Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Jan 2009, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, January 21, 2009 <NT>T1~TTW~1~T ZLIj~ (Lanabîaiî QMarnpîOll Fasten seatbelts It iso't îakiog long to gel a serve of what kind of year wu cao exputt 200Q xiii bc. Next week wu ,viii se die next phase oi theîpar- iiaineniary shoxvdoxvn iln Ottaxva and wheîher Pîrimne Minister Stuphun i i1arpui can renmain in p)o\s or or il a F- ibuerai -NDEP B1lotc Québucois coaliion i) iiibu aîwî bing more tban a bain- mer biios rlci Ibu Es hoaci. And vmxcix Stii 50st lui( tt1 01 x btlin iFlai pur anti liilalite Niiisisioî. J iii)i Fabunstv an poluit s ii î oliît i cau ,îii ita 1 1acing ccans and noi a t t lluis prutions finie but a chancetu0gtîIlle cOppcosition pa~ries. A signîficant change inieriiatlonai ivlbas now taken piatu 1in\Washington xiîh i arack libaîna inox- îng 1010 Ille V bei ou-o rupiacing coorgu 'W. luisis (3baissa briigs xiti i îîîia promliise toif iaîsgu sorcnoiiig sircliv iseutitt io10iicxvig s cars of 1)01)11 ltide iroin t1ibe Btushatliiiini siralion i jnu xxiii bu lil antli/ot boxx bis ucesii xiii alluct i(i.anaicii,ii- lic ut oiioiiix - ai ltitii-a-- i l iiini li ani xxiiiiIn a cxx ioniii a, i- - liii \calILoi-i i xxi xx iltc lix i' -i aimi adcix itu1c1Icril \I xxo1iI bei i-. Readers _____ý I5avc 5nh5ix '- 555 Industniai Dr. Milton, Ont. L9T 5El 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax 905-8'78-4943 Advurtising Fax: 905-871i-2364 Clas îfi(d.905 875-3300 Circulation 905-878-5947 vw.W ncton ý,ïna ia nchamtpion, com V.P. - Group Publisher General Manager Editor in Chief Managinr Eclîtr Advertisinu JDirectnr Circulation Manager The Canadian Champion, published evvvr Wednesday and Friday, is a division of Merotand Media Group Lsd. Lots to be said about condo planning DEAR EDITOR: i vol xxîci-c o lsatil-ýs uicsliii's. Etilili rnceeungici adtircss ccinchi puan,'bx [ii Flian i Friday> s Chaion.î i wiiîid hlii toclarif th îe tatcnits -lins qutecitre tn as F bolites e ibex xxorcnciiticc WhVen Timn asked wbat i htugit abut tise prsîptsed condcî devcitiiin)cnl, isaîiîba 1 i dt boar abocut il but wasn't ilaniar wiîb ibe detaiis. 1 dîi sialo my concern about traffît impact -aiready a probicm at ]aines Snow Parkway backîng up the Main Street and Mapie Avenue intersection andi othors cose by - anti that tbe DEAR EDITOR: How nany complaînts do area [ast food restaurants have to receive before they start paying attention and giving customers their orders with accuraey? Fn the past montb or so, F cani safeiy say that loy orders bave heen xxrong hait of the timie, anti this isn't limitedt 1 one partîcular place - is s veryxvhese- The niost recont mistake was has'iîg otiions on a harnburger whei lte slip atîaclcd tb the box cleariy saîi no onionts Earlier ini the week my bacon and egg breakfast sandwich liati no bacto. A couple tof imes recentINx soneOat anoilior place xxas t00 nasheti to put whippod creans on my cafe mocha, but wasn't 100 busy lisx(,s%\ îiii' i x i' c ai c i I(ýi' liii- uxîlgi lo 1 I ils tiollPIt i xii in iiit i iii m lis- \\'iîcî 1111asi c uit xx liai I ibiii i Fliii Mai ailsdi ii apiiioîîtsisLo t ilt , l atcinig the- liitiisandîl rit'iianis1Ici a l Iliii buildings iîl iik i icidibaiiu\i1tc iiliciiis loo~k ancd tic vica secilîied ii lquîieO titi) xxlicic xc arc. iin iaskcCLi 1)10 aboliît uIes;Ia(.1o)xNilig ,îîi titiseiiess of- the buidings. 1 repliet]ilbatiti\xx as, i as baci as tcîulci have becti. i sîated tihat tise set back bcîwecîi the buîid- ings andi our prtiperty lino xvas 4 lis 7 mollres iii to charge me the extra 70 cents for il. Frequentiy the machines dispensosg bot chocolate pour out some watered-dowsî ver- sion, but they continue to pour cup after cup. lime alter rime the orders are wrong. Do they hope were miles away before we figure iot Tbe otser nîgbî i1crove lack and biad words with the manager. Fotr my trosuble i îeccîved a Frc dessert - whieh îure ncitît tri ho the wrong fiavour -- anti a coit innert b drive baek lix Lîscîcgi aiteady. isbas0 gel otir oidcrs right uscaus ciii scem o ihiaxve ni) ptiblins cliargitsg ccrreculy CHRIS NIELSEN MILTON 11l i i in t ýt-ic ix i i l 1ili a ,îL i t\ tt -ixt-ii ippsuiioii' x I'-t:1 Jali ia îîxs11 iig x isi a, iiîuc i tii at i) lolii11is p eixas a îiciii tsi uic Chlb,iioc andt bc( 1 Iseliionîuîliiic Ciii i) butiii î,î î îîcigiiliîitii s isat iti Ficliiit il ii n hld îiti N (a1i o i iing mn 2000 ai itli Ointaioii miiiiipai Boardi alter itht cii ni x \vas t baiiciigcci byiwi lotai rosi- ticiiisý This slaieiiientIicaxes o1ut1 Fic at ita c-uiisci's tiiiginial iecisionIoiiiitiny the appliicaitin anti pi sptsec zcînîng chbanges by '-sieriai xv as supporiud Fîx a litge public iuicry irîsîi sore ibait200 lesi- dents wxobti iintiod ibtheinftormaîtin sess sionl antimor h51e an 400 wiuî signet1 a 1)011 nonli optisingiig tseztinig uchanigcs andt ofiiissus iTho plans tisai sittli aici 11lîbrtîtglîl Io tise OintsoMunîii ipaa tixxiii) wiîii xxetc csîîsîiîîbb ix lîliotiiFi tit i ibo tigi- nai applicauitin as bliy ox tîusîiîci îiîa nuiisibci ii iesicuslis t îîîîtci- ils andcizoini i cgutiiiis. 1i tutu1- tiseai lt il ipliisliai I1lisO lit: tîîitiîs antid iîxsi la s uscouiîils abitniting sol iii Es ,andli ailit sît 1 'ixxîlîltiaisislilce ad lsitisai1 clicoiuiigc t'sil ut li bc coîîîuîî Linsiliai xIil)i pixstcI tiiaiso- toiciil hCux îîisiiiliiii ani i houc s olcis xx l lix ~llix- iîîxx Il c tîicil andii piaimiiig siali ANGELA MICHIELI MILTON CCAB Audivd ~ocna 5K~ Milton's fast food service needs some improv ing as my orders often wrong fl-vLe MILTON SAN TA CLAUS PARADE 1j4~ YYNICA iiiii s i i i i il i t îxîd a Y - UNITEDWAY lm OF MILTON

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