A2 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 23, 2009 e té NJIMU 1245 Steeles Ave., Milton (Corner of James Snow Pkwy. & Steeles Ave.) *State-of-the Art, Ultra Modern Facility " State.of-the-Art Vehicle Diagnostic & Repair Technology " Express Lube No Appointment Necessary " Car Wash " Large 20 Vehicle Indoor Showroom " Modern Customer Lounge & Separate Children's Play Area " Customer Work Areas with Wireless Internet " Unique AutoRewards Program with Exclusive Benefits " Service and Parts Open 6 DayslWeek lncluding Extended Evening Hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday a D UIUVOVOUPUOOvis [MILTO Mother draws m# màïý. àà Aà sons" bravery from TOWN on page Ai 1 iebravirisof i 115iss isons svill give nie tbe sliegili [o ~ii~on, \nii shiii adiing su ss ililier nul itis of G( ieos uiclions launghlitbis brilliani and he oi, lisli iiiîdounss onrIugandýitIigîbi 1 lc i s111 hi tl iis jiti swil I lso colue uil iî ICI patlinci /at k '),i luisss liislinlneital nu rganiiz- ing tbe blooti drive andi]iusing awareiiess ofi ibe stemn cel bank, asssell as hm iernuhieilireii Jonahan, jessita and] tldesi son Jasonn, Aminsaid. Thle support ithe ctiuni li as sbtussn over tbe pasi lew inuînibs bas bceii uverwbelrning. * [bis wuînterful iown oh Miltonn ubat we cal borne em bracedius ns d ] ougbu witb ns, an] 1 îbank thien< Ann said. 1mi 1v etboed ber senîinienîts. I blus ,siiall îoss n sehlît i ss e i utîi Li A i ii h oinie bas, hiati il l lîgbisandI pias ir, x~iilh Ciegoîs' îbîuuglioui tlit dilhht sli tt us lit ,ail Ernphasize Your hO 'i s now here « lipoun imeffls ariibiirI 905-876-3761 ~ fFvcC %viimSpa O itI 84 Main Street East Mlton m à ý ~ ~ e7, PEDp~r îrj~ Qj Ir~