Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Jan 2009, p. 20

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20 - The Canadian Champion, Wednesday January 21, 2009 Sales Help Sales ielp - Sales HeIp Sales Help Hlospital, Houspital!., oi iv i t w rs.it Agnt &À: :ent E Aens M getsMeal. etal go Medial, Dental j~a Detl 1L0P v1nI'J5-<7 I ATTENTION artir-e Sales Merchandîs"ging 1[ 1 1 1 7 MST -) Uuir,g ' ,otk in e i Learr fram the bet in the busines *Experience flot necessary *Srong commission plan *Compary dema *Willing te, train the rîght indviduais *Eceptionai relatinnship buldng and conmmunicationskiffs *Self mtivation wth an indivioca drve to aacceed haden @concepfotd.ca or onul John Haden or ScotI Carlo 905-846-4600 fan 905-873-3309 Concept Ford 161 GeprSi Georew anadas eadng cemetero organizatîoix seekîng sales prfessînnals for a long term and rewarding career in pte-need sales. We provîde paîd traning, genernux cnmmssion structure, benefts, pension plan and s realîstic abose average ncsmhe potenfial. Our prsduct ix recession-proof and yosr prospects are anlimted. If you want ta be rewarded for your efforts Mtille selling a dignified product, please catI: Cfsack Duchesnay at 905-257-1100 or emnail: cduchesnay@glenoaks.ca DO NOT PHE-JUDGE Job Descri tion Leading Grocery Manufacturer is iooking for Represenfatives. Grocery merchandis-, ng an assef but not necessary Competîfîve Salary & Trainng Provînd Please e-mail pour Resumes to: merchandiseus@live.ca Dj5 l entl Dental GEM Health Care Services Inc. FULL-TIME NURSING SUPERVISOR (aka Admin Clinical Nursing Coordinalor) Oakvllei8orlingfnn surrounding areas. RESPONSIBILIflES: Supervision/evaluafion of saff - Clant assess- mens, nursng care plans & home isifs *Clinical franing & in-sernice education *Care assignimenfs on an as-needed basin QUALIFICATi S: *Crrenl College of Nrses Onario (CoNO) Annuai Registrafion Card - B Se N preferred *Valid drivers lic. & car - 5-ilyrs relevanf exp E-mail Resume and References ta: doug.wells@gemhealthcare.com' Oty (B0ariigrlon. orriainin ea preparariai housesald cv tiCS vigo(rsca eikng/hking, Mature, soIr spakeri jayf;ul ouarg 5 able ta relate eflectiaeiy 10 a persoi wth signi tuant commancationasialergesý tioresty & inregriiyý phya.caily actase & aery fi posi secordary educarian laiversity degree preterredî cm- percoce on MS Word and Inernet iWindowsîý knawleageable re hoi suc teailh arlo nutrition, Assets krawledge of reataratîae yoga practic- ea, ram ng Obackgroaurdis art &/or music piano: srgaged in a mindfainea baaed paclice, t-6 proMon Tues, Fr; Min tyr cammtmert $20 haurtota tart. Please emaîl resame & couer lener detailing your personal nualîtiea askitis knowiedge internats, ftness eael. & auailsniiîty peit5gmail.com Pieuse note:e are a amîlly not an axeocy We weicome al relevant applications, oweee , î thooe aelected ot an interview wil Se contactera Fal Tme witS0ene fil pickage Expe ence a must Seaem positions. va0lab FAX RESUME (905) 336.9618 Attn: DARLENE !Jmj h jj j;J cIr - ~E.ml l sgowad oFRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2009 in the MILTON CHAMPION Has Cupid aimed his arrow at you? V Menss V Dads Y Siblinga V Grandparents V Husbands V Wives V Best Friends 'V Sweetheas-ts Orme ict tia Vlestrre's a sh-lp arasa eithosi teting