The Canadian Champion, Frday, January 30, 2009 - B17 Amnodio gets as much fromn volunteering as she puts in learned have corne rom xounncering,- grain, or can bc reterrcd by a Iamîîly mcîb' î, Amodio said. The Friendly Vistîng program is always on the lookout for volunteers, and ebere are currently a few seniors on a waiting lise, Sales said. Matches are made based on per- sonalities and interests. Its really important to keep (the sen- iors') minds active," Sales said. "For some, doctor or the Community Care Access Centre. Acclaîm Health (forrnerîy VON Halton> has been provnding cornrnnity hcaltb and support services to, Halton resîdents, includ- ing its seniors, for the past 76 years. Some of its other prograrns include support services for aduits and childreri witb crîtncal ilînesses r1[ P~&iWiL(/ 299E> One '-uîday, VI h t-, '\cbns i lltie will ableutil next I rsday. hold its Chocolate Brunch Extravaganza at Rattlesnake Point Golf Club. le will stan at 10:30 ami. and proceeds will to go toward ihe organizations van-ous programs, înclud- ing Iriendly Visiting. A brunch, entertannent and a decadet dessert buffet, complete wîth a cbocolate fountain, will ail be pari of the eveni. There To order tickets, make a donation to the silent auction or for more information on volunteening, caIl (905) 827-8800, ext. 2041 or visat and click on Lthe pînk banner. Slcphanie Hounsell ecatihbc eeache'd at sshes,',tlonevcanadanc/iampion. carn c /VFIFVL Seeing green during your home reno (NC-lf yoo arenti in the middle of a home renovation right ram, you might be mldng plans t0 get storted. A recent sureey by the Conadian Home Bulders' Association foond that Ontarios renova- tors have been busy over vie pat year and expedt te be even busier over vie nert one. It nukess sstiri cci hy d J1,5et, e(t vieir commutes and shnnk vieir canon soot- print, Ontanians are retumning te urban centres arrose vie province, many te eider homes viat need seme TLC. And viey are invesing seme serieus money in sprocing up. Renovaion spending in Ontarie, wich jomped 5.8 per cent in 2007, bas been growing at an average annoal rate of 8.9 per cent a year since 1998. Planning a renovaion is aise vie perfect lime to tbink about increasingyourhomne's ener* effi- ciency. Upgrading your lighting, wvindows, insula- tien, water and space heating systems can save yoo bundreds of dollars a year. If's good for the enironment too, because the less energy your home uises. the fewer greenhouse gatss r yclàer) nt( itO, The Ontanio Home bnergy vâng9sI>u i can help, by shoing yoo how best te cut voue electriciiy bill. and offsetting the cosi of maov eli gible energy efficient retrofits. You cooid be eligi- hIe for rebates totaling as much as $10.00. Simply hire a licensed home energy advior who wýiil find voor homes energy leaks and show whaf yoo can do te plug tbem, such as adding insolation or calking around yoor \indows and doors. fYour advisor will aise apply on your behaît for an audit rebate of op te $150.) Yeu will aIse receive a pian thai will show you how redore your energy bis, such as opgeslirîg to a more efficient tomace. Afler yoor audit. yoo have 18 months te madke some or al of vie soggested improvements and quàlitv for Ovemmineot rebutes. Sfter wnspleting ieork d eJis cmtteJ. After voue second audit, vie gevemmients et Qntanie and Canada wiii eoch rebate op te $5.000) for yuur upgrades. The more opgrades voo maies. vie more money seu'il gel bock, op te at total ot $10,000. For nmore information. \'oit sesn.onano.a/hmeenegv or ceuh the Ministes' of Energy an) Infrastructure into-lîne t 1-8M8-184636. PETER & JOSIE RACCO Sales Reprsentabses O,905-634-7756 M 95-634-7755 _ RO <~ 365 SPROAT ST. - Better than new Ioaded wîth upgrades! " ~ Great Room with new hardwood floors 't & pot ights. Freshly painted with 9 TO 1 IN CANADA ft. ceilings, bright eat-in kitchen with ceramics & extended cabinets. a- TOTAL 41 e* ~m O M I SI~ Unbelevabîn eaI FuýLaéed Home Located On A MIN ~ j Premium Lot Wih No Neighbors Behind In The High ;26~4m i ~ Demand Location Surrounded By Larger Proprtîns. WaIk To School, ýhopping, Banks, Transi & Hys.<m 1 '1 CÇji S owv l MAXXIMUM SERVICES ri ' UC J GoreosAlms30tSgFi.GeaGal oe OA MILS LISTING i4DEDICATEO AGEN' GPremOU' L 'o aqthe Park O A ChîldFriendly Steet aNresHOUES *POlOlO HOTRAPHY rnai La 0'a)Fo Large FamilleFetere AMain 'cSTAGI NO 50510E APFOINTM EN T B5000505 Lo DeenCncetLr&OroNEAW E AD O ;LUFULATUE SHetTO &MORE'ý _hkn Rce shsesnnernlstniîcdreSe 5 ai tuc needetcceisd nOiSt.i I iteaSsoS5n05aeivsptn e Pet Akers SaeIflo". Wonderful family home. Lots of TLC has gone into this 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom sidesplit. SUpgrades inlude: renovated kitchen, skylight & mua- m-TK islandsunroomhardwood floors, gas fireplace, CETRE whirlpool tub & lots more. Corne and see! Lostritto *U'Sato fop wwJAnaunit.m Wishiug Yen Every tiappines In This Newn Year! Fram me un att of yns. go my besi wishes atong with my thanks for Von vaiued husiness. t look f reard te sers ng you agaio in hefuure. mefor yoar 2009 catendar Linda Brosse& Jennifer Lovsin Sales Reps. Elegant 2 bedronm, 2 bath cordo with oersized bay win- fJid eniemmdows in the kitchen, living ronm and master bedrnnm. This Jm lone vcm aely unit is tully equipped with 5 appliances, central nec R ~ ~and custnm windnw blinds. Feus irclude heai, hydro, cable, commun rna maintenance, water and building REAL iEsTrA insurance. Fablous security building with odeuor ponl, het C ENTRE tub, undergrnund parkrg, itness more and sun deck. Bmkw*e, Inc. Immediate possession availabie, To advetie wi ths -future pue.. aII DIANE,*xt. 212ai 905-878-2341 email: dianew@miItoncaoadiancha'mpOfl.COfl