The Canadien Champion, Frîdey Januery 30, 2009 - 27 Engagement I Lirth Announcement in MemonamBitdyAnuem t Kearney, Maron (Nee Brown) Iii lorunq cemrrpy f r re/vand m;h, Hap y 1Pao st d MaronI**Q Aug 26135 -January 3112005 ( o de On Wednesîi Leah Waisberg ar Em Peler and E/ms Fao//o are de/îghtad tlu ai/7.34ac w announce the engagement uft t/ein non TOrr//ed r//andparan Frank to Sheila Rangen, Donna Daîîghter ut Ron and Norma Jean Wasbetg & Loyd Rboflu Frt uelQAppe/le, Vrey pis aS igautg Saskatchewan. Weddîng /0 tako Sa hegie & Marie pace Miay 23, 2009 in arn dc/id lfnrEue4 Fort Qu'Appe/ie, Saskatcheman. Wishing themn many years of ________________ Obituary Boor Girl?, PeýI your f arlîly & f riends with Birth Anriouncerrlent5 DiPede, Dante If is with great sadness, thaf we annoance the passing of sur fat/rer, husband and grandfath er who passed away peacefulIy t St. Mchael's Hospital inoronto on Wednesday, January 28, 2009. Date Di Pede, beloved husband of Liberata /nee Cianfaranîl. Loing fat/rer of Caudio, Tony and his wife Julie, Ma gge and her fiancée Mke Sullivan and Joe and his wif e Taya. He wl// be sad/y mssad by is 8 g randchildren Joey, lina, Rachel, Sara h, Rebecca, Nicha/ias, Ranèe and Stes. Ssraiaed by his brother Ennio and sster Pia. Predacaasad by his parents Antonio and Retituda in taly. Fami/y and friands are învi/ed fuo isif ut the M eKERS/E KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Mais Sf. Mil/on 9058784452 from 1-4 pm and 69 pm on Frcday. Vgil Prayars wîilha prayed t the tuneal home or Frîduy aaanîng t 830 pm. The Mass ut Chrstiant Burial ci/I ha ce/ebra/ed t Ho/y Rosary /'.t/ro/c Churc/i 139 Martin S/. Mlton on Sa/arday. Janoary 31, 2009 t 11:00 arr. ntarmeflt /to//olow t Milon Evrgrean Lamafery. in îîaofot towars the Di Peda tamily as rpues/ad t/rt memorial donations ha made tu the Canudjun Dia/rtes Associa/ion. retars nt condo/anca may ha aH tntor//re tamiiy t wosw.nckeercra kocherca day Dec 24th 2008 and Adam Hollingsworth id t/rein filtc/id ima Marie eig/rng 7pnunds 9oz nts ate Mike and Christine aCampbell and S/ep/ren d arnd Lena Ho//nerilr/ anp aiae Doug & Lin- lCarn.pnei Frrst gr//rea ru /pn P/angie & S//noS/pBu.'i IRWIN, Marion Augusta (nee Douglas) Aftterr - , iti , "! u' lin,( , .i C. uns//p pjeur er/y on PrIa / pi ',u 27. '200 irre' 91*, PcuýýIorr.rn'1 Or/re t/rh r/ i/n. Fr' uc' Ms rn 'irir Mrr sa crislient ylierifor' ,rîdren, Lichait (De/r/mi Mary /(Ben/. Linsglr'ý and /101 (Cundy) Marons gnra riren.' S/rehe"y, Karer. /iewairru leî'tar u and i3udy serea ugreut .ourcf-,nifrru uni se uditad er greut pnunddaughtie Taylor, BrouLe und inrdarne. Arnts an. es cGusiru und /rar irany rîands nîIosîrn /rur pusnîng 's 0e Wnu predaneused bup irnbrut/rer P irmen, hanr parants lîurrna and Agita. uand ban s/ap-mut/raiP/ai .Pieau'n /oir ii' îamî/y, Eday, juniury 30/h. I79 p.ri.. and Satutduy, îunuury i st, l' u130. pmh t the WALLCUSTANCEFPUNLi/Ar HOME & CHAPEL, 206 N rtuik St.. Gue/nhS 519 uŽY //ni n or wa//nus/une.n rm/ A cena/a/n of Marions itae iileha sa/SSatorduy, January 31, 2009 t 1.30 pin. Racaption /0 tl/ow îin /he Wu// Cus/anna Fami/y Racapfîun Centre)/ n iasunt f/owers, dona/ionsslu the Heaa/ & S/nska Foundatias, 20421 Surrey S/. W. Oaa/ph N1H 3R3 wou/d ha appnacîa/ad hy the antamîy. "Remember me with joy, love and laughter, for that is how Iwil remember you." MOORE, Theodore (Ted) Passed away peacatsi/y wîfh hîs tamîly hy hîs sida followîsg a batIe wth cancan os Manday, Jansuary 26, 2009 t the Mil/os District Hospital sn is 73rd yaar. Ted Moore, muet /oaed hoshand of Bernîca for 49 years. Loaîng fthan of Gai (Sfeae/ Wson, Janet IDannyl Nada/in and Sandy Moore. Sud/y mssed hy hîs grandchi/dras Jeff and Kafia. Saraîaad by hîs sîstars and brother; Lu/lian Chasîkar, Doris Thîstie, Rt/r Wartord, Graca Grant and Robant Monne. Pradacaased hy is sîster Elizabeth Bannas. Wîl a/su ha dean/y mssad hy the Pei/ay famî/y. Ted was espanîa//y gratol for the support ha raceînad front lus AA fumî/ly. Ted mas an bunorury mambar ut ha Ha//on Sportsman's C/ah. Famî/y and friands ara i/aitd /0 nst t the McKERS/E KOCHER FUNERAL HOME /14 Main S/. Mil/on 905-878-4452 tnum 24 pm anS 1-9 pin on Munday Ihe fanera/ seruice mut sbe re/d in the foirerai huome c/rupa/ un Tuesday, Feruarp 3. 