A8-The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, January 14, 2009 ARE EIN'S (MTN T wwwkarenstiowershop.com Students to offer aid in Dominican Republic Eagerly await -opportunity to help rebuild villages damaged by humfcane By Stephanie Hounseli CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF S t'tc si t-ýiltCI1 itcsia Doo'iîtlias, liadticiii t t3Iii tk liii itit ivatca tin, toi ii ilicili ti h untiaid lit t i liii ti ts ttci'tt 111uit i li iituus ti tlit tIt' iolui' tt't ti t ii iit tsi andt a \t'tl t i slî tllc i l it1 aitICtl opiet hsaotilelis ioniî Itîr l&te',\ ul 1 "Itlrîkc i licart.It'lis susadt i sec hîuw îlîy lis c aîd wc basvc su rny luxurics,- shc saitl fiercincîît titans cx'tdeiu So whcn the tuppotiuiîiiy arise through hcr scbooltîl îîraxcI tî a Carbbean destinationu t ttI iitakc but to gîvc, Jessica junipcd atil.î "'m increstcd in sccing thc other sd,' saîd thc Bshop Rcdiîîg student. J essica t',onue iof 15studcnis and staff incmbers wlîuîIl tîavcl iii tic Dominican Republit I roi J aîuuary 30 to February 7 to hiclp huild homcs andine schutols, plus donatc and dclivct iîttcy medital sup- plies, titubes, cducatiiîial iiaerials and tuys. t 1 il m cctIti i (ti )l 11 l')n I m (>1is liii I "it lt Iii t on, it m i 1 i t t i \M'titt ol\ i t ii 5 tii 1 a' lamilt il ii t 5 1 t ýttiit Ilt ta ttii', i)o n I tý'l READY TO HE LP: Bsnop RPati' i tlt C ,îi i pt) Mo ,shrtii w 'idiiiP 'c' lt' i Jessica Dortjo Âu'v titi" ltitiq iî j ii i s s i(i ,t' îth f ýlipi" i iti t ui t ' i (o w]'r'- it) i hrtiîgl thic i)iiitIItitaiî Republit I -dutaîtitial andti\lcdît ai stippoi i(DRI'\M'uipi tgi atît ibe studetits xiii arriv'tniisantt Dl)îiiigi, and thenti ras ci iiia slna11 village up iii the iîiuiitiis whcere tues il sitetd itittsi oi ithe wceký TiIe stLIititus xiii îîîîersc ihcmnsclx'es in village Ite anti xx titi partîuetîtg wiili te uicbuatit ai oriitîzaiiti 'deit i tztixxslsy xxlihi xentnIi titip last i - ett ts1aiiedth te villges aic 11 sI isiittggliiig"iii ictits .lt to tliclt' ti îîî ma it taitoiilui In 2007ý i lie frtît i liglît Ini tlt' Dtiiiît i ic gitop viii sias iii a Iltuavvixx1 iliex t iisîîî t' sci litixi seat iciegi îîî tas"tlIiiasi tugit' spit c tlissitîttit i iiat stlîtîtî s1U aI s îsitllIM 11 tiglct' ( t'a li î1 lc t's .i P liiit' ag t ti ili g Io le h l 1Ii tesa st st it s ti't itt toi i lonîg tItn, 0 ;ls titi 1\ is b atdi luit' I)i suit g lil ai iigiliti is ipotîtIilIt'p. îî ho\ ti'\i t\ 'Il, il iiti' i i u ti l ' a% ,\ti\\111) "tIc titici. li i 51 lIii iiit ii ttiti' ss tilt l t ailtt~ I , ' l (I ,ci tis io\lits talit tsx as s ilt caiaid aîiîittt laitoi isttil its la tîtiiandli il st siasi t 1 is i lîipis .1l1apis t t utîit\t icipcti t" dut se lelias ccto o5hac pope lîiilt Iciiessa aii Jcssi ta sil i lis litc inii gýise linl5 ti ucîl îîtc(îlttaisitilits tait tal liZnxs 5155k ai «t)Oïl SÏ -)4370. titiicl ianbciiti icd . . . . . . . . . . .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -