Al 6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 30, 2009 Glen Eden fuel leak remains under investigation By Stephanie Hounseil CANADI'AN CHAMPION STAFF Investigators are wtîrking tii deterine il any cnviîîtntîîntal duinagi '\vas îueL tsi lnilt t CGlen Eden Ski and Snowbctard Centre whcn a ftuel tank was rup- tured, tausing distc'I cak oto thc groiind. diesel uscd tii litel LLtti', s ehttles ecapcd Iroito a bitai11n tihe tankl 15ccr 26i, satd Ilassaiths toi)nl nnttatttttis directtit t Tater, he adorable 8 week old Basset Houn i Shar-plcros bsoueylvst he% Sorne of is tavouie tings include Bulhinkie aid NylboreHealhy diblsOn of is tavourite toys is the Kong Dr.Noys Lamnb squeaky tit. Hts iiwneî says "Htuow ean a puppy with sncb an angelic face be sucb a deviii1 Just kîdding. hesý reall> \ery goid. II) c A t iti l511 iC tlt l l tt tc 't,îit ki Ittît s',hile tt' ii tIi î',ttî iattti ( Illit 'vs tialt uit li tin tttîî \ ýl i',ut Xiii lt t, I a i li "Ittli i c l Iýl g il i't't li t't l otî-i] t t att t ut Iiittii l il t tt. it (a i l li a',t itki lîti l h wtls it h Ilisi Iriti oait ti'atii ,diîhtuîh tht \rIo il tt 11,1n Iltc( a c l i Ils a ilI tht> hbttit a11lii t'îaîll tîtîtou i l ii ttsiiiloi iune day, sm iii iîîîît S iel tlît a ta ititigur ( UtI l xii' t C', t 11i,1\.t 'ltitt'c lit un SIî1,e bis' Ii li Ltt iiailit i l ijt \'tti t"ii b uli ii s ia d tti 1 tît tl, a i iti I lit' tutuI tîr,îl "t',', tiutiloit îîî.ktîîg u (I î its ttii't iii i l tii, i, h II t li tlt ,itI t,t ha , 't i op It Ii What sets DrNoy's Material dogs apain' It's the quality and the case of which t he,~ squeaker can be replaced or rmve Compare Material dog toys wîth 0thi others and you can see the difference! As a bonus ail of our dog toys cor-ne with a free replacement squeaker NMLbABO.NEýIKAILMHiir UBLIE NylabonefHealthy Edibles are tasty. completely edîble and digestible providing a safe and enjoyable i alternative to traditional rawhide. NO plastic and NO added sugar Q,>I arn getting a new pu ppy. What do 1 need? AV> crate for crate training will ease the transition for you and your new puppy by creating a space for your puppy f0 cali his own and a place to contain your pet while you are flot able to supervise. Training treats such as Zuke's Mini Naturals or Wellness Just for Puppy Treats wilI aid in basic training. J> Nylabone teething keys or AKC puppy E toys wilI dimninish unwanted chewing while a Puppy Kong or an Everlasting Treat Bail will keep them busy while crated. Training Pads are a good idea f0 prevent in house accidents. Finally, start your pup off great with a high quality puppy food. x7 ' i utha ittii i ' i t'll "saN', a lit stlitiý ititigt' al ',vecls antd il ,t' tttatm c iia- ttes atr ctttttîtîtctitlttl c'yllic ît1l' 'tcl Btsttit l Theicuel stitrage tnks hase stitlclcît ii', cd ti t illcrctt loctatîtinassaNfi' in sîtices. Tbere %vas rit i îîgligcncc on the part il the tdriver tif the groîtîîîuc Basittsatd 'It vs,ust i ttltîttu- rsatc atctttett Thc seconîîd incidett a potwer tîntagec teutrcd Jattuars' 6 anti rcscltcd tnu(dci Iden bctng tlîîscd foîr the day'. A grotîmet ltkc sehîtcuscd tii transpuort gai liage crîî'c tntti a liiw hangîng s', tc carly ittuthe iiîornîttg.9 whtt h causcd tihe lptwer tcî l ts iii tIe Sktictre. vtaf'l quîckly callcd AIlthe sktct', thc',' ktîcsswcrc plantning on s sit- îng that day' and notîîlcd ilîctît tf thecltkîrc ilasît satîd \s1iokespcrson\itî ss ilttoin tutiCt Pli iattit ti Itit t'ttl in tiatiI l i], >1 t .titl lt'Iî i b i i c\ýicttttdt ilattutiiet pluIili stit takîodtug tksalandgc Ipeli-ttiîi',s1 anci(n1detn, pandBs -ad i \\'ttniî te 'itîItnî'5 )Cthc ur andt i p car c tug tsk tîtals, radhcr thati cmitark tit cxpcnisîs'c skt vatationîs, \iaîthess s satd.