I -in, \-pîpqlv JA~~4 a nuar . o 21, 2009 RE-9 Mafamys "Eat-iv ktch Tthbarg" model w/340 anf 4 bdrm home. Fresniy Painteut. Nec Broadiovm, Sep Div Bm Lu Arn w/ceramîic & w/v to fenced yard. 9 B oceil' Stunning Fam Sze ktch c centre sland, bk bar Fao Arn /Hrdd Flua. Kich WîCerams & Pantry Mairngonmitrf mw/aleciig& & area. O/L the rg famtRm c fp, uak staîrcane. Fr Launry. Master WWlCiulset, Huaco Fîrs&Bnsuino W lg nmi î.tmr ale eiv spaceus 2ndleveicw/hugentater wluauious ensuite Marle &JauzoiLuwer LeueiOffers Rec Rm. ffce & Ac p. main tIr lauvdry. Master w '4 po ensuit & 2 W/t closeta. A Must See! Bath. Cedar-Fenceo Pot HYard, Mirs o TcO1tCoae Io parka & amentîcoý RENT TO OWN OPTION lrumaco arc/ Neu-r c sud in Tuiso Orme 0/aerr' 0/luCeiiuigsD'-Gmaîvraived cioe WVY 0 0 G tto 0enter is onu 5 r, Yur o ' tcc Masuci fpV m in1tir l locu B& pc Ense i roaly pgrrJ£ lC Pu' t'S, w/w a rudeck&fne r Lgbdm , as r OPrem Lut A Mur e' w/4 pc enoute&WI,,oe Fý Hmagc 45 X aS Heaed OurS -'rkSop W' 0/ou Sep0/rvu TcA Pecced CmpoLivd & 3 Bays W GDOOs, Sep FOrcce Hon' & Plugo ýnotWa Fo r Weidvo iv Garage VW OhBOnu is Oeal F ,i On 'e îiaw SLirle PFan rm a0 te- îeîruqos& GasFF Hra ak Srà' e"iO" rît 'rPr F '! o. ' rq7 V' i 0ieneu Pa'i Lo"i 'J31 , ' -~ , a 0 o /s ue h b&ercu l u v e CP " ' e'tîj n r tiI 'Su-' ri1 OPEN HOUSE Sunday, Jan 25 1-3pm 1078 Davis Lane 'i I i i 'r n 'i " i iri/ j _ .'_ - i ia'knî OPN 1134 Davis Lane HOUS Sunay, an 2 * -pl Mattainy "Hills- -ic /ai Kdtch WiBk Eat ir ktor w/S/S appi & wo ta large baicony oew'hwnnhome. Upgraded Eat-m iriktchen OÏL the ShUttIvI & wv ta dpck w/gazeno & hot Itub Area & SiS Appt 0OIL The Spacious Lv Rm. Ktch c dark chery cabinets, Oc bar & erarric lis. Lv hdwd on main tir, prof painted w/rneutrai drneour. liv Div Bm W/O ta Fenced Yard Generous Bed- DOn w/pot lights & ceramic tir Upgraded light Hrdwd Firs In Liv Bmn & FP M bed Offers rit c hrdwd. Master c c d coser & 410 ensuite New dbi dt entry c upgraded glass insefs. niode ruums, M Bcd W/W/lCînset & Ensuite Bath wiSep lîxtutes & vautrai decor 7/O, Opc & 4pc Scrii W/i Cioaet & 4 Pc Ensuite. Fnished Lower soti TO .neutrai decori& upgraded ighr filaîren vu u adeBon ot adrofilar- Shooc rd Fluor Laiinduy & Accesa oa Garage. ensuite \w upguadeotceramios Master iw w Large wrap porch, close iv chosols osecenrea & wakw,,ret ,onitinsot0moveliclouer Upgraules atso mol. CVAC bksplasti Leva dd\/ Eta i paePakn shopping îcpdwlka.Get odtotle in kitch. fouring. For Up To 3 Cars. OPEN HOUSE Saturday, Jan 24 1-3pmg 725 Ambroiser Eat.T( tKthWCracPls&akCBe vnii i Fcraia v trBeaut ilvecof the escarprcot fît w,'ndwo frsea1 nkith ww o l"dc & uiy 0W/ i fse -'o F ler Co ep i Pa Lis Rm W WO To Lrg enced Yard & Perer M1A ist r pq' ruvw i vAc & and M il Pond, Bat iv kith Largemaster ed w leced po aster wpc ensute & w iOOBt niaI~~~~~~~~ OreaMseW4PcEsie&wli upc bahinc vonrt inrauri 'iors o&îî rirpa douhle dosea & fu ensuite bath. Open concept inode acceos Iv garage, oery cdean & reutral ASonirdOsTcPsu&ulga/stuten nial ardes. M 1 ser W4 PoEnsute ii rughoutrCoeivl o ui r cp inq & aurenîr un ividin. ensufte laundq iVery brght &sa.p aciaus, éo /.Ams ewnlls og ùo n ls oPrsHgwyJs oei Closet, ncw paint & flonîng throagheat.dc utsecn s ogAnd Enoyii - - e - e e  id 1