Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Jan 2009, p. 5

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St. Marys files rezoning For local By Dianne Cornish METROLANI) VVESf MEDIA GROUP St)L. ansxxCWM\ lias lîlcul1 MIiiappftuatttiii xx htIile (i ix 1 in xcanu fici l il ui Milbuitiug ig Itu. Flic iapplication, filcuf euî lx iiDeuiiil)er, upaît tif the aggregate ccipaix's exeralplaî t tiistahlisli a quarnx iiin erilieasi Flatnbîiiiuili cat Caîîpbellx ille. A separate, but siîutlar applieatieoi xxas fîleu fuir ajaeent lantds în iepiciiiber 2004 tii pernîîî a large finie- stîîne quarrx' near the cotrner of il th Ceoneessin Rxîac f ttandcf lxlbcrttioili I T tc ualliitg liir t zxiiig l i li landufrInit agrtciltiiraf/euîii- sel satîiiianagernelit ti extractivec iicustriil s necleu tii poice an, entralîce andl exit drîx exx ax fîîr qcîarrx trueks. Wuhile sepalate friii tlî appliceatioin bledvithî Hamilîtonii 2004, it xill be rex'îewec bx City stff ni cncerti xxî thile îîxerl cîuarrx dex'elxpineîtt proipos- al. -It wîll be wrappecl utî ilîtît cne applicaticon,"satd rHamilten senior pianner Chrîs Bell, neîîng that tîhe land îs adjaeent te the prîp- enîy for the prepîîsed quarrv. St. Marys spîîkesperseîî Jennifer Tuck sald the Mlburongh LUne prîîpertx wxasî't includcd in the uimm panys eniginal applieatîin. Rezeîîîng ix beitîg sîîught nciw, -Jusi Icipriice auuess ici the cîuarrx', she saluf adding that tie Milbutîcugli LUne pruîpcrty bas ilxxax s heeti featut cd ciii iips xxhenex'er the clîarrx fot- li l i as heiî I- -u sutlicha, ai Uaîl itoute uTlili lie i uliaion Ini t im-,i 1:1l11t, hait Tif 1 O [\'( L i 1 ic l' ilds o liial i. iiflhti Tiii i j idi ft11( p o c \\ýI 1T t .T IfIIIIcul lb\ uicI TTTo meru quinix iixliii Iiit siitic tiiýIn ii2005.île s-aîcl [txix u litsnidci tandl(ing* ihat plopiVitcliit5 Tf the plan ii g- inall\ xx anted iii petthile eiitraiîcewxxax alîing a prexin- cialîx signiicant xx ctland on the pi epertx, but dcided iii hnx necighbeuring land se the drivewas ceuld bc heili nuîîh oft he xetlands. FORC [ meniibei s, sliixxcclilthi opoitiintii the u propxal atl he remui applic ation b\ix s'cng c- m'T 'T (if I 'Pt 1 : to ic I( mSb hlxiiic ( tII iTiT -WC e tgui c ea cxx c- mîails aliiclIci tIcrs t iii ai cT i xcet, bell coniili nd( oeieisx~pose the pioî pesal on ,sexe!-al iîîîd inluding pittential hcalh. safctx and envii innîen ial issues. 'van\ fear liai i xill neg"aticiexa lîcut iheir r ci iiî xîîg xatei iu gai ulless iof xx ihthilex gei lieii xxatci frein a prixate xxell oiithe gîîîundica i ise lîlukT pal xx steni in C arlisle. Flini saîcl ihe nexx apli catien shenld bc tn caîcul sel) aratelx' frein the eriginal, hecanse "the regnlaiery enxireinieiît hax ne! stod still" silice 2004. Moeusîriligent regeila- tiens, sueli as Oiîtarie s Clean \ÀWater Acthase heeni passeul silice itie earliei flîng and,. as a resuli, tie niore receentî eueshould liesuibjec t te îheîîî lie arguteu. Vh ilce aielictuaititi xxil bu 'cuîiîiig fet waiî as une irepot, .1 Bell said staff x iI looek it plaingutttB : i atîîux iiirl loii tîl îîaîix, Icle tii cxoli cxx ' citîf1 sauf Tiiiii il c uliti t son 'Iic Tu cui u \liciloinei t , 1Ilfit 11UT ,1 I u coiitiitiiiti o1) t 1i ticu Iiosliîxx e igagetiT besýiLcs exîîg îaî t l Ille \lîlîcîulî ii c pîlpmIoii 1)1 exc clua es ii Ile siteSi. M',,xsalsît plantixti ue soii ofl Ille landfic loiiitxblat nulý as xx cIl as forii etattîg a cetilix g erli cîîlva teti xhti ittiitx îff c taIs xix xxll i ititgite tîte gTixîlxtTa reporTt oiiithe tc \11s ted il the cICitîIat fc -cu xiltktetîîgiolx cliTh i lie \lîîîîxtrx xîf 1lie [ ix'itoniiiittîtMOfI-)t iati teusts ctiicu cc l atiîx hucatise daa liiI ilie intittiaf roîîud iii accu 'liabic x1 x iatix xliii îîg lthest lieritîcl c atiseulileie iittttxir Ioi Clutuxt1Iet lle 1ielialitix if Ille fiudltigs tests i lic xx li hicm tsu nIl Beilsaxxaitiîîg xxxîtcl11n tests, R(Iîneîiiers alsit expeu t Ioi heat nuire uetatîs ahbouti ptxisplix e 'C liail routtes inIi lle xxeekx alieacl Fltit saud St. lrx xxxtti Icleixet at transpxittai titi ruepîortteIo Illie cix In Noeciix hebuit lias xiet Iixli ,o.ixii i li e CýsmittuxxtIli iexeCiIleul sîoti.i MI[ON à ~ià ~ ~ j Tuesday, January 2Oth, 2009 lOam - l2noon 409 Main St. E., Milton (Play it Again Sports) y~201b box of Florida LSeedless Naval Oranges gOR Ruby Red Grapefruit $ 22300pe rbox J events go to tlutvo a ws Ir'INDIAN RIVER DIRECTlm Thm e naia hampioWe ay s!ry1,209-A 1...... "..' - MEiMBEiRSE141~ LL~

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