the peupil so Ie how ue methes rcalîx arc Issecc. Fienal Deadle: .5 pur TIESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 21)09 1e ,n olunique peereonueal inc îrre -arpu, ua l 1ouienshec irner hetou or cati 905875-3300 Pesse prent ynpe.nssllage clearix f-Actual Sizet, * photo LOVE LUNES arejusf S1999 -GST = $20 99 (Up le 15 mords) - r -C ar c.crnChM r , 55 ir. s raDr Mil ,Lt Payment must accompany order Cali 905-875-3300 Deadine: 5pm Tues.. Feb 10 J I 100 House for Sale 102 Open Hosse 103 Private Sales l05Townhouse Sale 110 Apartmenti Condos for Sale 112 Cottages for Sale 115 Farms for Sale, Rent or Wanted 120 Out otTown Proporties 125 Pmoperty Outsie Canada 130 HousinigWanted 135 Lots. Acreages 140 nvestment Business Properties 145 Industrial, Commercial Space 150 Offices, Business Space 155 Stores for Sale. Rent or Wanted 159 tnvestment Opportssniies 160 Business Opportunities 161 Franchnises 162 Insurance 163 Professional Directory l64Tax, Financial 165 Mortgages, LoMn 168 Accocntants 167 Office, Industrial Equipment 168 Busines Services, Personals 169 Compute, Intrnet 170 Apertments, Flts for Fent 172 Furnishlecl AparWnnt 173 Mscellaneous Rentis 174 Short Terni RentaIs 175 Apatnents, Rlats Wanted 180 Conominiunms for Fent 185 Houssa for Refi l90Townhouses for Fent 191 HousigWanted 192 Rooma for Reçt or Wanted 193 Roorn anS Board Available &Wante 194 Shared Accommodation 195 RetirementLliig 196 Hall, Lodgec 200Vecation Properties 205 RentaIs Oufside Canada 208 BaS anS Breskfast 209 Cottages for Fent 210 Mobile Homes anS Park 211 Motsr Homes 212 Recreatisre Vehicles 215 Camperv.Trnilers. Sites 225 Camping Equipment 230 Sports Equîpment 231 Avaton 232 Bots, Supplies 233 Snswnrsbiles 234 Pools and Sup 235 Ressrts. Camps, 236 Travel 237 Hobbies and Crafts 235Womens Clumn 245 Births 246 Adoptions 248 Birttrdays 249 Coming Eeenf s 250 Engagements 251 Forthcomning Marriages 252 Marriages 253 Anniversaries 254 Graduations 255 Announcements 256 Deatha 257 Obituanies 258 In Memoriam 259 Cas of Ttanks 260Tessdera 261 Legal Notices 262 Public Notices 263 Car PoosTransportation 265 Lost and Found 267 Companions 268 Peraonats 269 Support Groups 270 Nannies, Live sn,. Out ?d 271 Mothera Helperes 272 Nuraery ScIroots 273 Daycare Avaitabte 274 Daycare Wanted 275 Babysitting 276 PrivateTuitiona, Schoots 277 Music. Dance, Instructions 278 Regstration 279 Tutoring 280 Lessons 282 Places of Worship 284 Esttretics. Beauty Services 285 Heatt and Homecare 286 Senior Services 287 Massage rherapy 288 Fifness Services 289 Party Services 290 Catenng 292Wedding Planner 293 Astrotogy 294 Psyclics 295 Liaison Services 296 Amusement Clubs 297 ingo 298 Fanerai Directors 299 Cemetery Plots 300 Market Basket 301 Flowers and Delivery 302 Farm Service 303 Mores, Supplies and Boardlng 304 Producl HayJ Seedi Grain 305 Poultry and Livestoclc 306 Fumiture 307 Clottng 309 Bargain Centre 310 Articles for Sale 311 Bicycles 315 Aricles Wanted 316 VenSors Wanted 319 CraRt Sales 320 GarageVard Sale 324 Arts anS Crafts 325 Auctions 326Waretsouse Sale 330 Frewood 331 Seesonat 335 ClirsimTrees and Gifts 336 Woodstoes, Fireplace 340 Antiques and Art 348 Restaurant Equipment 350 Industriat Equipment 352 Farrni Equipreenît 353 Appliances 355 Computer and Video 360 TV Ssund Systeron 365 Musical