B2 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 30, 2009 Celebrate Chinese New ~4L 4 Je S.Poteq f bu f laIton Rugsis C. bsnuc ( ' anacf ais Ass'ociation (fiR(CCA) il culuhratu thu ( binu'>u CNuw 'suas vitib s nalll"I fuindraisng dssnuer 'saîcrda, ub. 7. To bub lid i ">innsiit Ru'>îatrani - ltîcatcfas Wi/n'stn Ccrc bil Boulefvard, jutn'> sii tif ( Ijundas "s-uui n Mm'issauga -itueus uni lwill bcui ms uppoirt of the 'uc- Hlong Cenc l or (3uriatrsc C art' in Mss>"ariga a 1long tci nsc asc latiliîy that sc'rve'> tbuc C bsnc'>tanc1 tiius 'iss' tolmnlnunsnucs in lIIafcin ansd Pete1 rugmon'>. --ibe recuptson '>arts ai ( fillov'cd by a 10- cîîcsr>udsnnur ant Iunius min- mensIl - wbsicfs iiictcdc'> a ss altional IlionDlac u a'> wcll as a lsvu bandi andI kas aoke. I bure will also bc a siluni auciion andI plent> oi douuî prrzes. lic kut'> uo'>i S0 lor f ik( ( \ nicembu'> S70 li ntini-iiuibur'>rsantd -40 lfor chilcîrri n1I2 ancd unclc'i(1 cali tiscket, '20 goc, lo te b 'uc Ilftno C entre. To purcbaseu tckut't-, iior mor Isnforsmatison. cail)(905) 84-ft8023 osr 'i'it tV .rcta.c a Bishop Reding hosts celebration event Bishop Ruditng "sciindair\, '-chooIl w sf1 bu tran'forrnet int> a Cbinu'>u fustisval Inexi S-aurday, I-eh 7 Ebats whun f'>in<fresf'>tsrua îussdes ,sr luxet ted lsto ilfeti'>-ly' cl)ubs csfu C lsi'c'>uNux' iur witb a clnncr aisd dancu j'>ci on' by iie Miltotn C bsn> '> sc.'>>icaion. lisciiisnsl C in' uitcrtiiiit ,11"1 followucl by a ps'rfirsantu 'of th'e C hsm'ese (Tong Fui nd ncfcsicng Tic kets '>o's "10perus cslt' s, hls t bl- dreussncer lotir arc fi c bO bookl- a '>uatsorls ss nmoru inflorn'>atson, c,ll Mllton Chl'>s'>u,'socsatson pru'sdt'i For localI Items for Boxed beverage containers Plastic botties Aluminum food& pop cans Aluminum foul items for - - t. Items for Garbage Wings (including bones) Pizza Paper plates & cups Nachos & salsa " Plastic andi styrofoam pOates &cups " Back&clear " Chlp bags Regional Council unanimously approved the 2009 budget, raising Regional property taxes by 1.7 per cent. Over the past three years, Halton Region bas consistently had one of the lowest tac increases for Regional programs and services in the Province of Ontario. From 2007-2009, the combined average tais increase is less than one per cent. Given the current economic climate, budget deliberations were rigorous as staff and Councif worked to corne up with practical solutions in response 10 the key Gary Carr budget drivers, incfuding investing in capital infrastructure. Regional Chair The 2009 budget takes mbt consideration maintaining and repfacing existing infrastructure and delivering new infrastructure to support economic development. For more information, dial 311 or 905-825-6000, toîl free 1-866-4HALTON (1-866-442-58661, TTY 905-825-9833 or visit www.halton.ca. Haiton eq Ropoaf Meeting ichëdule February 3 9:30 a.m. Health & Social Services Committeis February 4 9:30 a.m. Planning & Public Works Committeis February 4 1:30 p.m. Administration & Finance Committee CANCELLED February il 9:30 a.ni. - Regional Councif Meeting_ 15,Bo te oa, OB.l, .OntaroLM3 1'1à'1 31 1>- I From free identity theif coverage bo 24/7 dlaims service, proteot one of your greatest investments with the right insurance coverage for your home. Cail us today! A Better Place For You", The Co-operators is the leadfng Canadian-owned multi-product insurance company. Tish Wilson, Agent 1580 Derry Rd E, Unif 201 (905) 864-6900 Iish wilson @cooperators.ca rHm uoLf Ismns Grop uiness Far lT