The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, January 21, 2009 RE-11 Li'kg Ký,tý ici ROA 000030 , [Pi4,f 100.01 00 000 ý6i00II", 1h'd0 I , ROYAL LEPAGE FREDENE PLOUFFE o ý,905 634-6873 & SOUGHT AFTER TWO BEDROOM NATURES PARADISE MILTON TRAILS ON THE ESCARPMENT $359900 Wodiog drive eads tu secluded one $1,750jper mentir- Executîve four bedroovo on acre property wth 4 bdrm, brick and alumioum quiet sfreet availuble immediately b5feur appli- home. 2 car garage. Minutes Io 401. Cai Camr- ances. air. urndour cuverings îcluded. Moue o eroo for more onformation Condito Cali/email Mike Moretti for more de- Cameron Gali (905) 878-9100 talle. 905.338.6550/ WELCOME HOME -. O$399900 eeaurotui o - o bdrm, deacheu 2-surr o Coscorphoume. Hrdwd tirr or manr eue! Spactuus e at-ir koîcher wrrb breufasto Sbar, lrge partry buf-ir drubwauber foidge la uoue " - Man fluor dnrrg & famllo ou wldecurafîve pllisru2.r bahrounru Master beu- ruum au lueury ensuite wu ooerioed uower ofali WaIk e: CeCC C CC : CC o ruparfs and urfoolu Tbis hou uAi horne shwbunu er tar I~OI~ II ~ new.Fur a prate ubuwngr -. pleaue cal Jue Joe Tagtieri 905-878-9100 WOW! RAVINE LOT! $499900 Prime River Ouks ovor 30000 oq 4 Moe bedrooms plus main hoo voffieleurinlo aduond prideof 0ovneîship, paterned onCrele 0'01 tu 00Ck . U to GO For more phouons gou t u curreri voaruor coi Catherine Garant 905-878-9100 1122 KELLY GATE- HAWTHORNE VILLAGE $259,900 Mattamu Freehold Towrbome open kirch en/famîly roua, maurer wirfi W/i clouer & 3 pc ensuite sucoroguet room w/ winduee eu clair 6 ppiluces fuiiy feonced & iaodocaped, quiet sîreer. Catherine Garant 905-878-9100 Alil Real Estate Offices Plme mOUtre juins t1rt fluaiEsae Sectiamurns tIares: rWlmk y0 Bofoo b Du»:l.....lima5:00 Pmn Mateti uadlne We 10:0 u 1E~j~~ ~ anabaîî EIjtoîwfl ALDERSHOT LOCATION MiIon' ~,$224900 0110 reo bedîo setotuhre luko Oiiied îec roc froinogarage evd unit, ilivuro fuliy B eÉ H oaw sin kicienvioeil decoired anr/flot aura neseen878-910 - -e.........s - NEIL OLIVER, Publisher c Mo iv( osrcjDio ýDoo m, i ýppei P.0'lisýio !,y T! , ia (of (905) 878-2341 DAVID HARVEY, Generai Manager (0:00 lopDun( 1vUir 0'iu Fax: (9W0/876-2364 SIl m =L BRIGHT, SPACIOUS TOWNHOME vOn lous o $215,900 New broadluom on bedruums, Iandîug o vit eo O Oc & fam ly ooms, eaf-îo kitchent wifh breakfast bar, ll feie aret open coucept dîoîng & living rooms, fully feuced losmrcl on bock yard, single garage, available immediatey, cati Joan Holtinge (905) 878-9100 Grat Guf home ioaaed wth upgradesi Hume offero uPPruei mateif 15610 segt f vi uxuu open concept design, uunir eu-i-kecher witr mapie cabioermY & tiotessteel aPPli aîrce, rardwued on man tioor aaufirepiace, cutured qrnn r uaoity courteru, Gieur curb uppeai wlexenoiue uann îociudîug cernracuibu uand eck, Wuik ru punlmichovis, Jae Tonieri (905) 878-9100 -L1-7? ý zht Qattabin IE1jampioui CCAB Aadited RECOGNIZEO FOR EXCELLENCE BY ThMit- îooo0,00 ,00 OnooouvPooOoOO tiollings ýqu3) û1û-ýjluu