Instruments 370 Pets. Supplies. Boarding 375 Phstsgraphy 380 Swap and Trade 385 Tickets for Sale 400 Cars for Sale 405 Cars Wanted 4txTruckx lot Sale 415 Trucks Wanted 420 Vans. 4 Wheel Drive 421 Off Road 425 Sports Carv 430 Antique Carv 435 Mtsrcyctes 440 Auto Parts, Suppties and Repairs 445 Auto Leasing and Rentais 446 Auto Financing 447 Driving Schoots 450 Auto Care 455 Garage and Storage Space 460 Insurance Services 465 Automotive Plus 470 Heavy Dufly Equipreent 500 CareerTraining 501 Career Counseling and Resumes 505 Careers 507 Emptoyment Agencies 509 Drivera 510 General Help 511 Retail Opportunties 512 Summer Emptoyment 514 Slon and Spa Help 515 Skiled andTechnical Help 520 Computer/lIT 525 Office Help 529 Inside Sales 530 Sales Hetp and Agents 532 Retait Sales Help 535 Hospital, Medicat, Dental 536 Veterinary Help 537 Hoistic Heaitti 540 Restaurant, Hotel 541 Part-Time Help S45Teachinig Opportunities 555 Domestic Hetp Avaitable 556 House Cteaning 570 Emptoyment Wanted 600 Home Improements 601 Animal Removal 602 Air CondiUoning 603 Appliance Repairs 604 Carpeting and Ftooring 605 Carpet and Uptostery 606 Chimneys 607 Cleaning Services 608 Computer Services 609 Demotition 610 Design 611 Doors and Windows 612 Drapes and tipholstery 613 Duci Cleaning 614 Eectricians 615 Fesîce and Decin 616 Fum. And Upholstery Repair 617 Heating 618 Heating and Air Coréditioning 619 Home Securifly 6M Landcaping 621 Locweitti 622 Mise. Services 623 Moving and Storage 624 Palnting and Decorating 625 Paving '626 Pest Contrat 627 Ptumbing 628 Pools and Supplies 629 Rooflng 630 Ssîow Remnoval 631 Tree Service 632 Waste Removal 633 Wateproofing 634 Eavesroughss 682 Hayrides 700 Home Improvemrents 701 Dernsolition, Blasting 702 Gartrage Removat, Hauling 704 Ptumbing 705 Handyman 706 Ofimney Cleaning, Repair 707 Electricat Services 708 Mossonry and Concrete 709 Carpentry 7t0 Paintng, Decorattnig 715 Msvîng and Storage 718Caroet Cleanîng 70Drapes. Upholstery 725 Dessmahing Taîlsrrng 730 Fioorîsg. Carpeting ,35 Gardening, SUpply Landacapîng 736Tree Service 737 Stump RamonaI 738 Lawnmower Sales, Repairs 740 Snxw Removal 746 Courses 750 Appliance Repairs 751 House and Pet Sitting 753 Party Services 760 Service Directory 800 Home Improvement Directsry 900 Dating Services 905 Aduft Entertainment 910 Massages 930 Aquatica 931 Arts and Crats 932 Camps 933 Co-Educational 934 Cooking 935 Dancing Classes 936 Daycare 937 Dog Training 938 Education 939 Equestrian 940 Gymnastics 941 Language Arts 942 Martial Arts 943 Miscetaneous 944 Modeing 945 Music Lessons 946 Nursery Schots 947 Private Schsols 948 Recreational 949 Sports 950 Summer Sctesol 1 CNCQW) Q r niitiiniagronn n ims,- lton. OLT 5SF1 Qam eo Snm Mondav to Fridav Adjutments: Every effort is made lu ensure the accuracy of pour ad Pease check your aducoi thee Omt insertion. For multiple insertions of the same an, redît milIre made oîri for tIre icol insertin Credît 4éveo 1or errorx i coonection arth production on ado ix lîmted 10, the prînted space involved Carrceilatîons mut Ire made bp lelepflone, Do nultax or emaît rancellutions, to place an ad call 905.878.1141 1 ýFi ii 1 1 i 1 1 - -ýl.-.. - -------------- ------ ------- - ----------- - -- -------------- muvmw il p 1 1

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