A20 - The Canadian Champion, Frday, January 3e, 20e9 Tykes win away from 1lst t liai s xx iteiithc 55 îoteihlass I i lgoal oI tvkes can solidifv top spot ini Tri A tic rnight mean aî onc-gaine County regular-season play clash to deterine top spot, silieC needing a win against the Milton andiSt. (Catharines spli thit Bframnpton Battalion at Milton two-ganse series andi wouid finish Sports Centre to nudge past St. with the saine number ofl wins. Catharines for frst. 70I~$ Tomorroxvs gaine is sel for 2ý 30 The odds look aw[uiiy good for Mlton, p-ni which sits wîîh a 20-2-1 record and Regardiess of the outuomie, the txkcs wiii dumped the same Brampton team 7-i once agaîn finish with the besi reguiar-sea- Tuesday night. son record of any iocal rep team. Street Namne and Address Change By-Iaws n 2008, Milton Council approved a series of street name and addressing revisions (staff report PD-019-08). As your service provider, we cannot stress enough the importance of a consistent and logical addressing system in providing a timely emergency response and efficient municipal services and deliveries. The recommended street name and/or address change by-laws for Phase 1 of this program are scheduled to go before Council for final consideration on Monday, February 23, 2009. Staff report PD-013-09, which contains the list of street name and address changes for Phase 1 of this program, will be posted on the Town's websîte, www.milton.ca on Friday, February 20, 2009. the Plow!, We ailwnt cour streets cleared of snow qumckly, but nothing slows down the work of snow plows more than cars parked on the street. Don't forget: The parking by-Iaw in the Town ef Mlton is three heurs unless etherwise posted. Cars must be remeved frem the read during snew clearing eperatienS (in which case the three heur parking limit dees net apply). vehicles found te be impeding snew clearing eperatiens can be ticketed and tewed at the ewner's expense. Keeping parked cars eff the street will speed up snew remeval and increase cemmunity safety. Road Plowing Response Times Snew plewing respense times range depending en the severity ef the snew/ice sterm and the prierity ef reads (Regienal reads are plewed first, then majrleown thereughfares and finally lecal streets). If a street has net been cleared within 24 heurs after a sterm has ended, please cali the Snew Centrel effice at 905-878-7252, ext. 2500. Please visit wwwvv.milton.ca fer mere -A infermatien abeut Snew Centrel Services. e MICHAEL IVAIJIN /I PECIAL TO THE CHAMPION ROCKIN' THE HOUSE: The lead for Julie Reddick's Brant rînk, Miltons Leigh Armstrong competes n openinug-round play Monday at the Ontario Scotties Tournament of Hearts in Oakville. Reddick sat 3- 4 as of last nght, having dropped a seesaw 7-4 decision to Sherry Middaugh's Coldwvater team - the defending provincial champs - yesterddy afternoon. Mddaugh's rink includes native Milton sîsters Kirsten WNaII and Andra Harmark, who play thîrd and lead respectively Mddaugh was in a three-way tie for first at press tîme at 5-2, while Reddick needed to win her last two games for a shot alt week- end play The Ortario ChampionsOips wvrap up Sunday. à _ _ _ _ _ _ _- . I CAjust' Home) Miltons Local Source for ail Home Health Care Products MANY PRODUCTS m'"'AVAILABLE: e Medical Accessories for Staldalddaily living i n your home te v ca eWheelchairs *Bathraom Accessories - (le. Tub Transfer benches) eMedical Supplies t * Mastectomy & Ostomy Supplies ... AND MUCHI MORE! Covered under moat lnsurance plans. M dy9:30 arn 5,30 P' Tuesday9.30 arn to 5:30 pm Wedniesday9:30 arn iv 5:30 prn Thursday9.30 arn 10 530 prn Friday .930 arn to 5:30 prn Saturday & SundayCLeSEi3 nommmmumm- 1