2009 t 1100 arr n ieuut of amr, memanîa/ dona/ions /u the M//ton Dis/nic Haspital Fasnda/îon ort A/eu/ru/s Anuiisr monus wouo/S ha apne ia/ad. eHtens ut nondolnenaîny hae toir tumî/y aI wwwmckansîa Sue/ T/c,,e s a pace in ou, neurts t/rt s Vyors urone A paee o loe no one udn own For deep nin ur heurts pour mernore r kVer j To Love and chenun and neyer forget Don, Debbie and Family J 'in Memonam n /ovrng memory ot Gayle Elizabeth (Dee Dee) Hadlow August 28, 1973 - February 1, 1998 May the wrnds of/love b/ors sotie' And ihispe-r so pou ,cariheuar WVe wr/i a/wayo love and mis'oruo And wstr t/at y rrî were irereý rein g our ives eet/out pou /5 the /rardeot part ofril/ For a/i t/rat ie ras n eeris Arrd a// t/rat is left to do) We wil krtow Irogreater in, TharithtIe veers ae had wéP/r pou' Love 'Va Always, Mom & Dad in memonam J Bithday Lordy, Lord y.... Look Who's Forty! James Rhett Morton (born January 31) Canadian Federation of University Women, Miton and District notas A/r Wanerî ro a Meetng Thursday, February 5th At Hugh Foster Ha/I 7C pM -Busurnps i//vnr, p:3n pm,-rSpeaker On// p Mrrt rr --Ce' Leaad ian;e A//on//nia iôrrreso5snO Tc, ."/nig Harrnr.-, r 'an A.5nr. n a i Nec ths Year 'n r' ' ' L For information, ca/Il 5-87.y"5740 Coming Event Fundraising Dance & Siuent Auction Don P/zes Sat. Feb. 7th, 2009 - 8:00pm Rosu l ara1ýn/ar cq'sn ý1 ru' 'r.s SIMiîîsr reanîring DiiJu'an o It/c Dr ISC OC'i rrS,,'rrrr F aoenteo ýy The Parent So.p for tne299y Lrn Scots rrn 1 î ~Cali Karen for details or ITickets: Sf5.eactî or S2. H-apy Biruicay, My Chckadee From your Mother Peaches &E et entourage of James familes. 1 coinghII n MichaelAllan McDnnaldBleHrnWo Ju/y 24, 1958 - Eehruar ' 07 Engagement ITRCE AN 1ruira/ly kit/eS is Myil/iis, Ontarioii l'ehruary 2. 21117. 2 vears ueo. The moiment tIsai ycîsdied, irîrherts sp/l iin leo. The rise s/de 1H/ted mitîr meuiries. tIse sthet died mît/r yîîî. We oiten lie ucake ut nighti, whcn the mur/S is fast s/Ce/i. anS take a ma/k Sucncntrit lay bite, with leals aptîs rheek', Otir tlime citi/rsticas Ipreci tous raSd the ineilities e Iraie ai e t iThe lieve e ,harcdd îîgeîheî. keeps rlisn/tise tri ypu. N1,ix Ire arliii itses îvson rt-tîld ii scecptrs/Isillsiring a Mas/e e ccar.,iiîîriit s ui\ i cireý ire et!s'ilsr cr1ri/ il br. Bu/tit/ere vs iii/iiiiSz s,\eil iiir.ked sartine/t ri-rer te,îî Oui rise cfortosrs. iri ne ti as ti// /tr.'ei ]et lis 1rulr 1/ s /eeîî 2 s oe sa.cuîi lni .5/cris s lits d antd pu ll et/ r lîtieset c/t/t is, Mîarr, Dadu & bafila S a/ura a y3s t HO oa/e-d ut 11998WISON OlcHURCHILL B19WISOLEVARHL Bks OnsUAyteRaDPîeDrv Georgetown F/ati I panioTV cmpoetg stands atmtiurrs woidiobes, atessaîs. niq/rt tub/as, qui/t tanks, blanket boxes, talcs and but/attý china dîsp/ap cabinets, bnnkcasas. Oc cupbord pantpy.//n- an cubîrer Y/ýy cabinets, solo tab/es, queen panai bau aesks. noflea ann abtles, daa con herches, cîssuon hatueut tas/e, vaggîe lois, wasnstana amine to//e. hall monn ta/r/e, magazine races magazine tab/es ana mac/r cure LCus/oo i/ens ceicumarng a truck uSke ri//r phou Showroom Hours Monna our 0Saturday t// B/ar s 3//pc to plc 'nadc 9o5m88m23* m:Caaia':.a 0 -7 r tickets: 5. couple T/re families ofr Ashleigh Lockwood and David Lllicrap are t/rn//eS /0 announce t//air upeofting weddîng lu take p/ace Febrsary 28//r 2009. We ais/r I/mma lrietrme zof /rappîneao ltoge//rer a a ir 1