A14 -The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 30, 2009 Five charged with drunk driving in separate incidents (.ent'- osci josi thle ce Jas- Januaîy 22 ar Il p.m. anl su'V was reported in a cith ai Regional Road 25 and Derry Roaci A 41 ycai-oldl Qhilcis Drivie inaix was ehiargeci sxith impaiicld ix ing .ind over 80. i ast Friday' police i exponcled to a rhrec sehicle collision ai Tremnaine Road and ti îes Av'enuec ai 6 p.m. A 74-y'eai ud ici naic Road mant wax chiarged sxiih hav- ing tare and control of a sehîicie while impairecl antd over 80. 1[ali In iii a L , a i s Ma\Isin and O)ntario strecîs, and police were calleul. A s ehicle trav'elling xxcsthosind on Moin xirest xxixoh-ci sec iv x ing c .itc ails' lîx olu îcln 1nilld oser\ A yî'i udcsti Bosîlcsaidc man wxaxs charged xxiîh fnxpaiied dlivi'ig and oser 80. ,\t ilunslnglis Ssinday a s chÉic heatliig nox thhosind on lI n xi ne, iotIiîi No. 20) ceiiildi os int the ditcli. Police rexponclec and nmade an arrexi. A 26-year uuid Angîix iman vas chiaigci wîlî iiipaired ancd sveýr 80. AxI SO MIuav' ho is lici c) pii police sxcrc cîLIc sili a t)L- ,vaixs ic ,ied aull', hloinc and airicestl s 45) ciut1 IX o îo iliiup.îii'il tins inlg andi ilsci 85 Man charged wiih 511101 drîx îng 'l iaiSl ilac(-'s ,tiliiii ol sii charges alier leilite pclietl lxii i So much begins with a smile 905-878-4666 MidMilton Family Dentistry is one of Milton's newest dental offices and is conveniently located at 575 Ontario Street n the Food Port Plaza. Iis modern, family friendly practice looks forward to serving the dental needs of the Milton community. Dr Sameh Tawadrous (Dr. Rous) has a friendly and welcoming nature as well as an obvious passion for providing great dental care to is patients. Following in the steps of his brother, Dr. Sherif Tawadrous who operates his family medical clinic at the local Loblaws Superstore, Dr. Tawadrous chose to open his dental office inthe growing town of Milton. Dr. Tawadrous graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry, Cairo University in Egypt where he worked for 5 years before moving to Canada. He started the qualifying program for foreign trained dentists at the University of Toronto in 2004 and obtained his National Dental Boards licence in 2006. For the past 3 years, he bas worked in Kirkland Lake and St. Catherines before opening is own practice bere in Milton. His wife Sylvia, is currently enrolled in tbe Dental Hygiene Program in Burlington and will join tbe practice in early 2010. Wben you walk through the doors of MidMilton Family Dentistry you will be greeted by the pleasant and inviting smiles of Dr. Tawadrous team Erin MacRae-Forrest and Elisabet Urso. Originally from Prince Edward sland, Erin and ber famil moved into the community in October and bave fat very welcome. Elisabet and ber family bave lived in Milton for several years and sbe looks forward to working close to borne and caring for tbe resdents of our wonderful town. MidMilton Family Dentistry providas a comprebensive lina of dental services, including praventatîve, restoratîve and cosmetic traatmants. The office offert evaning and weekend appointments witb prompt emerqency dental cara. They also offer radiation reduced digital x-rays, nitrous otide (laugbing gas) and oral sedlation. In the future Dr Tawadrous bopes to add a Pedodontist, childrens specialist, to the practice in order to facilitate our growing number of young families. Since communication is also key to their success tbey are always happy to assist you witb any questions or concerns you may bave and are happy to offer services in English, Arabic and Portuguese. The goal of MidMilton Famnily Dentistry is 50 provide you and your loved oses witb the bîghest standard of dental caie possible in an ensironnent that is marm and inviting. Ineir team s truly dedicated to carinq for their patients. They Iook foswaid to seeing you and invite you to cornecdomn and visit tliser branil new dental office g, o@à