The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, January 14, 2009 RE-6 F~IIAW ~ ~ r ?\ I Meadowtowne Realty, Brokorrage Independorntly Owned and Oporated Î~Yv1\ ri 9 D) Vjs)iJ- i 05-878-8101 MILTON Prime desired area of Mlton. Close f0 sohools, shopping, arena and sports fields. Pride of ownership in the 4 bedroom home on quiet crescent hacking on to open field of an Elementary School. Lovely garden with pond and beautiful finished basement. Karen Cumby Sain Rp. mo-878-8101 /V i ork lird hact o! 3 199(N) ou 3 al 'rire rn des. ,lr neighourlood clrrse 'r a ejels r! chol pi tpprlg aid transit OltT hormeier xrelr üpgraded re de and out Jçgraou rtc ,tdP Pinrted O0eurent neeer Ktuten, Prnrrcep &C Wr dm00 Ro, r eror ard EPeeror druirs Po , l ner ad trore Pr cosura!, rrdscaped ,ard h covererl dckeacn c ad rt tootru' prr rd pour and stlr otsof I tortu re kd' lo pr. "h" c t' r Ceo selr CaiiKaren oday bef re it oo ate. - '17 Brakor doigowden@ RURAL ESTATE Large 4 bedroom home in Brookevîlle estates. This home is over 2800 sq/ff and features a main floor famîly room plus office. This home sts on a 1&M1/ acre lot on a quiet court. Located min- utes north 0f Hwy 401. $599,000. Located in the heurt of the character area os Robert St. thîs spectacular new home features dark walsut fluors, gourmet custum ktcheni, master bedroum hult in, luurîsus master ensuite with marble tile and double vnities, ssarîng 1t' cielîngo, 3 plus 2 bedroumo, 3 full bathrsoms, spen flame fireplace, fully fînshed basement -Oh my gssh fhere are jst tos many features f0 lt- this is a MUST SEEIi $825000 (price dos fot include GST). For more ino or ta book an appointment please Cai Mirella 905-878-8101 *Sales Representative 0'tBroker POOL SIZE LOT IN TIMBERLEA Toto 5'mrenoe rend ead to oe. stated on a orl te r r' iLoaedurrtmarure frrrerlea, OOtktd dista cue oru ools r pusshopprng an0 trarrit Sue'r s i xra ln rivay, fihetr base-u rrrdrntflerdrudOO loorrtQ Cout al virualitours ai wwwmyvisuahomes.comadianonis datag e Ft inoi Otenstere dtroor OrtOsoaker and tep ushOroed rre t nd roor rrlo ete eor rumore orme. de our e rte e"r ermrdorsrm V isi ui itue ours ai WITH A PORCH TO ROCK ON! rrorooiu fý Bclha oroar laorrororrsi ,, ATTRACTIVE TOWNHOME $318,000 t perudro tîeope ose cr, O on odWl 0k ib k rer andctpg00000 roclouoni urte ess , tetc deo r er re rtappt er rae ,crrrt eM't 01 lor r o osparkut 00 ndru prr p, tre Foividvuai tourfoidrrni 0a10t1475 CALL US TODAY AND WE WILL SHOW YOU HOW WE CAN HELP YOU GET 878.810 ROYAL LEPAGE [OALPAGE 878-8101 878-3M3 ROYAL LEPAGE ROYAL LEPAGE --mufo i l 1 l'ýT77% ---î 771