B4 - The Canadian Champion, Frday January 30, 2009 Dateline Date/mne is a free listing available to local community groups to assist in promoting their coming events. Only charitabe or non-profit community groups may use this ser-vice. We guaanee one issue of publicity of thte event although more insertionîs are possible i space pennits. Dateline notices shouldbhe e-maîled to edito- rialCamiltoncanadianchampion. com. The final deadline is nooni Monday for Wcdnesday 's edi- tion and 5 p. m. Tucsday, for Friday 's editiotî. Dateliie items won t hi' ayccptcd hi telephoiie Saturdayjan. 31 The Learning Disabilities Association (LDA) of lton presents special educarion teacher David Buehler givîng a technology demonstration [roin 9 a.m. to noon at the LDA Halton resource centre, 560 Guelph Line, in Burlington. The cosi is $25 for mem- bers and $35 for non-members. To regtster, eall (905) 333-1977 or e-mail in[o@ldahal- ton.ca. For more information, vîsît www.ldahalton.ca. Monday Feb. 2 The Ontario Earfy Years C entre, 410 Bronte St. S., hofds its Developmental Early Identification and Prevention Program cm- ic roi9ý 15 îo 11 15 a in , desîgned for faîn- ilues wîth children riewborn to fîve years old. It offers a 15-minute consultation wîth pro- fessionals in the areas of speech, hearing, behavîctur and pre-school and infant devel- opment. No appointîneni is itecessar)', fîrsi corne, frsi serx'ed. For more information, cal] (905) 876-1244, ext. 10 The Salvation ArmN', 100 Nipissing Rd. unît 3, hofds its volunteer drop-in from noon to 1 p.mni o help sort and pack food ai the food batik cri help prepare for other coin- munity programis Fouti-mre infoniiatiun, eail (905) 875-1022 or e mnail t uhhwk<hicuunî- rnunlitycoin \li)um l)uI mi oI'I h'Yt) 1 ht)- ii 011e breastfeeding chinic \nil) wauîîîm .1d Li tation consultatnt from i nuit lu 4 p ii F(ir morie informnationu or tu itake an appoint- ment, calJi Hicks ai (L)0)) 878-2383, c'.î 7610. 1-alion [lealthcare Services, and the f Icart ancd Strcike Fîutdaitn tof Ontario lîuld a lrc'e seininar enîîtled A lecari to I learu Abhuti Heart Faîlure' at 7 p.ii. ai Oakvýille-Trafalgair Memonal Hospital, in the auditoriuim.Tu reserve a seat, cal] (905) 338-4379) The Women's Centre, in IHopedaf e Mail, 1515 Rehecca St. suite 229 tri Oakville, offers peer counseling [rom 10 arn. t<i 3 p.m. for women going through a diffcuf t time. No appointmnent is necessary. h also holds its Family Law Legal Clinic from 6 30 to K30 p.ni offening haif-hour pnivate ses- sions with a Iawyer gîving advice on famîly issues. For more information, call (905) 847- 5520. Iuesday Feb. 3 The Salvaiiori Anîay, 100 Nipissing Rd. unit 3, holds its free Busy Hands, Creative Mindls weekly drop in rom 9.30 to 11 a. m for kîds aged newborn to [jvc years old and their parents or caregivers wîith songs, crafts and playtîme. For the weekly theme, isit www khicom muni tyýco m.Lt also holds its womens Scrap and Chat [rom 730 ti 9.30 p.mi for scrapbooking hegînners and addicts to work on personal proiects. For more information, call (905) 875-1022 or e-imail jciilf(38khicomnmunity.comii Sexual Assauli and Violence Intervention Serices (SAVIS) of Hialton hofds its veeklv Hispamic Women's Group ir 'u 1 -1 4p in al \qpu ý l ituu. uîci chLmlt -40+ -'p:Lit Ave. Burf ingion. lts a vi nfidential, open group for women and chifdren. For more information, call (905) 825-3622. Milton Disti ct Hiospital holds a one-on- one breastfeeding clinic with a cettifieci lac- tation consultant from 9 30 a. m to 2 p.nm For moire information or to make an appointmneni, calJili Hicks ai (90) 878- 2383, ext 7610. -see more DATEUNE on page B19 Q f$)(,/( Now he enjoys a varied menu and great company. M caltiime was miostly a chore foi Walter. Living alune, lie would simiply choose what was casiesitcîo prepai e andc cat it in front ut thic'TV. Nutr ition was rarely a coiîsideration. At Chartwell thic hef chanîges flic menui dail>'. su \Vmalici ucît uls pets tu cse tî uni a sai f bu lalaiîccd meals, Frit lue cutumys therni iittia siclc dis6 ci' laugicir anîd cover sation. To [mnd otît more cali Chartwef f Classic Qakville at 905-257-0095 or visît www.chartwereitca FREE EVENTS vues. Feb 3:- lpm 'ueaei & Srk rr itimr ase ' r Pessaure Frn Feb 13 Bn LeLxx hicn - * 2 î30 muut taoiandguFv 3au"e 5teSS' Sat- Peb 14:* 12.,00 pîm Thuis.Feb 26- Sx OAKVI L L E 180 Oak PFatrk Bid. (?akville, ON TFIE FFTIRE%%F"%T L 0