The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 30, 2009 - Al15 Honour cornes as a huge What's Your Excuse? - fromn DEAF on page A5 Tbis projet has attracîcd attention worldwidu, with vîsitors often coming un Gîbson -thu first f inguistu- cally and cufîurally Puaf principal in Ontario -froin far away to, pick her braîn and se ber projet in action. Lasi wuck, Gîbson was bustowcd a huge honour wbcn shu was appoînted to the Order cof Ontanio, wbicfs recognizus exceleci n sar- ions fieds of undcavcîur Shu was onu oif 28 people tri bu rccognizud. When she fîrst frîcnd tint, Gibson tbought ihure d been somu nmistake. -1 neyer expecced to bu appointcd. Vvhcn 1 gui tise message frîsîn Queit"s Park, i was shrîckcrf i ihorîght, Arc thus sure the' hase tise right licatlier?" appoitcc aioisgstie sucb nuotable Ontartans. The rciins'y,sssrs took place ai Quieens Park, was cînte nersu -wratkinig, Gibson saîd, brut unfrîrgut- table. Hur menai was pre- scnîunl bs Lieutenant Govurnr of Ontario Dasid Oniuy. "Ivc heen dcscribing it as a inagicai night," she said with a smie. Gibsons curriculum t', ifinguai ant icinfttraf. ASi t', a language of instruction as weii as a fanguage tif study, wîth l-ngfîsh stuicdi as a second fanguage. [he Ontario Ministrs' of [cuation has been setsy supportive tif the initiative, she said. Wcaving hier way throtigh the miaze that t', F.C.Puits Schoof for the Puai svwhir f has nuire than 200 stutienîs in its das' antd resicienniai prograins'(ibson poiîinet tua a sign adtisisng Interniatioînal i 'inLanguiage Pas aitud xfsaincd ifieru aie mians tiîffuci-igi i- prages arouîttt he 55 ii ic i he Miiiunrcuidei s a fais oifans alîiid l llaî " hearing sous, agci f0 atic f4, aie curîtIîîi tuiii rfi litîiet sous i hes siu Engisis t, sci1 as A,- sshîuh is tie famiis s iiisi fanguage. Langruages aie sins1si 0c00d foîr tise braits, (utbsiit said. ASL crîrrenîfs ,hts îsî writtcn forns so A'SL fitera- titre - which lhas it', own structure and lias bcen passcd cdown [m ngcncra- nlots ILgcnceration -is vicscd lon videotape. ln thc past, CGison ',aid, Engfish fitcraturc was trans- fatcd into ASI. for students. Butt thcsc pocins and stories wuc i refilctis c of thecii culture, ost as a French plicin transi atccf into f-nglisi wuiidn'i cxp)rcss fnglitsh culturc atnd saiucs. "We ctn secca foitof thc cutfure, expci iencs andf perspectivs'oîf f)caf ntivid- niais iii (ASI ) piietis, C,îhsîn said (tîfcpopie s is <i, asieîîpic ss ho it lisearibut i bat s sut hiiss se s iuss ont (i s.WsCV havie ont oil n igtagou ant Cir iii ni t' "( \ 1,1i(d li i idi l raofici isati ihe fart stit ai t i 11o ant si 1 ot peplandii ný ho Iles aircîandfgis cs iiuî a -Cnisc ioi buiiiging sfic ieiiiiititi fiit iufi i i Win a FREE MembershIpl No more excuses. just resuits. " Nearby and open 24/7 " No risk, no hassie - pay monthiy " FREE fltness assessment ($100 value) " State-of-the-art training equlpment " ComfortabIe, frlendIy environment FREE 1100 Session! Meet sith a personaf tramner ta test your strength, ffexibifity and endurance and fearn which workonts are best for yon. $100 vaiue yonrs F REE when yon loin. I ~ureiu I y j *-e-$ qqtap L Milton *1 SIljjP r v'-rîWnt ua 'cm EET ain t. 8 ONTRIOSTREET 905-878-7700 6 5 ONTARIO sTREE ZEîcîîîî NRT.MLT 1