The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, January 21, 2009 - A9 r ~r ~ BoiiSReAD, BALINE The R.R.SUP. Advantages offered by Bob Lee & Kim Mitchell A Retiremnent Financial Specialist office with 113411 years of experience and the coffee's neyer been better! *Security of investments up ta 100% (Lfetime Guarantees) *Competitive segregated and mutual funds lic with 1--iîelaxse in *Competitive G.I.. interest rates *Personalized ongoing consultations *Evening appointments available For More Information Please Contact Us At: Robert (Pie) Lee Insurance Agency (905) 878-5786 Kimn Mitchell. RT --------------------------------- - <ALL ÇFR NO OBLIGATION CONFIDENTIAL CONSULTATION Bob I ne BSC..BBA..EPO K ,AI'+IF h, h ii h kimlmitchellWbellflet.Ca o%66rn usuime%%mà-- DoDIlgDOIIlne.GU IN STYLE: Fashion style expert Lynn Spence (lefil wvas theI special guest at the recent Alia N Tan Jay grarnd openuiç at 245 Commercial St. Milton, Ontario. L9T 2J3 Fax: <905) 878-3692 Mlton Mal The event inclUded a fashion sl cxv featrig the Nygard collection. Here, Sue models an outfit, Imm 2009 UPLANDER PURCHASE FINANCE AS LOW AS -0, E 2009 COBALT (INCLUDING THE SS) 2009 COLORADO CREW CAB 4X4 P , i 1. e i U P. iJ les, tel6gTit, min, regieration taxes lesse lees exta RCHVRDONET-- THE GM 160,000 KM WARRANTY EHERO9T05' THE BEST COVERAGE IN CANADA - RICHARDSON - IoL! Canada 4o160,000KM -t60,000xm -ï 0cK M aaa IY 25 S. AT oa Y PM., MIITN O WÎTE M U + W WakdaRNSOTA1N SISAC .1. .-pl .. F-- Yr 1 IL mur fp.. M-,