The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 30, 2009 -B5 Take your Valentine out for the night ItranirP ue n Mbleyrwfi ln nth our 3fyr o *tramnngreduce 12 m oe ho h nfew l dmo et ie 200 on O I ' i 9 fia Crnb TihIc f or 10 inuries -,,jqt rmt d, .. d 9 cr62l. dttth1 locsal claiauty gtscup s 03sw selling tickets Eu a donner and dance thats sure tu strike a romantic chord. The annuai fundraising event, held by the Milton council of the Kughts of Columbus, xiii rake place at Granite Rdge Golf Club on Dublin Line ou Satursiax, r Pb. 14. Thfe evenoug wii begin witb cocktails at 6 p.m., don- ner at 7 p.m. and dancing until miduigbt. Gucots xiii fe taken care of xith a scrumprious meai aud after-dinnet musical eutertainment fcaturing James Doolin and the Mob. Organizers say this ycats event 15 sure Eu fie better than ever, pattocuiatly after baving to move to a bigger location due tu popular demand. flou. 9.11'cal " r, i cv ,iii o turc a ~ isc s u coom tO iEG.rante Ridgei, over looking the Niagara Ecarpment,' said organizer Daniel Varanelli. Tickets cost $65 each. The meal xiii start wîth a pasta dish, followcd by saiad, a main course of ficE mignon and dessert, Two boutles of wine pet table xiii be ncludesi. ln addition, there wilbc a number of door pezes and a sient aucEion with items gencroslsy donatesi bx local merchants and busonesses. Ail profits 1t0t33 ibis event xiii bc disttobutes i outhe community James Doolin 0and the Mob is an 1 1-piese baud shat includes a lead maie songer, three-pcce hotu sesction, tbrce feonale singens aond a fout pîcce thythm sectin. Besodes sontie of theîls d pcsflr.onîa\irrsr yR wcaI... 01 xel0 l c\ l(:9iO iIrr 11 91 n cu , kr . XrrIr 4 him. able at the door. The Nagara-based band recently took to the stage for a New Year's Eve show ai Casino Niagara and pet- forrnis at a variety of venues and evenîs. Columsbus s a shoorch hases), b atetosal organoza- tion. 1ts local group has stOp portesi usioerous ex ents 2 inciuslong the Milton Santa Claus Parasde, Canada Da, fcstivtcs ansd the Milton Fait Fait, doiiatong more than $20.000 cash yer tE local charities and eonsonu- ni organozatioens Tickets arc availabis hi cosntatng \raraoseiii at (905) 875-4940 or Daouefli~olyx t-osao-vknoights.ta.I1bi s 9an allso bc porchasesi at the S 011oIl r irîi r o> f W , - L L rAwmm ýI Be a înner I. Iti Id ~'New Homes I 00ht0 loo0k fo, insde and out, inea new hAme. Real Estate foc many Canadians, buyîtg a home i5 an impotant goal. *Health & Beauty Thece ae many thiegs to *coooidec hefoce openn wide foc a dental sugeoo. M In Motion a tech Savoy dc oîng expec eoce that equies youto doovecy lttie. Lifestyle &Leisure *Becomtg a Pimacy Cae jPaamedic opetso 900 004 dwde cange of employment 'opportunt tes !Home & Garden It 0s ipotant foc bpareot to be awace of any potential dangers n the home. In the Kitchen The latet design tetds nilI add foro, fun and function 80 youc kitChet. %jguIE TRANM $@USTmmXE~ A PITCHER 0F DOMETUC BEER FOR ONLY $9099 I.. I I To ou, volcaed cuoiomero: V/c orcoiogize Cor ony inconveflieflce caused by an error in 1 Ppe datod.: Jonuarje 23 - Joncorie 29. Product: TomnTom OneXL33O. On the Jarlnaey 23 flyer, page 15, pieUSe note Oai Ihîs peoduci does soi rave the "Speaks Street Namos feuue as advortised. SKU:10101259 Ppein (iosiE5 152 Cooke Ces. $399-900, 60060ev Cteoco .0 rn0e R...Est!-nt" P ro9058797, 1-3pm 1082 Barclay Cie. $287.500, Hunier 06cr 984 LanCcte,$449.900. James Mcllit 840 Gaey $31490. toes tame 005 Ccoarbroe, $354.900. Melci BIoy 300 Moügcali Croso ,Bob iioutlcy Ro Žs.go.1, ..o o905-878-81Ar 1-3 pm 1028MCCvig Or, omenic Mochii 1-3pm 42 Buiiy Or.$ormnric Man)chou 645 Caldwell Ces., $304900. Joe Soglîn r,dpr'A oili ) . i y 9058789100 59 EriwardsrAvE î9û0, .i9s Lraso 155 Holmes Cres. $349.90 ýClayln avkenbrovk 653 91119 Ave ,5309 500 Pam Pueess j 726 Couisen Ave $314,900, Teei Lye 9,110e 667 9iîiiy Ave- $284,900. 90cm Hlson 525 Trvdeau Or $354S900. 8ev rosch 0407-100 Mîllorile Ave. $274S900. OeA l 4406-1479 MapIe Ave-$299,90. Micelle Oest 312 Busveli Coud. $307,900. $helly Hllier Rej '0.jývsd1- r 0587877 959 Doooelly $384900ý Deb Jardine 984 Lancaste, $449.90 Alex Rundie 1841 Bety leil. $359.90., BarA Lafleche 134 Lacery, $309 800, Dorotby lTvuman 230 Andrews Trait $309.900, Joyce Hagecik 1034 Donoclly, $434.900, Arn Scelt 540 Moorlaeds. $359900, BarA Crace 308 McDovgaII Cosing. Bob Stouley Royal ..opage Madowt orne 905-878-8101 6% Caldwell C., $36090.JSe Tagee Prudentrvr îowr Cntre Realty 905-878-9100 TAKEN (14A) NO PASSES FRI-SUN 110, 4:10,7:10, 1010: MON THURS 710. 10.10 THE UNINVITED (14A) FRI-SUN 1245, 3.50, 0.45. 9.20 MON THU9S 6045, 920 NEW IN TOWN (PG) FOI SUN 1:00, 400, 6:30, 930, MON-THURS 0.30. 0.30 NEW IN TOWN (PG) STAR & STROLLERS SCREEN/NG THURS 1:00 UNDERWORLD: RISE 0F THE LYCANS (18A) NO PASSAS FRI11i5,4:15, 730,10:00 SAT-SUN1:15, 415,7:30, 1000; MON-THURS 730, 1000 PAUL BLART: MALL COP (PG) RW 5 DSS FOI-SUN 120,4:20,7T20,9:50, MON THURS 720,0950 HOTEL FOR DOGS (G) FI-SUN 130,430, 715,0940; MON-THURS 7:15, 940 GRAN TORINO (14A) FOI SUN 12.30, 3.30, 6:40.,0:30; MON-THURS 6.40,930 MILK (14A FI-SUN 12:40, 3:45, 6.50, 945, MON-TOUJRS 6:50, 9:45 MILK (14A) STAR & STROLLERS SCREENIOIG TOURS 1:00l $130 Rive WUn a Canon IP 3500 Enter to Win 1 of 3 Elegance Cookware Sets, J at ___ 1 r- viýjt r)atlvWehTV.(r)m to Win! ýi