The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, January 21, 2009 - B5 -'ni', Advertorial Spring into the New Year with Natural and Medically Focused HeIpNi Conoratulations! You and youu family have made it througri the buLsîest time of the year' You rnay no0W be feeling tired and burnt out but donti despair the Newv Year is the perfect trne for newv beginningsl As wve settie ,nto the national freeze & hibernation mode, it s important to keeps our minds & bod- ies aiert & active. Now s the perfect tîme to make a commitment to yourseif gîng health concerns you have igniored over the busier months. t s important to seek heip fron a quai- fred heaith care practîtroner bc'fore you embark on any changes The correct heaitti care practîtroner is traîned to helr y'ou reach yonîr goals n the health- est svay Whether you wvant hein 10ý stop smoking, start eatîng Licler, improve your digestion, increase your energy, improve your sieep, stay healthy during cold and flu season, or decreas- ing the effects ut these long dreary days, a good heaith care practitionc-r s there îcr get YOU trhrLoh t Naturopathic Doctors, for example, are chincaliy trained to sif clv combine niat- oral therapies vvîth traditional medical Ieatmient anri woîk from an irividital- istic approach Treatrients are varîed and Include nutritional treaiment & supplementation, auuctrherbai mredicine, anrd homeopathy' The keyr te makîng lasting changes is about a ,jork out regînier i o dicctary Pan if your entirooasnn s ýrrractci ed wiýth a coriment Io) reai ( hanqe If not, you w;P fl b urni o)uiarnd co)n- qUered'1 Sec yrwc-rltai Naitoropaithi c lcor for anO mcii iualrzeclapr Io n ir orr he,11th c- itUlat Of your fariy'ý -Omen worrien arrd chilciren vri'ireýnefii fror naturopathic care. Yorr vvil fimd yourself sprinrjing inýct sprinq j r O0 finie i Mary MarDonald N D, BS:, BCornm-Doc-tor of Naturopathrc Medicin e Identîfying Speech, Language and Hearing Difficuties The ability to both speak and hear cornes s0 naturally to most of us that we often take these senses for granted. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for one in ten Canadians who are challenged each year with a communication or hearing difficulty. Surprisingly, many of these impairments go undetected or untreated. People often don't recognize communication impairments, and whether it be speech, language or hearing difficulties, many people do not realize that there are health care professionas available who are trained to help them. There a few key questions to ask in order t0 determine whether there is a hearing problem: ZAre you straining to hear in groups or on the phone? ZAre you asking people to repeat themselves? ZAre you frequently turning uip the radio or television to hear it? ZAre others starting to notice or complain about your hearing? Hearing loss can happen at any age and tends to develop gradually over many years due f0 the aging process, ear infections, exposure to noise and/ or head injury. Audiologists are trained to test hearing and counsel clients with respect to the options they have to hear better. Equally prevalent among chiidren and aduits are speech and language disorders. Whether it s the pronunciation of sounds, diff iculties reading and writing, stuttering, voice problems, or words are not coming easily, areas of speech and language delay can be addressed and many improvements can be made with the help of a qualified Speech-Language Pathologist. Should you have any questions or concerns with speech, language or heaning contact the HearSay Speech & Hearing Centre f905)875-3345. Editorial supplied by HearSay.t Speach and Heaning Centre. (905) 875-3345 311 Commercial St. Suite 109, Mlton www.Uearsoyou Hearing SeIf-assessment Checklist Do you hear words, but not understand what is beîng said? Do peuple seem to muorbie? Do others complain you tomn up the TV or radio ton iuudly2ý Do you find it difficuit to Pecar i n iIv nvironments? Do your family memhers cumplain ta you are net hearrnq themn? If yorui c ckcrr i ii mari' of re ia[,, r r ()Lr i ~ n i . n r r ' ril ira lbook an appor tric, fut r a rnrq r wratfi n of n'Amil n SPEECH AND HEARING CENTRE IN. ,ilr Cr MmerCiiSI., Sure cc--i, MtIrc -n Tel: 8-'ù5) 3'3411 1