Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Jan 2009, p. 7

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We remembered our seniors flFÊP ':NTr()P ! i i,.11 ! ý , - !' The Canadian Champion, Frday January 9, 2009--À7 Farmer fined $3 for damnage cow, rhi;rI«o-w rlijdtr)n n rilho' ir'ç ru;ýrdpn \\C Il' 11 il S S tlt i Say tbank YOU ta everyone wbo participaîed in our loorîb anno- ai Be a Santa to a Senior cvent for seniors in Haton. We man- aged to provide 1,500 seniors witb gtfts this Christmas. i bat hnings us to a four-year totat of almost 5,000 gifts. t would i lrst ttke to exienci a special tbank-you to OPP (..omnissioner Jutian Lantîno lot bis support. He lias now' spoken on bhaîf of our pro- gram across the GTA for two years. ts an honour to bave someane of bis stature support our efforts to recognîze our Sen- tors' communiîy, and we hope to continue tins retationshtp lot many years to cornse. Tbanks to att ihe stores thai provded trees for our wisbes, inciuding Wai-Mart in Miltion, Oakvie and Burington, Zetters at Miton Mati, t-opedate Mailt in Cakviutc and Bcrtîngton 'cai I Iatks i silcts t1 Glenn Engish of A c oUifîr Mite and tbe staff at SG Hait Destgn tn Miton lot havîng trees as wett. A spectalthtank-you niust go to ShelvVartev at Roaai tePage Meadowtowne Realtt Miton and Nancy Harrson at Royal LePage Meadowtowne Reattv Georgetown, as wett as trancie Bujna at the Royal LePage office in Glen Abbey Wth the help of their agents, these tbree loca- tions cottcctvel\y managed to tengtb soisse Icoîste Weill'S a senior woul basve whiaî thes asked lotrctnderthe ib u. This s car t bad a s oung girl named Metanie Nikotevskt cati to lcet se knosv ibe wîsh of a senior was tocked n the Dîsnes vauit, sa it was unavailabte to the public. indeteried sbec e issattec the people at Disnes andi exptained hosv important it was to have ibis gi, and svîîhin a few davs Dîsney had openiecitbe vauît andj sent a copy' of tbe inovte to Metanie to lutîtît ber senuor's wtsh. Wsvcwoutct also ltkc (o acknioss ecge 'Shelcion \Vollsoîs col the VVîttosvFotincation ntI Rose Woocds of t-laton Supportive iouing for theit support of- the prograîtss Il not for them, thîs fundraiser 'souldi n't have been possible. We inusî also sas a heartIeIt thank uicî to (at ols ino ,Shanînoîn'atactii o Slorza. (Carol 1en(lc,L;tatine Matatovich, tphanic Schoutois. (reg Ecilistonl Mitanda Heersink, Nancy Gttcrest. licathet -Dais, loctv Carke and Kariia Matilî lot taktng utile to cîîttecît Cbrîstas wsîses roni att ocir seiiît s Thank \,ocu tiilima GildesandI ail lw ladies i roîn ithe courîhiose sho lhetped ii transter ailtte ibes (soî'the paper ornairinots to bc lstîtg on \es atisfloi diheut cittiniie(l 'sup- port, as weti as ni Mais\'Van Dijk lot bier i ocrte r ncipiion s, tti Dît kv Deuimr lori bei tîse b,înid-ko'itieci gîlts andt t Gwenl [-îîrtcs ftutlber idonation iif ait tise stcîîled toys. t hanks tii the Mitoiîn Winterhawks AA isc"ectraits foîr its suppot t nc sveeckcnil ai tihe Mitocn 'ua-Mati secîi îîsg shiippcrs antd nsikng t-ets assare cil tint uer t tank vcîu tii ail tht' soitn- icet s w ho atecrd ur ssrap- ping pai isouts Decenîhe-r 7,as sseii as tît iii raise [)anna, t esîte 'utsvin, (atbx,raih anti rc ifor thirr iis h ig suppt. Itls so nîce toi sc ltail tar laces caris s ri Vtaîks iii the ( aîaciiau chamtopioîn, tîtplîiitgnîui lui5ansd (okil le I3(eînicor iheti cas et age of tise Iciscraiser. t1hese sti- ties ietiscil hrîîsg attenstionti i taiks iii Ise t1iltîilris îîsîîîîtt is for i u clpi n aiid genitiIîî l3cca,cofiis\otu, A icriable Ioi brîîsg s asnd'. uic rs iii as tc i,500 Semoiîts ai ( hiistiss,îs t bts, kniîw ih,îitises lis,sseisi t-cris lirgiîitcis. illinitCht.istmnas. TOM CHUCHMACH AND SCOTT JOHNSON, ORGANIZERS BE A SANTA TO A SENIOR $-million glass indeed ridiculous DEAR EDITOR: ,itc al(Ioicilise %voi ii5cl. tises111uic us ,iii\is 1 hase to agree vitîh ,ndrew Ancdiis iis ,\stiss ai a trnse s rsait isas oipcîpIisi December 31 ltter ta the edîttîr, 'St-îssittiiin glass lîîsiîsg their iis cuic t as îîls ron psliutsicitsti lot Miltoiasîew lcis'is Haltabstîluteix nidtculi.is: tiscitIse lîke. i dcîîst ,sc-Iisosc' iiso,\ ucoissuu t rani betieve thaitsaur inavcît and towîs cîsuis loris sxiii bc geîîîîsg a pas cuii cllots werc witing ta speîsd $1 mîitios cn