1- B6- The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, January 21, 2009 L 'y / j - ~ A * & S EVERYGNE WANTS THEIR FAMILY TO BE SAFE AND HAPPY By learning the art of karate, you'll flot only develop the ability to defend yourself, you'll introduce a host of other benefits to your entire family. Anyone from the age o! five can start karate. Anyone. Any age, shape or size. Unlike the monotony of the treadmili, karate offers. stimulating and mentally challenging cardiovascular exercise. Its also a fun way to improve your stamina, increase flexibility, reduce stress and even ose weight. The mental benefits are also enormous. Every class promotes respect, cou rtesy, good manners, kindness, compassion, courage and Ioyalty. As we al know, team sports aren't for everyone. ln karate, you can learn at your own pace and move to the next level when you're ready. For those who give up too easily, karate offers the motivation to achieve new goals constantly. No matter what age you are, it always feels great to earn your next belt. Karate helps to build self-confidence and allows those who are shy to gain the nerve to look others in the oye. So whether you and your family join to be safer, make new friends, improve your physical and mental health or just to have fun doing somfething different, karate offers wide- ranging benefits for the whole family. MILONKAsT For more information contact Sensei James Burke <6th degree black beit), Milton Karate School: www.miltonkarate.com WWW.MILTONKARATE.COM 3 MONTH PROGRAM 4 ages five and up fitness for ali ages family rate available J includes nfr registration limited visit us online ' k. 905-466-8164 * "Just Eati " is the stigma of an eating disorder (NC)-The glamour and mytholoqy sur- rounding celobrities' oxperiencos vwîth eating dîsorders spilîs loto evorydlay beliefs about the mental illooss. Both the goneral public and rnany health caro wvorkors have been found to beliove that ondividuals wîith oatîog dis- orders are to blame tor their illoess. 'Bocause of the myths surroundinq eating disordors, many people trivialîse the ioro h e-n, ays D r G n c expert wvith the Toronto Genierai Hospital. "Although oatiog disorders resoît from a mix of biologîcal, social and personal issues, maoy people think that ondivîduals develop them ouIt Of vaoîty or to got attention. The shame and socrocy that results from the stigma of haviog an oatîng disordor cao have many nogatîve off octs, says Merryl Bear, dîrector of the National Eating Dsordor information Contre, vwwwvnodîcca. Thoîr vwobsîte dîscussos many of the effocts of myths and stgma around eatîog dîsorders. These include delayîng troatmont oîther because the affected indivîdual is too ashamed to ask for help, or because health care professionals lack appropri- ato knowledge to help. Family members and friends report finding it dîffîcuit tb communicato wîith someone vvith an eating disorder, Bear suggosts that this s in par-t because many dont understarîd the physical aodç mnental rnr)act of an oatinQ disor- with the sufferer. "If you believe that someone iS respon- sible for their owon suffering, it cao mako you angry and judgemental,- asserts Bear. "This isot likely to holp the situation or make the person botter. WVe have to learn the truth about the il- ness". Tough as it s, Bear recommends that family members become advocates for both their family member and others experîeooing mental illness. ' lUs not a joke. Dont lot anyono bolittie somoono olse. People nood holp, ont blamo. Fabulous february FIY4'ways,. Winter Lights $70 Ughten up with our Wnter Lighte - Seven fods pkçed around the face Mlowed by a semi-permanent gloss to brave vvinter wînds! Tress Quencher frotr $20 Condîdoning Cure a great remedy for the electrifying locksl Lock Luster S20 Restore luscious and thicker looking hair! Pre-Colour Detox 1 Rehab. from $2 0 Treat your haîr to a '«rehab cleanse« thus, helping your colour stay rîch and v'îbfan,'t SSO Ontario St. S.9 Milton, ON, L91r SIE4 905 878 9533 lues 9ý 8, \Ned 9 rhUtý- 9-si Fti 9 5, sat 8:30 4:00