A24 - The Canadian Champion, Wednesdlay, January 21, 2009 r; aF 1 F S Broker #10259 John Woods, AMP MORTGAGE AGENT, *flmma 22 Ontario Street South Milton, L9T 2M6 Tel: 905-878-7777 Personal Fax: 905-693-9232 email: JohnWoods@Look.ca www.TheSmartMortgage.ca RENEWING YOUR MORTGAGEà? REFINANCiNG? PURCHASING? Probably the largest debt you will ever have... t really pays to be a "Smart Borrower"' Give me a cali to be pre-approved... or Check out my website www.TheSmartMOrtgage.Ca (the secure mortgage application is at the top left) 1 wiUU compare terms and interest rates among 30 or so lenders (Banks and other lenders) ATr NO COST TO YOUI. BUYING A HOME IS MORE AFFORDABLIE THAN YOUi THINK, ~~lP i IonesPaiment4.69%004.695004.69%0 RV/MM has some really nice homes and NOW Iisted at very attractive prices. AT THIS TIME IT 15 A "BUYER'S MARKETYY REFINANCE THAT CREDIT CARD AND OTHER DEBTS! Credil Card Debi $15000 Debi dded Io Moigage $15000 Minimum Monihly Paymenl $450 Additional Monthly $450 Morigage Paymenl Months Io Pay Debi 46 Monts tor the 36 (with no more additions) Debi Paymenls 1o End Aternatively, reduce that $450 extra payment to $73-26 if neccessary. It really pays to beaÉMÎAfl w- 1 1 IN THE Au R OFFICE