RE-4- The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, January 21, 2009 d~/REL 22 Ontario St. S., Milton, ON 878«7171 ompIletel'y redone tit cen ,hardwood floors rdd drtt 'tl ', OPEN HOU SE: sun y24pm 49 46MpI Av lB mA tAj'1 Fe!c k, tVF - iL 1~- 1- ;~ ~* ..ttt',*. -, -- - touirs att vvvNvv SC ttrýFcolii *Sales Representative - e - e e te a*wes toth folo - Bqu sos. Th -e 5' 's9 etrlasCmm nt-of esap WH ..i pouig I avetsn vhIe o elv w aeth nw rsyuse.1. te ave heexerie.i vnradr* . r Wo. erlndsCm uiy fNwpprshv oss . . . . . . . ..itcan utiabeoe im ? tnl dlvrdprvn uitd edrsi eut WH T..dus h m dum lo kliel i:sustn W a . . . .,ae rdcd wr lnlg*nesae lii QaitA od-okigprdc ta wl m k hnurdfo xclecel cm unt cvr*ean erie desgn readab.l*ty and results. peole e . . bfoe *singiIhIb bx 9 C15 - 87 8,7-i77 *Broker HALTON HILLS, MILTON, ERIN, CALEDON, HILLSBURGH & WELLING3TON COUNTY single double triple WEEKLY F01-WEEKLY TFtANSIENT 3x33 - -- 6x33 - 10Ox33 - To reserve your space, Cail Diane Wolstenliolme 905-878-2341, x21 2 Country Routes Distribution Map F e' w -n e o e e mn Cledo-nbistribution Map GEORGETOVVN DIS FRIBUTION <'Y, -3 CalDae Wltn*le95-7-34 1 Cal Diane Wltnolme 905-88-2341 x 21 111E IM)EPENDI)FN P N I-. tt' ON ,t' "t.P Milton Distribution Map <-DsVOCxri Enterp"rise 1