St. Marys refuses to redo The Canadian Champion, Frday. January 30, 2009 - Al1 Disfributed to new Milton Residents St. 'sarsN s t, tnîcnLiît i îehtsîîgtg 10rcpuat a w alui pîîîtpîîtg test rtjut ted tts tiu Onitario Enirttnmntn Mttîstrv anti is puthing ti gel a prov'incial icencetr hetoru iamlton decîdes svhetiter trezone tte site to penutî a quarry'. Ricl, Smith, exeentîse director of Envirtuttitentai Duience, an advocacs gîoup, catis the mtîses aggressive, hostile andi antisocial. Ht suaits Premier Datton NcGuintv to hatt tht attpros'.il iroces 'Tbis reinferces tht suh. nnssion that Si. Mars-s is not a good corporate citizen and is flot interested iîn workîng svth the cormnrniits' tatIa ils eoncernis,' he saîd. "The hait is now in tht provincial gitvernntents curt. Il a proptinrt taitellt stuif it, anti ignore requireci water resting, the sxstin îs hrîtkett. it can t let theiipro- ceed wsithout demonittattno the project cari operate safe- iy Tht Province needsto10put nts fotot dow'n.' St. Mars's, owned hs a Braziîat multiatinal, !iY i AM w VanIs iitjîalitiittt'toitc oin t ti ltt t oin Il th Cotncssion tasti ai Mithurotîgli1t11nt, tcttset 1 tht hotinttartt't ofHantiltotn, iturlingion andtiliton. A i evîew teaîtt trtîîn thotc ntuntcipatttius andt i altotn Region 15sîtilstutiyîng ttu ptroposai.i Tc tandt is turi tentiy zoituti fîr agricultîrat jennitut hnuck, spcakîtîg lor 'Si. Marys, tiuhuittted il as a tîttiahis rsptinsthtuutînt tians 'Shc sati aggrugatu icente applicatitois ittpicttttt gîo ninai tht same utieuas ztntnîg appticatits, buttht previttus propcrînty wnur, t tisndut 1-oldings c hotu not 10 tdo to She saî t. 'i Nai sstotct arua residet t I ntiidutiii appiys tti ai Si. Mart s ohiainuti ait Lniiroîtnntni ai pros'tngi t ait lstp a tii stîtrex -ttuitfiole(i-\ttwihiîni dratntng statur w cli-. ut- landis and tisruaîtts, Bnuth mîrtisîrs saîd rsuti' ofithu fîrorsistutu t uirtiahtu hucautu of huavy ratît lit a surpris, ittos't' tat wuuk, the toinpan\tiId t illînîstit tilt o ilsîstI cth rttît- alitl and wottdi i t tcitt thet est. t sntuîitttît its qu.tri t liten îitttppliation (oi the Nmisîrs tif Nattîrt Resouri us the.-,ille day and ',aid it îotttdi tr\ tii piot t ii-, i.ttxatcritg st stci it1il guis a licence. [iltlIartswit k-t'gîinat dirt'ttoi of the t iwironmncni mînîisîrs', c îîtaîtttt ati t tanihortuitîtt Cotincitr Margaîe ci t(ai tht tiiaN, thtc inînist'atit rcir trthe' t'st repeaîtt. but wNon'itcon- sider isstiinig a wat permit for the tîtarry -ttîitht' ne(, essai s 'tudcs (vhît h înictnctt-, pulnp tests) art car- Grahamt hlitthair l thu', citîzunsgroîtp t ORCLi ",t It li.. ht'totnllg miort attnd oe tc Iai suaiet tcat- i0l li 1 t11\1 tttiti(i Nituisti t, lu,î nhîn t. at atgî ndaI il tu îît Nit c( aliv'Stent an t' itliîl tii t ii.ttn and tI îhtîs iii I atonl sas ing, Dring it on stant tii thiiits oiit ay -Ilot Siaîlil Sî;ttî -7W e«îrpeqt t a.o<e'z ti ' " ll li l t e " (x F ' " w m I o Fcir cinly $ 17 5 ~e PinteCIs ni Worshp We would tike to order aI 4"' x 9.25" page in "2009 ' I Milton Places of Worship Guide", 'i.' - 'ai paper delvered to 5,000 rnew residetits in Milton for only $175 (includes paper listing)! Zbr CQJanabîian QLljampion Your Sales Peprt'seîuîotve Cniiees s, .rrinn ex i te' Q C'. 87R 21, iA ,' 3 ' 7t .i '3, s'M i dw t,(1Lr, 'Mdfon t. > '5 FieCU LOOK FOR S at these convenient locations... MILTON - Prudential ONTARIO ST. MAIN ST. - Chamber of - Milton Public Lbrarv - Milton Urgent " My Sisters Closet Commerce - Re/Max Care lnic " Zak's Pharmiacy - Cotfee Culture - Shear Pleasure STEELES AVE. " Mikes Barher Shnp - Shoppers Drog Mari - The Water Store - Gorrud's Auto " The Denture Clinto - A Country Mile - Food Rasics - Milton Toyota " Harris Office Pro - Gearhead - lusi 4 Yoil -Canadian Tir e " Milton Bioomns & - As We Grow - Ricardson Chevrolet - Great Glasses Interior- Royal LePage BRONTE ST. ICHISHOLM DR. " The lvy Arms - Global Pet Foods - Carole Murtay - Fifth Wheel " Haton Hilîs Fine - Milto\mo Computer -ER Brewster CAMPBELLVILLE Jeweltery THOMPSON RD. - La Rose ltallait - The Trait [atery " Mlton Greenhouses - A & P Bakery - Cistellos Village 555 Industrial Dr., Nilitun - CATHY CHUCHMACH SMITHI-- oii't ci tii 11905) 87S-2311t \217 iîttiitit tit(t ttîittttittt t lt ta\: (95) i 7t0-2301i