Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Jan 2009, p. 3

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The Canadian Champion, Frday, January 23, 2009- A3 Committee approves By Tm Foran CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Its hetter to plan foi thcmiseivcs rather than have the Ontario Municipal Board do nt for thern. That was the ranionale behind Multons planning commîttee- deci- sien Monday nigbt to approve the rezoning of a seven-acre propcrty on Main Street in the east end of town to aiiow for the tnntinucd processing of a condominium development totaiiing 312 units. Mihtons officiai plan alreadv envisioned sncb bîgh density resi- dentiai uses for the site, but nearbv residents said the rezoning shouid be tumned down becacise the dexci- opment proposai would acic irafhtc î0 an aireadv ciogged Main Sreet and James Snow Parkwax' iînhîrsxe lion. How ýever the rezoning î9,xset on a nairoxe 3-2 votîe ait t oin inecth î ot ai îîrh, coiiut il- \oin ao11 16, , , t tilt 1tqtîc,1 \1I o cotintil wil have the final sa\ ai i next meceting Jaiiuaiy 26 xxhen it votes on a bvlaw ihat il appioveci xiii lînalîze the rezoning. l'hie proposeci developinent for the propertv. incaieti ai the south west corner ni Main Stireet anti Sinclair Boulevard, ix sîînîlar ii the Maple Crossîng condomniniums imînedîately t0 the ncrihwest at Main and Mapie Avenue. Both are by the sane developer, Sutherlandi Dcveiopment Group. The Mapie Crossîng develop- ment was approved by the Ontaano Municipal Board (0MB) in 2006 aiter the Towvn of Milton iniiialvy turned down the proptîsal. Mayor Gor d Krantz said nit supporning the rezonîng foîr the new devcioprnent would be -fol- hardy " 1I do not support planning ai the 0MB," hie mayor saîd. He argued the OMBs approval ni the Mapie Crnssing develop- ment aiiowed foi some "serexe- ups" in the final design ni the pro]- cet. "If we're going to serexe up, lets do it ourseives," Krantz comment- cd, tongue in check, on the new devciopment. Regionai Councilior Colin Best, who represents the area, aiso voted in favour nf the rczoning. He said its important to, maintaîn input on how the dcveiopmcnt is buit and ta use the proposai as an opportu- nty to study traffie aiong Main. "We re going lii have to look ai this whole area anti ibis is the process ici do thai, Best saîi Best sai les planninîg tcî push foi twi) matis prcîfecîs heip aile- viate iraffic pressure oni Main, espe- ciaily the lefi mmr lane to James Suiox Parkxvax Ieadîng to the filwx 401 eastbîund ramip. The frsi xx nld bc an extension of Mainî Street in iralgar Piadl xhich svnuld allow casibotinc commnuiers iii bvpass faines Snoox and gel on the 401i ai frafalgar. ihe second ix in prcîxiîie an actesx iîiadt ciJames Siîîîxs lrom the Binstol Park subdivision immnedi- atelv stîuth ioi the prcîpoxeclcondo- minium lanxds. Currenily, triffie frontihe entire subdivision ix Itinneiiecl onto Maiin Sreet, as dieearcniilîei acces iod i)tlx ii1 lîiipsoiiiRoadt iithe wescx ni faites Snoisx larkx as iii thet axidatl ihe si)ili side ix bluîclcd lihi( f Prailîl îî,îtk Iý i-, I j lt0, :11, 11 ,P ' i 1 1111i ) , t i i : I 11"111 i t,( t \xrnic tii rulies e Iîallît ni i tif Main Srcti xx asa în nsiaiici. i nfîîî tiatl', i lit' M-1l0 Ninixtrx iof I i ai)xporiiiiii) j 5itlt tiexer agret to il 'hbc aitl [)tring Minudix s ptublic micci- ing ou the i-cziîning pioîpoixal, a nuneîii aiea reidenis dxrbc iheir dîffîtult mliiniîîg crniutiex ont ofi iiix\ il ln the n)ilining. is "a tixaxier already iring iii geîtîtlbecinse <if iraifie, said iorn loz:îiiniiiî a i ex ident i i Shrwootl Ruad. Antheî nearbx resident, Salerie Van Niesen i i f1ampshire Wax', xaîc im affît lias increasetl t iniderablx sînte she incet Milton a few years agi). I know a fexe people who moved ic i Mlton in the past year arîd ihey are sînceîely regretiing it," she saîd. They didnit knnxv whaî they were gettîng intiî in regarcds t the traffie The proposed deveiopmenî is for six, four-stîîrey apartmient buildings, geared to empîy nesters and entry-ievei homebuvers, sad Seatt Sutherland, ni Sutherland Deveiopment Group. There are two tther vacant propertes to the east and wesî ni Sutheriands site, tomaiing about 13 acres. Al îhree are owned hy local Milton landowners, Cancast Ine. Seherer samd he couidnmt support Sutheriands proposai untîl seing a - ee TECHNICAL on page A4 competecollsionrepair and re/Zn'm-ijlsevie Correction A story that appeared in Wedncsdays Clanpinîm about a presenta- tion made to the Haton Regions heaith and soîcial services cnmmittee seektng government support f'or Transitions for Youth (TFY) con- îaîned incorrect information. The presenter, Joe Potter, was representîng I FY staff', who are members ni the Ontanio Publie Service Empioyees Union. As previousiy rcported, Transitions for Youth is set for ciosure February 27. The agencys intention is te, work xvth its funders to hopefuliy sec is programs divested to other agencies. The 6Imamjjîom apologîzes for the errors and any inconvenience they may have caused.

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