The Canadian Champion, Friday January 30, 2009 - 25 caaree cca reers rer ~reers genEa l help genrl hIp generruiteip I a h l ~ ~ a h I h~i i eip 1897-2008 An industirous, hands-on individual, you have a strong mechanical aptitude which you will demonatrate in the maintenance and repair cf forklift equîpment as weli as general building maintenance. You are a Class 'B' Refrîgeration Operator and/or Fourth Class Stationary Engîneer, adept at mavimizîng the operareon of industrial refrigeration components (compressors, condensors. evaporators, pumps and regulatorsi, and able to deal with ammonia safety issues, control replacement, and purgîng of equipment. Weldng skilis and strong computer knowledge would be an asset. Yu must have th lxbiytowrrtargsii-. ~46r m Onlyqualifed anddats wll e cntated lui 7 A AZ DRIVERS Boom or Moffett DR exp. preferrec. Wanted for Iocaý IVERS 905« 9 » 1 803 C.11 0 _ 9 _ 1 800 & Michigan 'Ulis Home evenings and weekends Cali 905-693-1800 or Fax resume or905-693-1803 n caees nral help Ml nrai help geai help SCO BS DRVE QUALIFICATIONS TO APPLY: *Drivers Abstract in good standing " G'" License for at least one year *Enjoy working with children GREAT FOR: *Stay at home parents (pre-schoolers can ride along) *Retirees who have extra time on their hands *Anyone Iooking for a positive and supportive environment to work GENEROUS BONUS FOR "B" CLASS DRIVERS IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A CARING, SUPPORTIVE AND FUN COMPANY TO WORK FOR! STOCK has routes available in Mississauga & Oakviîîe s I STOK *TANSORTTIO 2741PlyouthDrie Okv - 90-89-04 187-3STC 1 wwstctrnsora i.m 1 1 NA) E P E NI)ENCF ýirC no longer jLIýl 1.ý\CCIIcllt oppol in Oak\ Ilic I'Or ser'4 4w. Coli scient lous adlllls & Saturdaýs. You pick- ýoui- hours. illa\ Contact Boh (il (905) 6371 -S79ý. .......................... ......................... Pickvg lice Puciiivg ca vec stacks o! packagvv miv t a vng a , 'P mt e D k- order pickvvg as 'Pe4 ired lHe vayl,nfi'rcq iii' * PaleI,zp i S ia rîrp * 'ji i z l . m i , , i ,r i s ke ' i ' i i i i p " i Z '1, 'ine vain ose f C ý * Leader deri sheev * Rer vvig ernp iy',,ses aid ' ases mt' p'ùIj'L i rn,, ' "ivn briund liailvi, * U ilize in a m o t v !o v 'e ai' ' ( ' i op Iv c d vii' lir 'i t'd ici *Sonne heavy liftinvg iequiic * Ge vea, cieavivg ol aiea SCter autes as assigcevi T ne ideal candidate mii p esste [P- l it loti îg aifrisutes *Grave 12 educatiiv * W evkivg kn vwledge in leva oi vaiiy evuirvement * Famiiar ut readîvg and vppiyivg predeci quavlity conversioniv lahen vecessaryl le cusioer viorder shippinrj documents * Forklif i Lcensed preferred *Musit e a persov cite cav mucli 05k avd evîvys c oking in a dy- vamîc evvirevmevi A A CpS cvrnmiiv'eri 'veviauvia tcam placi vhr)ce iks ceH vil Ca Cveasily assume addfiovaI ivepon si îry as iepq~ie * Go vS a' as sess va c t e lacis in i ma cîvg a sou ed vecîs c-, * teci se commuvnicatior skis, i S seprti and isitten f 'cv u ar ie,'t uis ie in r r e v ' t ý(' 'c i i, i v'ý,I ADDITIONAL INCOME OPPORTUNITY 1 m k g To explore, contact Jack Malixi at: 416-902-0914w ' ma ixi Actingl ModéingwacýÏ Opportunities .a. 0 0 ai 1 BUILDING CUSTODIAN ý 1 NEED A JOB? MAKE SETWEEN 1800 AND $1,200 EACH MONTH.- 1 W-pp. ".M.M 1 1 il