The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, January 21, 2009 RE-6 I ~ I~~~~~M I àis62i1s-i Meadowtowne Realtyrkrage~~~\ jJ~) jjJ lnc c ti n1 ian(i( crat AUEFLElEM semsim $tet cl men 4 W ili& quiet ot«. tOpnocon- dgt wn lotsof ot tws dressed in CClifornie shuttersthrough- out9 atifiti, gis fkome, main 0 asirry, FR* 10 tisones oite. GaitNscouoetmopa. raçbosdisi, pintny plus XWW*p~d stinés aptisues. Fer tiedroomn and comple nih. w oIm tuai n *Siorc t&e moshe siltispat, gin OhsmW Spotiussly clean asnd asti msttinsd. $448.900 tempe te Ou trie aen-878-8101 karencumbg@ 3880 étîe' 0 ' itl Krenrtday Located ini the huart cf the character area oinRobert St this s ptacuila' mcm home featres dark walîtut bloors, gourmiet custom ktstientoaster oedreoom brut irs, tuxurtoun rîaster ensuite wth marblieftle and double oamt ies soar- irg 10' cieirogs, 3 pius 2 bedroomo, 3 fu bathroums, open fame firepiace, fuiiy finiîed hanemnent -Oh my gool there are just tue many features to lt thms s a MUST SEE!' $825,000 (price does nol include GST). For more itso or lu book an appoolmeot pieuse CstI Mirîlla 905-878-8111 *Sales Representative **Broker r ,» ~7V\ i ROYAL LOPAGE Sales Rep. BrkrRURAL ES i TF Large 4 bedroom homnein Brookevîlle douuhowder', estates. This home is over 2800 sq fi roya lepageca and features a main floor familY room p plus office. This home ýits on a 1 &1/2 acte lot ori a quiet Court. L 'ocated min- utes north cf Hwy 401. $599000