The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, January 7, 2009 RE-11 New Year's resolutions HplIn rprli irp vi ir'mJ,çtp' ;ýnd ronsprvip 'pInerrv' in 2009 [lsycar, l'Il exercisc more andi quit 3. Siim down yu wast uI11 stpioking. We've ail made many New Year's its casier tha tn h tmny Fi Mor inom to (an bc lon onin I t \v\ w.cI uh niec resolutions that we end up breaking around Recycling Courtclo narosg t brng wwt Lt ir l re lylr d . \a (ci Cnada noon on New Year's Day Ambitious resolu- ing your own iesbesopigbgl h lions may have thc besi intentions, but snmall store. Anti wbie paki n ack, d -i changes are more likely t0 stick. packaging and platcwa eonn ut That's why some of Canada's leading overs in the tandfl w th hsbecnanr o t n o k e home tare brands ltke Bounty, Cascade, Cboosîng ptî duct wit PeIe paka Write your own fortunes and place them in cookies. Great for parties. Charmin, Downy, Duraceil and Tide treated ing tan also shed pounds fon urwse Future Friendly, a program îo help Conccntrated launtlry protlucts oilten use INGREDIENTS Canadians reduc .e waste, packaging anti less mnatertal in the packaging. 1 egg white energy consumption. They've teamcd with Finallv, holidlay cntcrtatntng olien means Canadian Energy Effictency Alliance, wîning and dtffng. Leftover winc tanl hc 1/8 teaspoon vanila extac canuhome and the Recycling Council of frozen mbt ite cubes and savcd for your nc\t 1 pinch sait 1*è. Ontar-io îo provide some New 'Yar's resolu-14cpubece oeo tiorns that won't requtre an trou wll 1/4 cup white sugar 1. Down wuth drafts Snow doesn't mean it's too laie to weath- DIRECTIONS er-strip the homecstead. The Canaclian 1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Butter a Energy Effiticncv Alliance says catdking cookie sheet. WVrite fortunes on strips of cracks, insulating' windows and cuber steps paper about 4 ittehes long and 1/2 inch to ensure youîr horne is as aititîh as possible ~'wide. Generously grease 2 cookie sheets. wîll keep you warn thiis wtnter, . Mix the egg white and vanilla until foamy WJO but not stiff. Sift the flour, sait, and sugar 20 ý1 2. Appliances cai be leai, greenm and blend into the egg white mixture. Machîines 3, Plate teaspooinfu-ls of the hatter at least 4 renter wvill remaîn pale. While one sheet cnergý consuitpionisn thic lauttstli îoorn cncokie sheet Tilt tlhe slt ' et tu 0,-thl itou -'vo 'ronu jo and quîrkly inovc cari be as sinsple as t olcI watcr wasbtng. batter into round shapes about 3 inthes cookie wîth a wide spatula and place \Vsbittg in tolcîsater go-ecs soit grcat in diameter. Be careful to make batter as upside clown on a wooden board. Quickly cleaing an wahin in oldvacr ieli-,round and even as possible. Do not make plate tine fortune on the cookie, close to yousae ecry.ton many, because the cookie have to be the mniddle and fold the cookue in haif In he itceneniur th Llsli.\-slii- lreally hot to form themi and once they Plate the folded edge across the rîm of a fullbefre unnio i. Mlivcool it s toni late. Start with 2 or 3 to a measurinq eîip andi pull the poînted Itî bfrtttntgt é nv- ssasst sheet and see howv many you tan du. edges dlown, one on the inside of the cup ais bae a tnrgs5a lt~ ttlt515 t it4. Bake for 5 minutes or untîl cookie lias and one on the outsîde. Plate folded takec advantage f turned a golden (olor 112 inch wicde tookiet into the cups of a muffin tin or around the outer edge of the crcie. The egg carton to hoid thei shape ur t i fîrm. KATHERINE BARNETT BROKER ft~/PERFORMANCE REALTY INC BOEAG I At Year's kLII/W¶ E n d Iý oa ili'8 We would like to take Notintnde tobolcifhqersor ellrs urinty ufldcr -o11Ia wlI ani th~ier b att eiýe this opportuhîty 10 tharik ail of our reaciers for their coriiued suI.port and loyalty Diane Wolstenholme and i« the Canadian Champion p roduction team. ~HE Y * * Sd ~1Me(&aa~iin Qjjamtoî WIIm y ù~2009, ~ Realty Executives Plus Ltd. -~ k PLUS LTD. etokerage 905-693,9575