A18 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 30, 2009 The Corporatilon of the Town of Màu"on 9057T(8->725-2 TT 0-9 4657 TOWN OF MILTON BOYNE SURVEY/MILTON EDUCATION VILLAGE SECONDARY PLAN STUDY NOTICE OF INTENT, OPPORTUNITIES FOR PUBLIC INPUT AND FIRST PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE/PRESENTATION 1. Notice of Intent/Background The Town of Milton and Halton Region have been involved in the Halton Urban Structure Plan (HUSP) - a strategy for managing Regional and local growth for the next 20 years. In relation to the proposed growth, the Milton Official Pian provides for approximately 2000 hectares (4940 acres) of additional land for new growth, which is referred to as the "Urban Expansion Area". A plan for the phasing of this new growth was ratified by Milton Council and Regional Council in May and June 1998 respectively. The first and second phases of residential development, being the Bristol and Sherwood Survey areas are currently underway. The Boyne Survey/Milton Education Village lands (see attached map) represent Phase 3 of the proposed residential development. In accordance with the policies of the Milton Official Plan and HUSP, the Town of Milton is currently proceeding to prepare for the development of the Boyne Survey/Milton Education Village lands through the preparation of a secondary plan document and supporting background studies. Study Area: The Boyne Survey study area is located south of the existing Bristol Survey and Sherwood Survey Secondary Plan Areas (see map). The area is approximaItey 930 hectares (2.300 acres in osi7 ,isii't b sîounded by. t ois S t aurerit Avenue to the north, James Snow Parkway to the east. Britannia Hoad to the souti and Tremaine Road to the west. The Milton Education Village Area (lands to be uised for the development of a university campus), to be included as part of the Boyne Survey Secondary Plan study process, is a 60 hectare (150 acre) site located on the west side of Tremaine Road between Derry Road and Britannia Road (see map). The purpose of the various studies is as follows: • Boyne Survey/Milton Education Village Secondary Plan The Boyne Survey/Milton Education Village Secondary Plan is being carried out in accordance with Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act, and the policies of the Town of Milton Official Plan. The secondary plan will provide detailed policies on matters such as land use, urban form and design, transportation. servicing, including stormwater management, and other related issues. • Transportation Master Plan The Transportation Master Plan is being carried out in accordance with approved procedures contained in the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (October 2000, as amended in 2007) (Class EA). The Master Plan will comprehensively identify long-term needs, assess broad transportation options, and recommend a preferred framework for the future transportation system (roads and transit) in the study area. The Master Plan will provide the context for the implementation of the specific projects that make up the plan, and will satisfy Phases 1 and 2 of the Class EA (i.e.. need and justification) • Sixteen Mile Creek Area 2 and 7 Subwatershed Update Study. Functional Stormwater and Environmental Management Strategy. and Conceptual Fisheries Compensation Plan The above-noted studies are being carried out in accordance with approved procedures contained in the Class Environmental Assessment for Municipal Sewage and Water Projects. These studies will provide general guidance with respect to stormwater and environmental management. They will also evaluate various stormwater management and servicing strategies for the Secondary Plan area, and will recommend a preferred environmental and stormwater management servicing plan. Study Area: The Study Area includes the Secondary Plan Study Area, but extends beyond that area, see Map below for boundary. • Functional Water and Wastewater Servicing Master Plan The Functional Water and Wastewater Servicing Master Plan is being carried out in accordance with approved procedures contained in the Class Environmental Assessment for Municipal Sewage and Water Projects. The purpose of the study is to prepare a detailed Functional Water and Wastewater Servicing Master Plan, which in conjunction with the Secondary Plan will be used as a basis for development în the Boyne Survey/Milton Education Village Study area. 2. Public Input Public consultation is an essential component of the preparation of the secondary plan and related studies. Members of the public wishing to obtain further information regarding the secondary plan preparation and related studies, and/or who wish to participate in these undertakings and require notification of public meetings or other matters related to the study, should contact the undersigned. Information as it becomes available will be posted on the Town's website at www.milton.ca (under Boyne Survey). Written submissions are welcome at any time and should be directed to Ms. Bronwyn Parker at the address noted below. 3. First Public Open House/Presentation - Draft Background Report The public are invited to attend the initial public open house as follows: Date: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 Place: Milton Sports Centre, Banquet Room (located closest to south entrance) 605 Santa Maria BIvd., Milton Ontario, Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (Drop In/Open House) 8:00 pm (Presentation by the Consultant) Purpose: The open house will include a series of panels that will assist in providing an overview of the study process and the initial results of the studies relating to the Boyne Survey/Milton Education Village Secondary Plan that have been included within the background study document. Copies of the background study document will also be available at the open house for viewing. and Town staff and the Consultant Team will he on hand to answler questions For those who wvish to review the background Town's website and at the Planning and Developrment Depariment in the Town Hall Annex. 555 Industrial Drive or at the Public Library, 45 Bruce St. Written Submissions: Written submissions are invited with respect to the preliminary findings of the Boyne Survey/Milton Education Village Secondary Plan Background Study and should be made to the undersigned by Wednesday. February 25. 2009. 4. Study Contact Ms. Bronwyn Parker, Policy Planner Planning and Development Department Town of Milton 150 Mary Street, Milton, Ontario, L9T 6Z5 Telephone: 905-878-7252, ext. 2307 E-mail: bronwyn.parker@milton.ca