The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, January 21, 2009 - A3 Healthy diet unfodbefor some residents: report By Stephanie Hounseli CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Fer many Halten reut- dents, a nutnitîeus ditcen- tnues te be unaffordable, accerdîng te a health depart- ment study In fact, abou 32,000 peco- ple - seven per cent et Halten residents- cant afferd adequate foed, a sta- tistic that bas remained steady ever the past few years. These were key findings in the 2008 Halten Nctritteus Foed Basket Survev, presented in a repert te the Regîcînu heialth and secial ser vices coemiitice ,inttit i 1 3, 1 lii' iii \ ci titi ,î ctcs 01i 01t , t i c quine dcîcibauccd on c ,ci men food itemns lis resultts bave tar-icacl b tng ellecis. Pîivcrt\, eteturccltnt îxiîrer eating habits -witlt fooed purchased thats biigbict ni at, scgar and caloii tes suhichn i tru leacîs iiilesu bealtbu reiclents, saicl Lrmna rieker, a puiblic healtb cictician whcî pic sented cn the repuort ai tbe meeting. 'If yeu'rc in pcw'erty, veure mere lkely te encd Up in a hespîtal bcd, iucker satd. Accerding te the survcy, and baseci en prîces laut June, iti cess about $133 eacb wcek te previde a basic healthy diet fer a farnîly of four in Hiatn, the report reacîs. That's an increase tof fîve per cent ever 2007 and 10 per cent ever 2006 ancd can bc attributeci te the rsing cocst ef glebal leedcien- mcdtttes. Fer a inicîcîle agcd m'an. the us ekîs cesituf a bcltbs I tii icl baske t eilis tte c eibic l su C tilt ic îttl atttc ltuicieg titttttcs ic1 prcsetit ibc s,tt 1, ti ilbi I lie c pit t t iti\elci cîie i l icaltb lDit Bib Nislgises dibc oftleiia. situgle itii ei lisv ig In people living in I-lton cantit ajjoid to buy properfood for healthy diet Nîisl ciincctrtcl. I t1iti tii tc gîîîî ic ,îtil ii ibiso l,bl'oin-e, ous i lt bllt teî,ttoici tle ctcin haiciiic ca d t it inctc re ex ,îltitc ,îiicl ( entnenîtu Sc ie ,Xdeliiia Urihaîski respendecl tiOl i. tb gt hct vtlblp the Regien bette ic teuerethe suc cestif lit/t lut! tif ifIiittttiitî~'flii/tiiti "In Ontario, wve s houId n't have teoiniport preduce. We can cresu t Iecally," , i , www greetiheti ca Possibility growvs bere. PARINES IN Ait',ste [y ici ,îjan i a iîd'onR lie total inceflic vwoelcl bc $1,665 per rnenth, and rent weuld take $1,224 ef that. A nutri ious dici weuld cost $422, w'hich nmeans enly $213 weuld icinain te cever basic nceds including heat, hydre, insuraur e, transpertatien, clerhing and heuscheld supplies. "-lhcsc tamîilics arc moe likeix te pay thc cent and necessarv bis and have lit- ticere ornoeney leti fer f' eed,- thc rcport statcs. "Clcarly, thcrc t a discen- ncct between what ihe gev- ernment prîîvideu in bcncfi rates and the actual cest ef eating fer geed health. \Vhat s necdied îu te addrcss the reet pi ebîcîn ef lpîx'ei i, hic kei îîld ceunicil- lors. Jason Verkaik hand-picks possibi Iity. 1 ý [ akery Special 1