivs t ai (Iio( l,,hineuis iiih iliv andi iLondont. ,thsutv ielîtps i tlittall siii ivb tnvp11inittvi ai E F Lii urs tct(hvuoilvrii i)tal s ,higli sviîiuvwi Aca Il -see HONOUR on page Al15 Sports Team Condîtioningl Powered by Short & intense workouts Rapid gains in overali health 'Workout of the Day' created for you Neyer workout alone - CrossFit tramner Ieading every workout FIBEPOWER TRAINING 509 Main St. E. Milton, (by Fabricland) 't