a glass JANET CHRISTENSE watt fuît an atrcadv os'ersîzed Towns Hait. i bris ta MILTC Face of Milton morphs into Mississauga from WHERE on page A6 Geograpisic taikeci ai havingrac bcd peak titi pro- ductiois, urhanîsts rejoîced, as tises tsvîsitutccl a future nsuch tîke aur pre-car past. Now? its wins ter, its cold outstde, gas is cheaper and the Regîttî EN svcîks on cxpanctîîg îegîîîîai iciads sitis tsvîî laîse lefi turîissta hleusgetliîîr,îs tc tise lisaresi Wii Mari. Andt he lace, ilîsît tue spiritiof Mitoittsîscrpiss intîl Mssissauga iisexcitabtv. niatiumn exitacied Jiisti past tssues aJ tlie Champion and attier publications in order ici pros de a n indow inia Multons pasî. Exptcnsatorv comment is sometimes provideci to place the situa- tion in coniext. Juty 1912 tnteresîing points of law came ont in a smatt case from fTrafalgar at tast t-ridays sittings of Division Court bere. The ptaîntîff ctaîmed $8 for damages atteged ta bave heen donc in bis garden by the defendanîs cow and chiekens. fThe detendant argued that there svas no iaw lorbidding bim ta let bis cow and chickens mun an the higbway and tbat the piaintilis fence was fautty Judge Gorbam said thar it did not matier wbetber there was a fence or not, that evidence having heen gisen as ta the damage and defendant not denying that bis stock had been on piaintifis praper- ty, piaintîi rnmust recover. [he judg- ment was $3 damages, $2 for that doclu t-s tht t us mci;S1tforiltdcone t-h -c% sluc t-susandicis About 400 excurstantsts, chul cren, parents and fniends cil Eucltd Avenue Meîbadîst Cburcb S.S. oI [aronto spent Saiurday at Ltvingstcîn Park. They bad their own î'efresb- tuent booths whîch dîd a buge busi- ness in tee creani etc, wbite a pho- togiapher ssas kept busy takîng por- traits. [bey had a prcogramme cof sparts andi games. One ot' the man- agers of the excursion exptessedi himself as gî'eattv pieased wîtb ihe park. Its spientlid shady' trees, abun- dant suppis af gooct sprîng waîer and ather advantages, particutarly the haating. which was ltee tram danger, tlic pond heîng sbattcîs except in a few places. Beîween 600 and 700 peapte went ta Grimrsbv Park on'Tuesday an the union excursion af the Miton Metbodîst, Preshyterian and Grace Cburcb Sunday Sehools. (.PR. trains bave heen runnîng on the new branch hetween Guelph Jurnction and tiamton since the frsi of tbe month. There are severat trains scbedttted eaeh way and trne Milton ime Capsuleso tables are posted in stations, though not yet distnibuted in the shape of foiders. la st Thursday morning, after two barrets of oit had been putnped out of the second fiote at the original Brandon weti the flow stapped, the pump having been clogged by, it was said, parafine. A quantity af sait and water was put in and the resuit was ine and one-third barrels in the aftemnoon. However, the weil has flot yet been pumped out and its capacity is not known. On Tuesday; at a depth of a hlte over 600 feet. a heavy flog of gas was stntck in the red medmnia in the second well, a htale to the south i(tl i i i s lI li,, s on i i tindication. [hougt- suet-good progress has been made in this well, the last to be drtlted, it bas been slow in thai on the Scott farmn. The cause was a large body of gravet, which was bard to penetrate, and which often broke loose and fell into the bole, sîopping the dril. The depîb of the bote îs ont\ a itte over 100 teet, but the drili bas got through thc gravet and is nîaking good trne. In the well on the Milton Pressed Bnick Cos properry a depth of about 1,500 feet bas heen reached. but so far, there ts no oit. Brampton and Milton tawn tennis clubs plaved a match in Vtctorta Park bere on Saturday afiernoon. The visi- tors and thetr friends. who came tn autos. were entertained at tea on the iawn b-v the Miltomians. The visîtors won 9 of 14 events. Miton plavers named are: Miss L. Campbell, Miss H. Panton, Mtss Bowes, Miss Hl. Taylor, Men: McCanneli, Panton, Campbell, Pearceyv Thiis niateriat is assembtcd on betialf of Hic Miltait Historicat Society fsjimm Dills, who can be teactird îtuough dte soc icty ai (905) 875-4156. At~ie~MiItn MeaIs OnWhOOIS ISRINM RSPRAE EE AAI~ FOR VOLUNTEERS a Y.u Spare An Hour Or Two A Few Days A Week? Cail 905-878-6699 *iltounels@gmailcom

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