The Canadian Champion, Friday January 23, 2009 - 19 Sales Help Sales tlelpHoptl __ Geea ep M enrlHl eerlHl feHeIll __ic e LOCAL ~ ~ ~ 65 COR AO Ilîýrt Pr-Time Secretarv/Treasurr 1 1Th OavleBae i ITMedical ' persan' airS a senue utfhantous to coordînate durîng the year and nommer ESL programa te the Mlton area. Wrk ram yaur home (lcated n the Mlton area) recruîtîag locat amilies ta Sot aîatîeg tudente and caordînatîng ail aspects of the pragram et uita a candidate wth no mre than) another part-ime position. Shauld awn a computer, prînter and scanner and hase a car Flexible hauts. Please send resumes to Emnait: Fax: 905-889-9523 BurlingtonD] Surf îagtan Past Circulation Department ta currentfy seeking a telab/ecutamer service arientated pernan ta frît the positan of PART TIME OFFICE HELP IN CIRCULATION Stndenta wecamne 12-15 honra/week Pleose sabmit resame t: or fax 905-632-7768 EAST PLAINS United Church rmuires: Daties wîtt be ta pracide ematranat and spirtual care tnt thase unable ta, attend charch regalarty Apprae. 6-8 htslwk, reqnres the unse of a car May 2009 tart. Dules include aanîstîng the senior mnster phones.maling rosm hbok sillas an eabIe to wrk noeperruastuy Send resumne ta EPUC, Ails: M. Bramtey 375 Plains Rd E, Buringtan, ON L7T 2C7 Burlfigton Post Contracts avalable for carriers to deliver papers in rural areas. Must have valid drivers licence and reliable vehicle. Cali Lynn Hamm at: 905-632-0588 Ext#236 D&W Frwarders Inc. Accepting appicatans for 3 apenînga 1For Febroare start Dry Buik pnieumoatrc and happer* Ontaro tons ram Brampton Terminail Contact Drcy Archisan 1 -800-387-2300 x05581 fax 905:459-215] Emai: dacy.atchiaon@dwforwanders.camI Horse Farm reeder of tcp qoaity racebarces has immedîte tai-lime posoc nalabie. Working with mares, foos and sale yearlings. Ideal appicani wi eniay the oaidcoro, be abie ta dc physcai work and e camntabte arccnd Sorses. Ibis os a long term position. We are te the Actan rna. Email: HOMEWORKERS NEEDI To Assemble Praduots, Stuffng Encelopea, MalngProceosieg Crclars, On/mne CampaI- et Wark ovaluble. Up Ta $1 ,500lWeC No Experence Needed' FREE information ut: www.Jabo WrkCannxctnncam Retereece 3113 stopp's Dryceaners bas tmc part-imel pstio , analob/e for general be/p. Hnurs are 15-20 hnursao week, mrnîngs ce/y. Please fax resume: 905-876-4132 or Email: stoppsdr cleaners@bel fetca FI- Work hard. Have fun. Make the Customer #1.-.. in' mare Iban 1001 a catch phrae aI TSC Sores. Ils the essence of ont crporate culture and She attitude we look for n the people ce Sure, fi uswhy ce neot eavily n devefopîng iheir aklfa, empawetmng them la succeed and rewardrng their contibution. We are faokrng toi 6 iedîvîduafa ta fit the folfowrag positon t oui Miltas Store: General Labourers Temporary (3-4 weeks) IPlease vis/t mn Iinformation and t( IWe tSunk everyoné coct tosewe wi for mare o appty anfIne. e wbo appliea bat wîll only aiSh ta interview Shows & Photo graphîc Jobs. We are laokrng for Kds, Teena & Adlta, $20 Fen If sot accepted, money efunded, We wiii Se un Surlusgton Wed. Janu28tS Spmr Cali ta boak pour jappt:t 4t6 703 25851 Average $20/hr Enumeratron type wonk, Pecewark compens.ation NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED Product Training Proeided Excelleet bonases & rcetîvs Tv gunlty for un interview sali 1-866-421-2727 jpporttes doisrC nltdri ./ ut'.p ,. i i ia,'g n id irdAnuat Faff Fait. Doien incnde accounting, meeting coordina- tions and documentation, scheduling facîlty rentafs nobmttîng grant applcatîos ana profent management of tse fa/f fairt Please submit resumne ta: Halton Agricultural Saciety Bax 142, 25 Brown St. Mitton, ON LOT 4N9 m/ The Mnor Oakn Hockey Association correct/y sas an openrng for a Par-time Baakkeeper. Approximately 25 nours per eee n lterested appicants s550d noami ortn statisg gualficatosrs f The M/for Qaka Hockey Associatian 1026 Speers Rd., Unit #8 Qakeille, Ontaria L6L 2X4 Attentian: Mark Bentley Deadline for applications: Fr. Fnb. 6th, 2009 Oppodutme Kewt s Mlton- office Admis. of the iMS and communication f0 support sapait- ornenis. 