A14- The Canadian Champion. Friday, January 9, 2009 Here's your opportunity to save lives. Blood Donor Clinie: Saturday, Jan. 10, 2009 9:OOam - 1:OOpm Thursday, Jan. 15, 2009 i :3Opm - 8:OOpm Milton Sports Centre 605 Santa Maria BIvd. ' ziiilL, 1- Ici1w M OE FREse' a-', ai. a ,.5lAai .~ a' i.,i'i c January 26 Town Council Meeting Please be advised that the Town of Milton wilI be holding the Monday, January 26, 2009 Council meeting at the Nassagaweya Community Centre, 11264 Guelph Line, Brookville (located on the corner of Guelph Line and Cameron Drive). The meeting wiII begin at the usual time of 730 p.m. For more information, vîsît vwww.r-niltorn.ca. New Homes Tae the gueaîing ou of choosang your new home finiahang features. Real Estate t'a trne tio protect youîaelf from faud wih titie Iouatante. Health & Beauty Whai are the non-srgical ways to deal wih wrkles n Motion Lokwoad Chrysier follows a famity egacy thai saried over 70 years ago. a' Lifestyle & Leisure Regardtesa of yaaî age chafingesadlengeya a chne andcaeneyogata Home & Garden Explore ail the r efacang tan offer SIn the Kitchen Muahroomn Pila Pockena make a freah and crunchy aaad hilling for a low fat sndwach. ýWWfflXff0PAR% - 14-. <LZï~iZi7 ~T~X ;:~ %~\ <~' Enter to Win Elegance Cookware Sets 1- istDiy V. co*, i n! PHOTO COUFITESY OF FRONT O HTT PO P 1<1 AT VOUR SERVICE: The choir- of Grace Anglican, Boston Presbyterian and St Paulrs Unîted churches, together wîith the Junior Choir anci Handbell Choir cf Graco church, recently presented a ser\nceocf lessons and cdroIs ira mernory of Bob Argali, founder cf the bell choir and longtime leader ici Miltons mîusic sceje. The service inluded about 100 musîcians and sîngers arad raisod rmnre har $2,000, wvhich wvas donated to Habitat for Humanîty at the request of the Argaîl famîly Here, accept- ing the proceeds on behaîf of Habitat for Humanity is Verne ONe i thîrd from leftl PFrom left, pro- sentirag the choques are Judy Hunter, Jam Hawkins, Kayo Hogg, Donna Parsons and Sue Anderson. e î Mother ij~j touched by support from GRATEFUL on page M4 lanadt 01r .C -od\![ i 9, !1 10liai li hallllai'. l.a" I i it rIr r a hInusaI alr 1.i-0 l it Iactl J i na 1 abat I l't t idt iit li ýc1'o1ti I îaîa c, c %\la 'ot lIkt' k\ta ,aa tai hlaîaîr 'haull lc'.tI, iiîî l o bci al ahin It iac (iaircarsei n ihi aituîa- tiao ,S '.t ',a(1. 10laî -kc an appaintiaaait lii hr hlaaaar clantr c unirc. alI I 888 2- IJONAI EF Rna '. 'dit cc i x,0i' Io\ c of ainoar,att lau oarc'ialali inalila ,thati aaniflace hain 100,11 '11at- Meeting set for Jan. 19 -f rom HAVE on page A5 oiflt iaexpanri 'c.ereAn additioan- ai twt-a ma-re cani'.h.av' e cto pra posed fotr 2010.,i .rthît taithe rer- tmnnredataan'.of aic oet-nga.-ing nran- lt-ai007, ahaout 37 per cent oif Miltoan Transit rader', transferred ira GO Transit traintra' ba u'.es. A pa-a' senger with a GO tcket tor pass oly 'ba'. tai ç-aan art o nal -50 cents ta-artde a-a-aMalt-a-abus'es. Ail lave Malta-a-aburour-te'. wtt-d il-aiorgh neaghbhoh-aar- anal anrîrasartal area'. and al 0.'..b'.the (Gi-' SitataaonMaitn 'aitcea, ra .her that catitng a-il a ga rl ba'.erl '.'-'.en '.vth buise'. rtttottnig .oang tht' '.aaoac rrîarl rantantaîti'.l'. 'Thedrrp -a ipubliac i-alrîaoaîa- centre wtll he helai at the Milton Sea-aor"Act'.aty Centre, 500 Chalais Dr., Motoaa',Jan. l19 Ira-na 4 ta-a8 p.n-. Fa-r maire infaormoatiaan, vsst www aoaaton.ca. Tim Fortini cta bc ea eaai alai tfot an@meiltonc anadiaîna hampitacaým.