The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 9, 2009 - A21 Obitary Obituary Obituary - M argaret Jeannie Everett (nee Moggach) Jan. lOth, 1918 - Jan. 4th, 2009 On January lOfh 1918 at Tntero, Lincoln C nty Ontario, Bertram and Florence Moggach were blessed wth tbe brtb of a > prematare baby. Bathed in olive oil and swad- i dled in cotton battîng, what the fîny girl lacled in size h maeu for in spirit. learnîng to bon prîmed Jean for an eventful and productive lfe. Hard working, tenacious and prncipled the f ifty year renîdenf of Burington's No. 2 Sîde Road was a lif e-long member of The Women s Insfîfute and a consistenf communîty adeocafe. Saddled wtb a young family and the death of ber husband Scofty, Jean shou ldered fhe task of running the famîly dairy farm and wîfb the help of neighboîîrs, friends and famîly fook the herd f0 new beîgts of prodauctivîty As the farm prospered, Jean undertook a series of worldwîd e agrîcultural sfudy tours. Opon her returo would ohare ber bundredo of photographs and personal observations wth ail who were nferested. Tea wîfh Mrs. Everett or 'Aunt Jean' mas v gîveo tf you darkeoed ber door. The blessîngs ad support h ii hm i' f rnî î, n. n lf ii ' jor, paîd trward in eet. Jeani mi 100 or tini[ly andCi i o1 ber greatest blessîng, Wbat would yoa do wthout Chîldren? and advocated for a full and active lfe 'Don't wat for your old age f0 do the tIm s thaf nferest you. Jean was predeceased by ber husband E dar IScottyl, ber daugter Jo yod ber brothers Fred, Bcd yod an. Jean is survîved by ber cbldrerî Bob, Cindy and Bil, and daughters-in-aw Laurel and Elaîne, ber sîsters Audrey and Barbara yod brother Robert, thrteen grand- chldrerî and six greaf grandcbîldrîrn. Jean dîd ber best to huve her Chrstian prîncîples and as undoubtedly l Ibtis world a beffer place. Jean bas requested cremation and that no officiai service be observed for ber but please take some ime and cal or vst someone dear 10 you. We are bessed to bave bad Jean Everett in our unves. DOMINIQUE, Austyn Austyn Lyam Avelar Dominque will be greatly missed and always loued by is parents Stephen and Sonia and brsther Jayden Bradley. He will neyer be torgot- ten by hisg randparents Manuel and Gorettie Av ela r as well as Alison Dosminique, his uncîns and etended tamily and frends wbs have been there for us. We want to evpress sur thanks f5 the staff at Credit Valley Hospifal for their kndness and support at tis mout dîfficuif time in sur huves. The Funeral Mass was celebrated at Holy Rosary Catholic Church un Tuesday, January6, 2009 and the burial followed at MiIon Evergreen Cemeler Letters of condo- lence may b e leý for th e tamily at www.mckersie-kocherca Boy? or Girl f eC your fainily &riend5 with Wirh Annirounere.intS JOHNSEN, Sylvia At the Mlton District Hospital oui Wednesday, January 7, 2009. Sylvia Jonsens, beloved mite ofthto late Rsbert Johosen. Lovng mother ot Debsrah, Gail, Gordon and Dana. Sylvia will be missed by ber 5 grandchildreo. Dear sister ot Linda, Margaret Arlene arnd Gary. Family and friendu are iovited fo vsît at the M cK[RSIL KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main St. Milon 905878-4452 from 1:O0 pm to 2:00 pro on Safurday, January 10. 2009. The funeral service wilI follow in the chapel on Saturday at 2:00 pm. Letters of condolence may be lefI for the family at wwwm mckersie-kocherca Mi, '.Onai. Foundation LJT ?X5 toplc y u MORLEY, Robert John (Bob) Passed auaay peacetully on January 5, 2009 in is 941h year at is place of resîdence Bilîngs Court Manor ini Burlîngton Ontario. A former resîdent ot Mlton Ontario and retiree oftP.L. Robertson mas prednceased by parents Frank and Elia Morley, and wite Helen, brotbers Allen, James, Harvey, George and Frankie, sisters Bernice Baker, and Mary Huddlesfon. Bob wîli be sadly mssed by James Keller, sons Robert (Becerly), George, and daughter Susan Stuif (Miton), grand cbidren and great grand cbidren. Special tbanko to grand daugbter Jodie Solda for aIl of ber iovng rare, The famîly woîîld aiso lîke to thank ail of tht attentive staff at Blîngo Court Manor tor their care and comtort. Cremation bas taken place and a memoriai service wîli be heid at Bllîngo a, 1 1.à au.nienemne i a aater dOvO at Mlton Evergreen Ctmetery. In lieu ot 1lower, donations ta Bîlliîngs Court 1Manor. somnt oie Mr cnIIu onPge2 BlsE R G S MAS paint&decor WHERE SERVICE NEVER GOES OUT 0F STYLE. PAINT & HOME ~ L DECORATI NG Sf U ti-M atte WVASHABLE FLAT $46* 9/379 lters $5711MSRP 10'. -Y Eçjgshell LATEX $463*3 /3.79 ltr $57-19 MSRP Semi-Gloss LATEX o e. $4639/3.79 (tiers $57991 MSRP Pearl LATEX $4 rD39 /379 iers $57991 MSRP C2 LOVO $4999/3.79 ltr $6211MSRP mi~t~ ~ SALE ND, anar 3 s,.00 "Looking atter your home interiors since 1985, corne see us in beautiful clown- ~Vtown Milton, we have over 100 years of combined experience." (HUPJTEIRDOUGLAS p-