1-2 years eep. rofcestinu5MS Offu e Wiler Ecg- Fao. 450-435-5650 PLUMBING MART Retail Associate We are curently recrurtrng fat our buny krchenr & bats retaîl/denrgn store. Ynu must haoenene cellent cammunicatian skilln, enîoy problem nlnrng and take a pro actve rote nn ecnedrng cutomer epectatrons Plumbrng raxture and k i'o'dn '5 'a5 . are asets, lan nîn g iarrothiirain ttc Aqt drordual. Fax resumne Kathy 905-639-3581 PLUMBING MART 3235 Farview St. Burlisgtan, ~sa p elp k Slo Spaelp Suay Salas & Spa regures the tlltawrng, - Esthetician e Hair Assistant @ Hair Dresser with clientele Excellent communication aCifs regurea. Flexible Saura Seriou n rsoenly For f urther ina please cati VinceTasi or Nick: 905-878-5751 or emnail: ~~iidi ~ ledY à 71 Sales Helts Soie Fropretar of a Truck and bas repaît facity reqaîres. Local Fo0d Co. f nakng for s Body Person Saes Personnel *Preppers & Cp & podut * BusCleaers ooledge preterred, - Bus Ceanersbut wrlling foitrais. Phon: 90-8760669Ceue abtraci reg. Phon: 90-8760669Send resume ta: Fax: 905-875-2566Hl ofnjds [' ~ ai sHti7 or fax to: Volvo of Oakvitte FF Service Advisar ia work weekdoyo. Some St. shfts may be reg. Reynolds eap. and computer ksawledge o muaI Canddate cuilSld a saîrd rivers liceese and have an aptitude for maitorvehîclea. Contact: martinsl@volvo MASSIVE INVENTORY AND A HUGE ADVERTfSfNG BUDGET We are a Bsny High Volume New and Uned Automotîve Deafer neekîng EXPERIENCED Sales Consultants Corne ana be apart of a grawing dealershîp. Vas we are growing wfile other dealers sales are in decline. Please torward a current Resumne ta No phose catIs please. Onfy qnafrfîed canddatea w/ff Se contacted fan an interview OUTSIDE ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE The quarifina candidate wll Se a rortoates, is dnpenderrt self-starter drivan fy acn cemnrrt you wr/I possens excellent wrtte, ans vernal comomurnication nkrlls ndasbSe rmilar anIs Mi- crosoft computer applications Iii thîs rmIeycn aîll Se c,.ssttmer tr ses and erll ouild ;trong relatiotsh Ps witfr '5w anti ex rntrng clients ny enotring tnattSeir adoetrong, seedo are met 'Ynu w l Se goal-OtenticO and capable uf meeting regorar n it'ry'budget if yo o ojli/tsto or fo, aleadcrn tSe mn dia inos t-ry tht'. pportnr' ry may ne the rrght ose for yor. We offer a r ttiu ospen- satsn & Senefît package ason I as nppirto- nities for future caret g' wtoh Reliante e oncîs os regorres If sterested pleane foneatd ou.r rnsrj,oe Ic We apynecrate the intereor of ail ayplrcaoto hownvnn oory thonn nelectni for as interview itl Se contactnd No phone cala on agernînes pînane, F Partfime Sales Merchandising Positions (3 - 4 Days pet Week) ýRequirements: Vdlîd Drivets Lîcensb & Reliabie Vehut e. Job Description: Leading Gtncery Manufactuter is !ookingý j Cumpetîfîne Saîary & Training Proîded. Please e-mail your Resumes ta: merchandiseus@ lî ~~iSanxHe ales Help Inside Sales, Fulfiliment and Cail Centre Representatives Positions in the Burlington area We are currently aeektng nrghly motuated Ondu- vîduals to camplement oct ener gracing team. Successixi indie/duats wIl passess the fllawisg: " Straeg Communicatian akîla " Excellent verbal and lrtenrng skîrîs in French and Englus are regurred. " Stmnng computer akllo. " Ablty ta adopt tao atant-paced, mlttaakrng ennîronmeet. " Scîrd cutamer service ckllc. " Expereece tn Caîl Centre or telecammunu- cationso ndatry an annet. " Maxi se analabte ta work Flexible Haursa Our compensation structure inctudes: " Campetitîve base pay ued ncentroe prgrama " Campetîtîve commission structure " Company pard dema phase lise " Emplayen dscount on Self pradacta anti seraices " Oppartuetty tar growth, develapment anti internairomomton. Please email your resume to: Oi troe sen td o nie es ex nîbe c0tactef Hoptat Hial, M D ental lDental PERSONAL ASSISTANT An engagîng and dyeamîc young mas cr15 autîam egaîrea a pesoanal assîisant fo pronîde reapectfat & dîgnîtîed support n ail arenso f dai/y ling actîotîec al home & n tSe cammu- nty (Barlîngtae}. Journalîeg; meal peparation, household chorea, igarous calkîng/hîkrng, Mature, soit: spaken, jayful, outgorag, able ta relate e8fectîaely ta a petsons ctth ngnfcant communication challenges, haneoty & rtegrîty, phyaîcalfy active & oery fît, pont-secondary edacatron lueîaercîty degree preterred), com- peteece n MS Word and Internet (Wndows); knowledgeable teý holîstîc health and nutrition,' Accets: knoledge of retoratise yoga practîc- es; rannîng, background in art &/or music, piano; engaged le a mîndflneaa baned practîce. 1-b p.m. Mon, Tues, Fni Min tyr cammlmeet, $26 haurtof0 tnrf Peuse emaîl reoume & coer effet detnîlîng your perannalqgaulîtrea askrIllknowledge iniereatc, ftnesa lesel, & asnrlabîlîty Pieuse note: We are a bamrly est an ageecy We welcame ail relevant applcatons: howevvr sely thoce aelected onden interview cr11 Se cotacted some caturdays te- an edExperience cl Fax Resume: 9 5 905-842-3604 i An, Raferal Manageri 'hChild Care Centre Supervisor The 'eMIA of Ram ton BlnrrB o han ir-mmnokte ur t mc pening for7Cn lcorn Superaîn is Thisponition reports to a Are- nnno: Chiid Care Manager TheRuPerviso' erîl rjoide leadership in tre rarker'g set ojp and day-to-day operational act o tien irclurd[ng the tecrutment. managermest and supervisios of a staff ernm The idal applicant mtt provide leadtership ir the development and direct deirdern of pto- gram. an 0eP as Seing a' energetic. ocdicated and nntndnrastrc E C E profennînnal Yod mont have 2 to 5 yen's supervs ory experience in a chilti cars seltt dsrietstandrsg of the YMCA A.ay rg n Leanscurriculnm Eariy Ghrdhocd Sm ,,a' on o ploma asid a urrent Fint Ad ans CAR certificaricn If Vou arceretetcl rnapp ying furtht5s os5 tins pinase ionwatd e tr etter of ineres rand e ' Wednesday Febtuary 2009 tn: 'aChsntyIfl rfýi.itsu, d t a'.ý Admnstratar at Cheryl 79 James St. S, Hlamilton, ON L8P 271 Fax 905-529-682 EARLY CHILOICARE EDUCATORS The YMCA of Ham,,tor Sarlîngton Stuottorr oaa immnotatn openingn for E C.E. eacheetain YMCA lcenned chuS are cenrers. Positios avaiabîn inclsdnFT P-1contract and nuppry If vou are rternten o i10nrng a YMCA team of prafenaronal chîru care proaruers, penne fonearo your coner letter ano renumne to: Cheryl Hurst, Preschooi Child Care Admiistrator at Cheryl 79 ames St S. Hamilton, ON L8P 271 Faa 9055529-6682 AWESOME BEGINNINGS CO-OPERATIVE NURSERY SCHOOL Carlisle, ON Immedrate apeareg for aery creatîne ana carrng EC.E. _Superyiqor fTeaher, Competirne haurly rte and ota 0f pragrammtng Saurait We amrine fat the hîgneat guaitry te pragrammreg, and ta proarde new and excctrg idean for the achoal. If yau ponceau a hîgh energy leonl. great communication akîllsannd are rommrte f0 brrngrng sec ideas to oit scoiol plua campassion and care Io our chrdres. pleane tonward your renumne and refererrceo to heathUsrcKlea@xpLorne cam, Dnly thone wth the aklla of rtereat cr11 ce concrdernd, ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 24 hr. answering service Phone 1-800-891-4862 1-519-836-1522 E o E CI) am oI RETAIL SALES PEOPLE! Earn a great living and have a great tîme daing it' Work in a team envroemeni. Lers from the beot te the business. s Espen/ence sot necessary 0 Strang commission pion è Company demao s Wlling taitrain the rghf redvduis * Fceptional reaitrnobp building and communication oklîs ,'Self motivatonscih an indîvîduai drve /0 succeed F easyenamul menuos mn bhaden or eall John Haden or Scoil Caris 905-846-4600 fao 905-873-3309 Concept Ford 361 Guelph i hernroxs Il-