UàIjýk; lrywr 1r f 1 YRS 4.00%/o 4YRS peJaae 'I -~ 905-878-2341 JANUARY 21,r2009 JOSoreau1 Sl Pi S Perlect cuatry ht erefor extecdd amiiy 2- a eicesr riertu f ~Caropbelly, e & 401 6 dms, 4 batis rg 2 storeg foyer 2 iet I H rdwdaro is, Sep formai DR w/Fren c ocs & w' s t deck Hco)yki wigracier Macn fr ofce & aundeeMaster vogas fp lcosl&enut ROYAL LEPAGE ouDe gaage Park cg for 10+ cars Crarmio rnaeÇ Obarn D) 51155fC For furher information and photos please visit. Milton-reaestate.com I"I Scott I~$269590 Charming detached 2 bedroom, reno'd with ~' laminate hardwood floors, ceramics and neutral décor. Large yard, mature trees, and - plenty ot room for expansion!! Morgan, ~( Broker wth full view of Niagara Ecarpment from thin 2,814 rescnr s Sq.Ff rFieldgate home. Nne foot main level ceilingo, oater sitting area wth spa-lîke ensuite, expansie t~r kitcten cabinetry with pantry and island, open to the family room with fireplace Ycu iii love this location. iI_ Cali Mike $489900. lrre csierser cr, M.ree --.1 &c e- e, r e , cia ceocrer rer IN GA absuey The tes And Locato cnHatirerne Vifagel Maffreere TOTAL ABsoltVacderwodSMoneteIo Hawtlhornee ViaefEierg-y Star COMMISSIO Cer-tfed & Located On Quiet Sîfeel Seps ID Parks.Laoco WEtra 9 CeIlogs On Te Mac FloD Upqr, Ties.Hafdwoo Stars Gai 264-1111 Ë j s'aia.c m11=âfdAsdà sniw s ecntcmpelition. VIrguuaBrazeau Sales lRsps. i ae nr ROYAL LEPAGE Jack Nasarzewski Broke e1l tee or' ] ecc '-rr.r rer. Mer,' 'e e atti mee , t ' r d oc)0 lfù,l ' r eM e.etr,4 'e rtnc err t 1 rreereg eroocci r îverî it ýt rieirýf'P For frther mnformation and photos please visit. Milton-realestate.com ,,.,ee.'e.r, .'l , ., -il .-1 -t. ».d puc LTON HILLS - Jos3iorazeau Vir~~au$500 00 Sales Reps. tiieere ie , eietrger'~fr, b, ,f'rre M , fat r, rr 't .',-t, ROYAL LEPAGE Ierre,, re wlh,4f .,.w e, 11115111111111 For furfher information and photos please visit. - - Milton-realestate. com HeencEReMEEHAN CAMMY ceoDeR Saies Repesntalrses ww.tbemeeb*olam.com Inte@ ý3wA -ine'- SEVENTIKIBI e CI KTHIN Sales Reps.- roe Top 5% M saMal lu 2 W 27 li tadr (Iia Ircludes 5 appis. large frot porcs, garage access, oak hard- wond floors lVn mainrfoîor, opero concept. ireplace wth roartie, breakfast couloer, aîkout 10 llly ferced hackyard. Close ID GO . scholslparks, SuperstDre/Restaerarols. hwy acces b rLcatea ite ie Irof I ileeclacelar ner ove ee l Man4 e ICk tem kletîleroroasler ero Sales lisps. ,Nilleierarbîs ie and dtirrl - r shed basementl-Oie me IROYAL LEPAGE 1s1IîsaMSt ra,.. 5lillllli GSI. For mono 010 or1 Miroita or Mandy ai 905- the characlet afea on Robert Stthies eaires dark naall t fosgourmet ces- erei bell ri. lexereets maîlensuiSe île vautre' . soaire 10' rel rogi. 3 plus reores epeno liarree leeplace, lelly fero igos Ihere ate juil ton mary fettirlit SEElI $825,000 Price does notf ccl ude le t book an appeinimeol ploase CafI 5-878-8101 . wwkamenerareOcom $3-99 99 0- 3 separate unts, Country location 6 minroelrth of 401 & Campbellvelle Owners one floor 3 bedroom rese- denice, precate patio and gardeans backîng olto wooded conservation PLUS 2 leased 2 bedroone apartooriets Separate 3 car garage, $399900. Mattarry Powvell welh over t.900 iv vt steoeeeg treme w 1th 9 ot teilnsardwvodD4 tcerog aod stairi pet erhti vas lrepic. ate larreeseaed eal ei kicleero ecelipanryepene te taroely room. seconcd foor lecalîres asrdry and loftroaster welfr 4 pece ensuieesoaker leD ared separaleite her excellenot qietl crescerol lcateeo et HawthvrneeVillage Barron Sales lisp. cao@utte.cam ,$31 4 9900 e o Gop ilatr e c ue a- MIN e Abnolutely Gorgeous Large 4 Bedroom Bright & Opero l onomn Wifh AFullFi nshcd Banemerof. Supcr Tpom ncp otith Main FîDor Living Dirng & Famîly RoomEaf In Kîfhen With Breakfat Arna& 26 11 W/O To Fully Fcnced Backyard, "ÙrtI-IfgsOCCOM * Yltied &s s Isoe = gat ei competitisn- l1iO0rot. harîlwood fl applaînces anrd a dosîf siete cars' Close to shc Friced at çkn!y $314,9 locors anîd staîns, staînlerss île car garage that titi 2 full voppîrcg, schools arod parles '00! IN GTA Lovely Falcoro C nstCarltoi Model Towrohorooe Wilh T TAL 1715 Sqauen Feet Of F ro shnd SPacn Feroctioroal COýMMSS1O Opero Concept Layoot Wth0Com rnd Lvin g Arod t -- nrog La g e-Szn KtcheroWVth Est-in Breakfast Aroal ~ omplefe VWlh Walk Out To Oeck. 64 -m111 ! cOlfl avDeP c ed cds n nùyee Sad 3ppe ne m MILTON/CAMPBELLVILLE HO: 100-480 Lhiiversity Ave. T.,.,,t.. ON M5G lV2 DUNDEE MORT(ý,AGE SERvý(.FS 1