B10 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 9, 2009 r rt r ( / il PV r _________________ flEm uflhlE cliN Ni DoennnrManchîsi, Brorer DemenceoomenîoManchîsî cern Jeele Manciisi, Sales Rep.: Jody@DomenicManchiSi.com SPrudential Town centre Retre mc. BEAUTIFUL SEMI LOCATED N CENTRAL MILTON Ktcb mdarischerrycabinets, bis bar b ceramc irs, Lis rrn c hrdwd Muaster cii cose, & 4pc ensuite. New paint TO neutral decor & upgraded lgnt ix- tres Large wrap porch, close to scrools leisare cenre b shopping. CRANFORD 905-878-7777 ~vM REAL ESTATS' n '~ Corne and take Penman __ ______ Sales Rep. go-878-8l Ol SpariousoSomi located le Toast of Milton'. Exceptioflal value for DietLn alnist 2000 square feei Troogle op in great roomon 01toose s Diect ise old nights i ront of freplare or ot gatTeringo in the large 4167297591 iTefsîceo -eatl uraisstairs svalk is lcloset large master t' nchellepenmafl@ bec! andensuite, ipTlancet TirOitrs and muret Amusut se and royallepage.Ca a deal yod don t sant 10 pass on' $315000, 3% tor S.1B lrrm deal before teb 9, 2009! 1 aingyu rmi I I *I OME POSSINASAPI $359900 latiirîe B,i Tril r, t h d 1),tmllSnilltl 'r ii<, Mataini huss lititr itst titît lirdw lt id r>lit tr i l g u p titS l r hv rm i:3 its,lh iiiitid rc trî.tii 51Iin. i t nti trinigrigr iehi t tis. cetrail iiritrirtliltro rh n lî, ii a . r o niiid pitnlih i ak otriîil irrr ti i 'i tti, i t rttl t itgrrrrripac CENTURY 21 MILLER REAL ESTATE LTt iiRoEiRARh, HEATHER HISEY, SALES REP, (905) 845-9180 William Magili Broker 246 Malick St., Great Com- menity of Detached Bungalows. This home featores hardwood throughoat the main level, fenced yard wth heatîtu concrete patio, basement is partially finshed wth an extra bedroom and 3-pce bathroom. Loto of upgrades, shows extreme- y weII and tsted at only $349000. R F/1 W Reaty Specialists luc. Brokerage m/mA mmiLy »EsN~Ts IKURoIHG 905-456-3232 B*R*A*N*D S*P*A*N*KIN*c N*E*W ft nD ' - ':" ad- 1'ý-dfl 54t2e 'C" RqoMIo1 When you visualize a home improvement project, it does- n't have to mean tearing dlown wvalls and erecting a new structure in their wake. often, the most subtie touches, like a new paint colour or a few well placed knick-knacks can add that certain pizazz you're looking for. New fabrics, paint styles and innovative proj- ects can ail give your home a fresh look. And BONUS!R Real Estate Ads i f you teel like adding a newv room or re- roofing the entire bouse - go fôr it! r lýIKI, A MOI)EI.1 tomE! 1000. Look nu further th n îhis A brick il)dr detalid home bv e (Greenpark »ucru lo plan, and ltots of tlgrades iîcluding hiardwood floors, a gas firefflace, and an eat-iti kitchen. As a ftirther bheis, this prolerty has a 1)tt(l sicd loi,. unc uf lte larger lots in the area. 'lu \ie\w this home. caîl Pat for ail appointlment. Open House Sat& Sun, 2-4pm 1311 WELLER CROSSINO IMilton Icanadiani EPC H champion To advertise in ibis fuature please cail DIANE ext. 212 ai 905-878-2341 emaul: dianew@miltoncanadialchalPiCOflCGf i